Posts Tagged ‘AlphaPool


AlphaPool is a new mining pool for mining Ethereum’s Ether (ETH) coins that has just been launched today, bringing the total number of active pools to 5. While it is never a bad thing to have a choice between multiple mining pools, a few days ago there was just one – Ethpool and when it stopped accepting new miners people had to go solo until new pools started appearing. We are still yet to see someone release open source code for a mining pool for Ethereum however. But back to AlphaPool, it promises some nice things to miners, that is why competition is good, no transaction fee and 0% pool fee for the first week then just 1%, there is also no mention of a minimum amount of Ether to be mined before a payout. One drawback however, there is no option for users to set their miner’s hashrate (difficulty) through the miner which can make it pointless for low hashrate miners to try mining at the pool as they may not be able to get much shares solved and submitted. Since this is a brand new pool there are not much miners on it yet, so it may take a bit more time before enough people gather for blocks to start getting solved.

Getting started with AlphaPool:
ethminer -F -G

The above command line is an example you can use to get started mining with ethminer at AlphaPool, you just need to replace the wallet address with your own Ethereum wallet and you are ready to go. Do note that the URL of the pool and the mining address for it are slightly different. The above line is for mining using the OpenCL version of ethminer, for using the CUDA fork you need to replace the parameter -G with -U and you should be ready to go. As already mentioned there is no user set variable to allow for setting up the miner hashrate (difficulty) through the ethminer command line. If you are new to Ethereum you might want to first check out our Quick Guide on How to Mine Ethereum on Windows as a good starting point.

To check out the new Ethereum mining pool called AlphaPool that was just launched…
