It Is All About BTC, LTC, ETH, DOGE, KAS mining as well as other alternative crypto currencies
The official Equihash algorithm (equihash 200,9) as used by ZCash (ZEC) may have moved in the domain of ASIC miners, but that does not mean that a modified version of algorithm cannot be still used by other coins and be GPU mined. An example is the Bitcoin Gold (BTG) that is forking to Equihash-BTG (equihash 144,5) and other coins like BitcoinZ (BTCZ) that are forking to equihash 144,5 both of which are not ASIC mineable with Equihash ASIC miners due to the different parameters from the “original” Equihash that uses 200,9. Generally these two variations do require much more video memory in order to work and also the performance in terms of hashrate is significantly lower than that of the original Equihash parameters, so it is hard to make ASIC miners for them.
EWBF, whose original Equihash miner was one of the first and most popular for mining ZCash (ZEC) and other Equihash-based crypto coins, has released a new miner that is targeted at supporting the new Equihash 192,7 and 144,5 algorithms. The new EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner v0.1 is intended for Nvidia GPU mining rigs and is intended for mining of coins that fork from the original Equihash 200,9 algorithm like BTG and BTCZ for example. Aside from options for the two algorithms the miner also comes with an additional option to set personalization string (8 characters) for equihash algorithms that may require this. Do note that this is a closed source miner, there are binaries available for Windows and Linux and there is a 2% developer fee built-in by default.
– For more information and to download and try the new EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner v0.1…
With the recent peak of the price of Bitcoin altcoins have been going down and people have been looking for alternatives to the most popular and profitable coins to mine. Here is one interesting alternative called BitcoinZ (BTCZ) that is based ont he same mining algorithm used by ZCash (ZEC) – Eqihash for GPU mining, and comes with a large total supply and big block reward. The max supply of the coin is 21 Billion with 12500 coins block reward and blocks every 2.5 minutes, so not like most other ZEC clones that come with small supply and block reward. Some good places to trade the coin include Crex, Stex.
With enough user interest and a decent community forming this could as well turn out to be like the DOGE, even though it is not based around a meme. If you are into coins with large supply and block rewards you might want to dig a bit deeper into BTCZ and see what it is all about, do note however that it is still fairly new project that is just about a month old since launch. Profitability wise it is not that profitable to mine at the moment when compared to other more popular coins, but things could turn out to be more interesting in the future if interest in BitcoinZ continues to rise.
– Visit the official announcement thread for BitcoinZ (BTCZ) on Bitcointalk…