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VerusCoin (VRSC) is an interesting project that has been available for a while already, but has more recently been generating attention among miners this year thanks to its ability to efficiently mine it with power efficient ARM-based devices such as smartphones and microcomputers. The focus of this article is how to set up VerusCoin (VRSC) mining on an Orange Pi 5 device (similar to Raspberry Pi, but more powerful) thanks to the use of a Rockchip RK3588S 8-core 64-bit processor that is capable of quite decent performance with a low power usage, making it one of the best options for efficiently mining VRSC or other similar crypto coins. We are going to be doing a separate guide on how to mine VRSC on an Android-based mobile device, so stay tuned for that as well… You can now also read how to Easily Start Mining VerusCoin (VRSC) With an Android-Based Smartphone.

So, what do we need to get started? Obviously, we first need to acquire an Orange Pi 5 board, a 5V USB-C power adapter capable of at least 10 Watts (2 Amps), along with an additional cooling as the CPU gets hot while mining as you should already know, then we also need a 16GB/32GB micro-SD flash card with a card reader. Do note that we don’t need the more complex, feature rich and expensive Orange Pi 5 Plus variant for mining or the 5B wit WiFi module, nor do we need more than the cheapest 4GB RAM version of the Orange Pi 5 board (it is available with up to 32 GB RAM). The official white power adapter capable of 5V 4A is fine for the purposes we are going to use the device, so you can get that one or skip the extra cost if you already have a 5V capable of 2A or more USB-C power adapter sitting unused. As for cooling, there are a number of options available, though the GeeekPi Orange Pi 5/5B Cooling Fan with Heatsink does seem to be a popular solution for active cooling that does the job well, even though it could’ve been made even better and more efficient. You would also need an ethernet cable to connect the Orange Pi 5 to a router or a switch for Internet connectivity, since we are not using the more expensive 5B versions that has an extra WiFi adapter, although you might want to go for that one and ditch the cables as well and go the wireless way.

Summary of what we need:
Orange Pi 5 4GB with Rockchip RK3588S @ $79.99 USD
Orange Pi 5 4GB with Rockchip RK3588S + PSU @ $89.99 USD
GeeekPi Orange Pi 5/5B Cooling Fan with Heatsink @ $17.99 USD
SanDisk 32GB Ultra MicroSDHC UHS-I Memory Card with Adapter @ $9.95 USD

After we have all the available hardware for our mining setup we need to prepare the software, the first thing is to download the latest Ubuntu Server image for the Orange Pi 5 board we are using, you can do so from the official Oange Pi 5 Ubuntu repository here, make sure you download the Orangepi5b_1.0.2_ubuntu_jammy_server_linux5.10.110.7z image from there as we don’t really need to use the desktop versions for our mining purposes. The image is archived with 7-Zip (7z), so you need to decompress it first and extract the Orangepi5b_1.0.2_ubuntu_jammy_server_linux5.10.110.img file from the archive that you will then proceed to write on the micro-SD flash card. There are a number of tools available for writing image files to flash cards, but one of the easiest and straightforward ones we like is the Balena Etcher, you can go for the portable version that does not need to be installed first and can directly be run and go to flash the Ubuntu IMG file on the micro-SD flash card.

While the image is being written on the SD flash card you can proceed and install the GeeekPi Orange Pi 5/5B Cooling Fan with Heatsink on the Orange Pi 5 board, it is a straightforward and easy to do so, even though the manual you get with the cooler can be a not so user friendly. There is quite a bit of a gap between the CPU of the board and the cooler when you are assembling it and it is covered with the included thermal pad that ensures thermal transfer, though less space and good thermal paste would probably make for much better thermal conductivity resulting in further lowering the operating temperature while mining. That is something that needs some extra work, but it is not necessary for the normal mining operation of the Orange Pi 5 as even with the default setup of the cooler when you plug in the fan the operating temperature under load sits at around 65 degrees Celsius (it quickly hits 85 without the cooling) while the idle temperature we have measured after an hour of being plugged in was in the 40s. You need to be careful when plugging in the power pins of the cooling fan in the board’s header pins. You need to use the second and third pin on the side near the edge of the board closer to the flash card slot, the second pin is for the red (power) cable and the third is for the black (ground) cable. Connecting them right should result in the RGB lighted fans to start spinning (why the need for RGB here?) when you plug in the power cable and turn on the Orange Pi.

After you flash the Ubuntu server image on the micro-SD card, insert the card in the Orange Pi 5 slot, attach the cooler and fans, connect the Ethernet cable to your router or switch and the board you need to plug in the USB-C power adapter and everything should work just fine. Now you need to figure out what is the IP of the Orange Pi 5 in your local network as the device will utilize DHCP to get an IP address assigned automatically (unless you do not have active DHCP service in the local network). An easy way to see the IP address is to use an IP scanner and scan the IP range that your router uses (usually either 10.X.X.X or 192.168.X.X). We like the ease of use of the Angry IP Scanner especially the Legacy version that we’ve been using for ages, though feel free to use any IP scanner you like. Alternatively, you can also check if your router has a page reporting all the connected devices and their IPs, that could also work, the Orange Pi 5 should report itself with a hostname orangepi5b.lan. In our case the IP address of the Orange Pi 5 board we’ve had was as you can see from the screenshot above, you’ll need this address in the next step where you will actually connect to the Orange Pi 5 via SSH with the help of PuTTY or your favourite SSH client.

The default username of the Orange Pi 5 Ubuntu Server Linux distribution is root and the default password is orangepi, so you’ll be using these to login and you can change the user and or password should you wish to make things more secure etc. The next step you need to do is to install the VerusCoin (VRSC) miner that you will be running on the Orange Pi 5 and for that we are going to be using the optimized ARM version of ccminer from Oink70. What you need to run now over the SSH connection to your Orange Pi 5 board is the following command:

curl -o- -k | bash

It is an installation script that will update your Ubuntu Linux and make sure it has all the needed libraries installed for the miner to work and then also download the latest ccminer, so you would be able to start mining after this procedure is finished, it could take a bit to download and install everything, so be patient. If there are no error messages when the installation script finishes you are good to continue, if you encounter some errors you might want to restart (literally type restart) the Orange Pi 5 and then reconnect and run the installation script to finish properly with the updates this time.

The next step is to edit the configuration file where you will enter your pool address and wallet address, there are already default ones set in the config, so make sure you change them, so that the miner will mine to your own VRSC wallet. You can check to confirm everything is working properly in the statistics of the pool you choose when you finish setting up everything and actually start mining. To edit the configuration file first enter the folder where the miner has been setup using cd ccminer and then just type:

nano config.json

Make the changes for the pool address (url) and the wallet address (user), the default config has a main pool and a backup pool set, you can actually use these pools too, although we like to go for Luckpool, but you must change the wallet address to your own. After you finish changing hit Ctrl + X and confirm with Y that you want to write the changes. For easier editing you can alternatively use SCP connection with a software such as WinSCP for example that can make it easier to make changes, especially copy and pasting.

You can now do a test run with ./ccminer -c config.json in order to see that everything will be running just fine, before you configure the Orange Pi 5 to automatically start the miner on every start by taking advantage of the crontab functionality of Linux. If running the miner manually results in normal operation, then you can proceed to configuring crontab by running:

crontab -e

Then selecting 1 for the Nano text editor we’ve used in the previous step for the config file for the editing, go to the end of the file and type the following:

@reboot ~/ccminer/

Hit Ctrl + X and confirm with Y to save the changes you’ve made, then you can just type reboot to restart the Orange Pi 5 and when the device starts up again it will automatically run the ccminer and it will start mining VRSC. In order to check the current status of the miner you will need to login via SSH again and type screen -x CCminer to see the output of the miner, otherwise you will be presented with juts the normal command line after you login even though ccminer will still be running in the background.

What can you expect from the Orange Pi 5 mining VRSC in terms of hahsrate, well the latest ccminer does manage to provide you with around 6.6 MH/s to 6.7 MH/s hashrate with a power usage measured at the wall at 9W (using the official Orange Pi 5 white power adapter). Efficiency wise very good, especially when compared to what you can get from a desktop CPU that although might provide more hashrate will do so with significantly higher power usage compared to the Orange Pi 5. The hashrate and efficiency of the Orange Pi 5 mining VRSC is also generally better than what you’d normally get while using an Android-based smartphone to mine, though that could depend on a lot of factors.

In the end, a quick word about VRSC mining profitability on the Orange Pi 5. At the moment the price of VRSC is around $0.40 USD per coin and the current block reward is 6 coins and what you can expect to mine for a day with a single Orange Pi 5 device is around 0.08-0.1 VRSC at the moment. So, let us say you will be making around 4 US cents per day with something like half of that going for the electricity used as a rough estimate… it will take quite a while to even just pay off for the Orange Pi 5 itself. Profitability wise doesn’t make much sense to go for it at the moment, but if you like to play around and experiment with mining, then you are more than welcome to do so with Orange Pi 5 and VRSC mining. Just make sure not to blindly invest into a large-scale mining setups as the daily trading volume of VerusCoin is low and it might not be able to handle it very well and VRSC is already at over 89% of its total supply of coins. So, just be mindful of these things and do have a backup plan for what you can use an Orange Pi 5 for should you decide to stop mining VRSC, the good news is that this device actually has a lot of other possible uses aside from mining VRSC… unfortunately not a lot of viable alternatives in other things to mine with it besides VerusCoin though.

Goldshell’s new KD BOX II Kadena (KDA) ASIC miners are getting into the hands of more and more small and home miners and we’ve also picked up one (now also a WiFi version is available) and have decided to do a quick comparison between the KD BOX II and the older KD BOX PRO model. The older KD BOX PRO model was rated at 2.6 TH/s with 230 Watts of power usage or 0.088 W/GHs and the new KD BOX II is rated at 5 TH/s at 400 Watts of power usage or 0.08 W/GHs or with other words more powerful and just slightly more efficient (there is also a more efficient low-power mode with 3.5 TH/s at 260 Watts). The advantage of the new model is the higher hashrate in a slightly bigger size compared to the older model as you can see from the photo with just a tiny bit of power efficiency improvement. Interestingly enough Goldshell’s website does cite the same size of the case for both miners and contradicting numbers regarding their weight, well the new KD BOX II is clearly a bit larger and weights more. The noise level cited in the specifications is also the same, though the new model definitely is a bit noisier with just a few decibels (can vary greatly on conditions you use it at), but nevertheless still runs pretty silent and is fine for home use.

Just like with the previous model, the new KD BOX II does get pretty hot inside as the miner is designed to run silently, while keeping the operating temperatures of the ASIC chips inside pretty high, making the new devices great for use as home heaters as well with their 400W of power usage… especially if you pick a few. The new KD BOX II miner however does get hotter as expected both on the inside and the outside as you can see on the comparison thermal image with an average of about 10 degrees Celsius.

The increased power consumption to almost double the one of the previous model and adding a second 6-pin PCI-E power connector doesn’t help much in keeping the power cables much cooler. We are not too keen on the idea on pulling 200W or even more over a 6-pin PCI-E power cable even if it is a thicker good quality one (16 AWG), let alone using cheaper and lower quality 18AWG or even 20 AWG (this could be dangerous). So, good quality power cables can easily get to slightly over 40 degrees C on both the old and the new models…

The real issue with the new Goldshell KD BOX II Kadena ASIC miners however is not the fact that they are slightly larger, hotter and not very much more power efficient, after all their price per TH/s is lower than that of the previous gen when it came out. The real problem is that they are coming on the market at a time when the new generation of large scale powerful KDA ASIC miners are also getting deployed such as the Bitmain Antminer KA3 ASIC that does 166 TH/s with 3154 Watts of power usage… that is 4 times more power efficient compared to the KD BOX II and a lot more hashrate.

All this new hashrate coming from more efficient miners getting deployed on the KDA network is driving the amount of new mined Kadena coins with the small home miners down quite fast each new day (network difficulty is skyrocketing). So, unless we see a good increase in price of KDA, the purchase of a new Goldshell KD BOX II might be pretty pointless by the time you get the device actually delivered to you, thus you should think carefully if it is actually a good idea to go for these new miners. And going for the older KD BOX PRO or even the previous KD BOX miners might be an even worse idea at this point, even if they do give them to you for free.

We got a hold of a nice little golden iPollo V1 Mini Ethash/ETChash ASIC miner and decided to play around with it to see why so many people like these small home-oriented high-hashrate and low-power ASIC miners with support for the Ethash and ETChash algorithms. You might be able to score a good deal on used iPollo V1 Mini now that these devices are not that profitable like they were during the time when you could mine Ethereum (ETH) with them and they can still come in handy in the next bull run or meanwhile if you mine some Ethash or ETChash coins meanwhile. The nicest thing is that they are very compact, not that noisy in general and very power efficient compared to what a GPU mining rig would use to give you the same hashpower. And they do come with WiFi adapter built-in, so once you set them up they are easy to move around the house or apartment as you would only need to plug them in a power socket in order for them to start hashing, no need to use network cables, although you can still if you want to.

Now, let us start with a little clarification as iPollo does offer two sets of V1 ASIC miners, one is described as ETC Miners and have the word Classic in their product names. These are iPollo V1 Mini Classic (130 MH/s at 104W) and iPollo V1 Mini Classic Plus (280 MH/s at 270W) with both devices having a design memory of 3.75 GB out of which the available memory for use is 3.6 GB. This means that these devices can mine Ethash or ETChash coins that have up to a 3.6 GB DAG size. There is also the iPollo V1 Classic (1550 MH/s at 1240W) with the same memory limitation available, but that one is big and noisy and not very suitable for home mining anyway.

The other ETH Miner category is similar in terms of hashrate and power usage or more efficient, but these devices do come with more memory available. The design memory is 6.0 GB of which the available memory for DAGs is 5.8 GB, meaning that you can mine even Ethereum (ETH) forks such as ETHF or ETHW that have DAG size of over 5GB already. Ethereum of course is no longer available for mining since it has switched from PoW to PoS. But if you get the iPollo V1 Mini (300 MH/s at 240W), the model we are looking at and testing here, or the more efficient iPollo V1 Mini SE Plus (400 MH/s at 232W) or the smaller iPollo V1 Mini SE (200 MH/s at 116W) you should be safer on the longer term on what you would be able to mine many more Ethash or Etchash coins passing the 4GB DAG size in the near future. There is also the iPollo V1 (3600 MH/s at 3100W), but just like the similar Classic counterpart this one is big, noisy and quite expensive for the regular home miners anyway.

As you probably already guessed, after checking that the device works fine, we opened it up. The iPollo V1 Mini ASIC miner is quite compact and comes with an external 12V power supply with a maximum rating of 360W (2 lines rated at 180W each) with two 6-pin PCI-E power connectors coming out of this passive Huntkey PSU. You need to plug in the two 12V power lines into the miner that has a power usage of 240W and that should be fine for the wires and the miner. The 6-pin PCI-E power connectors are normally rated at 75W, but good quality ones are able to handle 100W or more usually. There could be problems however if you try to use a 6-pin PCI-E power connector for a 150W or more as it usually starts to overheat and burns up due to being significantly overloaded.

The power supply is quite good, although it gets hot when mining it is very efficient and provides stable power to the miner. The power usage we have measured with the stock power supply is around 50W for the miner while getting ready to mine and around 244W at the wall when mining begins. Connecting a 1000W Platinum rated Corsair power supply resulted in 249W of power usage while mining (4-5W more due to the extra 5V line power consumption the Corsair has).

Due to the compact size of the miner the manufacturer Nano Labs has decided that they could use two small 60mm size fans with high-rpm to provide the cooling for the miner. And while these fans do their job very well, at maximum RPM they are quite noisy (around 7000 rpm), though with the fan control and normal operation they go down to a sub 5000 rpm and the noise is much more acceptable. With the maximum speed of the two cooling fans you are going to be getting around 64 dBA noise level while with them running normally with the miner operating at around 50 degrees Celsius and the fans at around 4800 rpm the noise level measured is around 52 dBA and that is much more acceptable, though still not very silent. The two fans used are from a Chinese manufacturer called Ebonda and are rated at 0.8A at 12V. We are of course going to try and optimize the cooling and see if this miner can be made more silent, but that will follow in another post.

The cooler of the miner is a large aluminium copper block that seems like a server type heatsink, but does not seem to be a standard sized one… the mounting hole distance, the protruding copper block and not centred placement of the screws make it seem like a custom design. Would’ve been nice if you could just mount a good tower-based CPU cooler to make cooling easier and less noisy, but that would not be an easy task – certainly not as easy as juts replacing the heatsink and fans. The miner itself consists of two boards with a pin header connection between them. The bottom one is the control and power board and the top one is the hashing board with a single large ASIC chip. BTW after disassembling the miner with replaced thermal compound using Arctic MX4 thermal grease we’ve seen about 1 degree Celsius drop in the operating temperature of the miner.

The Nano Labs V66H ASIC single chip is apparently capable of 300 MH/s Ethash/ETChash hashrate with a power usage of around 200-ish Watts of power usage, no exact specs of the chips. These are easy to scale with big hashrate miners if you just increase the chip count. Though apparently efficiency could be further improved judging by the specs of the Mini SE and Mini SE Plus miners that provide even better power efficiency. Nano Labs’s iPollo Ethash/ETChash ASIC chips might not be the most power efficient in the bunch, but they do seem to perform quite competitively and the 6GB of memory is a plus as well. Not to mention that these miners do come with support for dual-mining with ZIL, so a little extra profit added by that as well, a profit that may allow the devices to successfully compete with higher hashrate products with lower power usage such as Jasminer X4.

The iPollo V1 Mini ASIC miner comes with a simple and easy to use web-based interface for monitoring and control of the device, there is also the iPolloTool software for Windows that allows for easier setting up and monitoring of multiple miners at once. The average reported hashrate we are seeing for the iPollo V1 Mini is around 300 MH/s with an operating temperature at around 50 degrees and fans at around 4800 rpm. At 244 Watts of power used and with 52 dBA noise. So, the claimed specifications are pretty much what you should expect to get in real usage.

The miner supports both ETChash and Ethash mining and dual-mining with ZIL as well. There is however a catch with the dual mining support, the latest dual-mining firmware is not yet available on the official firmware upgrade package yet, but you can download firmware version 0.76.96 from RabidMining. There does not seem to be support for Nicehash mining on the iPollo out of the box, although NiceHash just posted how to enable support for mining with iPollo. The 6GB memory onboard allows for a decent future-proof capability of the device (be careful with the 4GB models!). It takes about 4 minutes for the miner to get ready to mine ETC once you boot it up, so quite quick on that front compared to Jasminer X4 where you will need to wait about 20 minutes.

There is a user fan control option available with both manual and automatic modes available for the user to configure. And there is also a Wireless network setup in the web-interface that you need to use to connect your device to a WiFi network. The first time you run it needs to be connected with a network cable so that you can setup the Wifi, after that it will just connect to the wireless network you set it up to use automatically. There is unfortunately no control for operating frequency or voltage available, so no user options available for trying to optimize the device for better power efficiency or faster hashrate for example. The available logs in the web interface are not very usable as although there are three different logs available for you to monitor through the web interface neither one of them is the cgminer output for the actual mining process (the device uses a modified cgminer as mining software).

So, all in all, the iPollo V1 Mini Ethash/ETChash ASIC miner is a nice compact home miner for anyone interested, it works well, pretty versatile and performs as expected… there is of course more functionality to be desired, so room for further improvement. If you are looking to get one of these look for some sub $1000 USD deals.

For more about the iPollo V1 Series of Ethash/ETChash ASIC miners…
