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The Ethereum Classic (ETC) crypto project has reduced the block reward for miners from 4 ETC to 3.2 ETC as per their monetary policy after just reaching block number 10 Million. This 20% reduction has been introduced with the acceptance of the proposals in ECIP 1017 for change in monetary policy with a 20% reduction in block reward for each Era (every 5 Million blocks). We have just reached 10 Million blocks for ETC and thus the second Era has been finished an we have started the third one, so the next 20% block reward reduction will be after another 5 Million blocks or in little more than 2 years from now if things continue according to plan (2.56 ETC at block 15M). So if you are mining ETC at the moment, then make sure you take into account the just introduced 20% drop in block rewards that is already in effect.

The total amount of coins for Ethereum Classic is 210,000,000 ETC out of which already more than half or 116,313,299 ETC are in circulation. The new 20% reduction in PoW rewards for ETC would definitely hurt miners, especially after the recent drop of prices due to the coronavirus panic that has overtaken not only the traditional financial markets, but the crypto ones as well. So with the already reduced block reward to 3.2 ETC the GPU mining of Ethereum Classic is even worse than it was yesterday with 4 ETC per block. We remind you that about a month ago Antminer E3 stopped mining ETC due to the DAG becoming too big for these Ethash ASIC miners. And although that lead to slight reduction in hashrate, still mining ETC with GPUs at the moment is below 0, unless you have free electricity of course.

It has been a while since we have last talked about PegNet (PEG) CPU mining at the Orax Pool, so we have decided to check if there is any development lately. Well, there is apparently a new miner since the last time we have tried that increases performance significantly and it is well worth updating your mining software if you are using older one. Three or so months ago when we tested performance at the Orax Pool an Intel Core i7 6850K (6C-12T) processor was giving a hashrate of around 65000 H/s LXRHash algorithm (using version 1.0.10 of the miner). Now, the latest version 1.1.0 of the mining software results in almost double the performance of the older version with about 110 KH/s. And if you happen to have an AMD Ryzen 9 3900X (12C-24T) processor you could be getting up to about 140 KH/s with the latest miner.

Unlike with RandomX for instance where the latest AMD Ryzen processors have some advantage over Intel CPUs, here with the LXRHash algorithm used by PegNet (PEG) it seems that Intel does have some performance advantage. Of course the newer and faster Ryzen 3900X with its 12 cores and 24 threads does manage to outperform a 6 core and 12 threads Intel, but not by that much. So if you have a latest generation Ryzen processor you might be better off mining some other CPU coin. Recently we have tried even the fastest AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X with the PegNet (PEG) mining on the Orax Pool with the latest miner and it did manage to provide us with around 350 KH/s of hashrate for the LXRHash algorithm. The problem with the Threadripper 3990X is that he miner could not use more than 64 threads and while the processor does have 64 physical cores it has a total of 128 logical cores, so the miner could not fully utilize the available hardware, otherwise the actual performance should be higher.

To check out the Orax Pool for mining PegNet (PEG) with your spare CPU processing power…

If you thought crypto could not get any weirder, then think again, the latest genius idea comes from the Czech adult industry in the form of a porn video with an adult model having sex with a crypto farm operator. The video is called “LADY DEE CONTROLS HER BITCOIN FARM” and is described as “Lady Dee was checking out her staff at the bitcoin farm. She enjoyed sex with IT Technician”. Though in the background you can obviously see a GPU mining farm probably for Ethereum mining, but that is really not the point anyway. Every Bitcoin miner’s dream, to have sex in a very noisy and hot as hell crypto mining farm, right?

To check out the adult video including sex in a crypto mining farm (NSFW!)…
