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This is an interesting project that is still largely flying under the radar, even though it was started back in 2018. With a sub $300 USD market cap and surprisingly low trading volume due to limited exchanges trading the coin it is not surprise it is not getting the needed attention it deserves. Ryo Currency (RYO) is another interesting attempt at a privacy oriented crypto currency with the project led by fireice_uk and psychocrypt, who are the developers of the xmr-stak mining software and the Cryptonight-Heavy algorithm, although the project currently relies on the first in industry floating point (FP32 math ops) mining algo Cryptonight-GPU. The main idea of the Cryptonight-GPU (CN-GPU) algorithm is to ensure fair GPU mining to all participants in the mining process, regardless if they use AMD or Nvidia GPUs.

Originally most CryptoNight-based algorithms are favoring AMD GPUs and manage to perform better on lower-end AMD GPUs than on higher-end Nvidia GPUs thus not crating the equality needed for fair mining. The Cryptonight-GPU algorithm however manages to offer pretty good equality for both AMD and Nvidia lineups of GPUs, scaling performance from low-end to high-end GPUs regardless if they are AMD or Nvidia ones. This means that if you have a AMD Radeon RX 580 it will not be twice as fast as an Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti as in some CN-based algorithms, instead the Nvidia GPU will be more than twice faster as it is a higher-end product than the specific AMD card. This means that you might actually be interested in mining RYO not only with AMD GPUs, but with Nvidia as well and the higher-end the GPU is, the better performance you will be getting. The crypto exchanges that support RYO currently are Trade Ogre and Crex.

It is interesting to note that RYO’s block reward changes every 6-months according to a specific scheme and it is still growing, expecting to reach its peak near the end of this year (mid-November) and then it will start dropping down steadily. The current block reward for RYO is 56.28 coins per block and it will max out at 65.07 RYO for two 6-month cycles before starting to go down again every 6 months. RYO and Cryptonight-GPU can be mined with XMR-Stak, XMRig and SRBMiner – the most popular AMD CryptoNight miners as well as with CryptoDredge for Nvidia GPUs for best performance. There are number of mining pools available with MinerRocks being the largest one at the moment in terms of hashrate.

If you are interested in more details about the Ryo Currency (RYO) crypto project…

Team Red Miner is a performance optimized cryptocurrency miner for AMD GPUs with support for lyra2rev3, lyra2z, phi2, CryptoNight v8 (CNv2) and CryptoNight R (CNv4) available for both Windows and Linux operating systems. The miner is in beta and is constantly in development, it is a closed source miner with the following developer fees: Cryptonight v8 – 2.5%, Cryptonight R – 2.5%, Lyra2rev3 – 2.5%, Lyra2z – 3%, Phi2 – 3%. Our tests of the latest release with CryptoNight R support for mining Monero (XMR) after the recent fork are showing that the performance we get on AMD RX 580 8GB is pretty much the same as on other popular miners for AMD like the latest XMR-Stak or SRBminer, though the dev fee on the Team Red Miner is a bit higher.

To download and try the latest Team Red Miner 0.4.1 with CryptoNight R support…

With Monero (XMR) forking in a day to te new CNv4 (CryptoNight R) algorithm there are more GPU miners getting ready and supporting the new algorithm and the latest XMR-Stak is no exception. It might not be the first to support CryptoNight R as SRBMiner has been available for a while for AMD with CNv4 support. XMR-Stak 2.10.0 however does offer support not only for AMD GPUs, but also for Nvidia and even CPU miners, so it is your universal CryptoNight R miner. Performance wise in our initial tests XMR-Stak is just slightly faster in terms of hashrate compared to the latest SRBMiner 1.8.0, but the advantage is neglectable and the difference with the default developer fee eats away the additional hashrate you get.

Of course it also supports number of other CryptoNight variants including the new cryptonight_v8_reversewaltz used by Graft with their recent fork and pretty much any other more popular CN variant out there as well. Do note however that the official binary release comes with a 2% development fee, you can compile the miner yourself from source (it is open source) with different or even no developer fee however should you decide to.

To download the latest XMR-Stak 2.10.0 with CryptoNight R support for CPU, AMD and Nvidia…
