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GPU miners currently mining Ethereum Classic (ETC) on AMD Radeon RX 470/480 and 570/580 GPUs under Windows might start getting a weird low performance on their first mining video card while other GPUS seem to be performing as usual. The reason for that is pretty simple even though we are still far from the 4GB DAG limit, with current ETC #337 DAG Epoch supposed to take 3.63 GB according to Claymore’s miner… the first GPU uses more video memory as it needs to display the operating system GUI, unlike the rest that are just mining. As a result when using Windows the first GPU takes something like 140-150 MB more video memory on top of the other ones that are just mining, so with that the actually used video memory gets closer to the 4GB limit and instead of 20-30 MH/s you might be getting just 1-2 MH/s for the first GPU and soon it might even stop working.

Normally the rest of the GPUs should take around 3745 MB video memory at the moment according to GPU-Z while the first one about 3890 MB/s and after a bit of mining that number may increase a bit apparently. 8GB RX GPUs do take up a little bit more video memory at the moment apparently, but for them it is not a problem at all, they have more than enough video memory for the moment. What you can do to resolve the problem if you do not with to switch to Linux mining? Well, if your CPU has a built-in GPU and the motherboard can properly use it along with 6-8 or more mining GPUs you can try enabling it and using it as a main video card for Windows and thus free more resources and extend the time you have available for mining Ethereum Classic problem-free. Switching to Lunix-based OS such as Hive OS for instance might also help extending the live of your ETC mining rig with 4GB AMD RX GPUs as Linux generally takes up less resources than Windows.

For the moment Ethereum Classic (ETC) is still leading over Ethereum (ETH) with about 10 DAG Epochs, so the same problem will appear for 4GB mining GPUs that are mining ETH pretty soon as well. For now reduced performance for the first GPU only, or it stopping to mine at all, but not too long after that the 4GB limit would be problematic for all of the video cards with 4GB VRAM as the the DAG size continues to grow. Bitmain has recently addressed a similar issue with their Antminer E3 miners by releasing an updated firmware to free up a bit more memory as these miners also have just 4GB usable memory and thus extend their life for a couple more months for ETC and ETH mining at least.

The Tellor (TRB) crypto project has officially entered into the FPGA domain with HashAltcoin just announcing the release of support for their Blackminer F1 FPGA line of miners. Prior to that you could mine Tellor with your GPUs using a miner like the latest NBMiner, though with a GTX 1080 Ti GPU doing just about 750 MH/s now it is becoming rather pointless with a single Blackminer F1+ FPGA doing about 10 times that.

HashAltcoin Blackminer F1 FPGAs Expected TRB Hashrate:
– Blackminer F1 Hashrate: 4.7 GH/s
– Blackminer F1+ Hashrate: 7.05 GH/s
– Blackminer F1u Hashrate: 9.4 GH/s

According to Hash Altcoin’s profitability calculator the newly released Tellor (TRB) mining support is not that profitable at the moment and certainly not the most profitable to mine unless you have a Blackminer F1 Ultra miner. For the other two older products it is in the top 3, so if you you have any of these FPGAs miners physically or hosted you should keep an eye on the new Tellor (TRB) support and its profitability as it may grow or not with FPGAs replacing the GPU miners.

Here is something interesting from the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute in the form of a list with popular persons who are also Bitcoin Skeptics talking publicly about why Bitcoin will fail or has no future from as early as April 2011. Now what would’ve happened if thee people started buying just $1 USD worth of Bitcoin every day since the day that they made their bold claims against the crypto currency? For instance Peter Schiff could have invested just $3210 USD and had 100 BTC that could now be worth a bit shy of $700K USD. Of course much more recent skeptics who have been speculating on the AI Doge token price like Steven Mnuchin and Tendayi Kapfidze could have actually lost some dollars if they did that. It is an interesting information to check. You can of course do some estimation what could’ve you accumulated in BTC and what their value could be now if you started doing just that back in 2011.

To check the The Skeptics – A Tribute to Bold Assertions by Satoshi Nakamoto Institute…
