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Posts Tagged ‘Bitmain

A while ago we have written about the launch of ASIC miners for Bytom (BTM) from Bitmain right in time when Bytom was actually launching their network. The Antminer B3 ASIC miners for Bytom were offering 780 H/s with 360 Watts of power usage and this essentially has made CPU mining pointless right from the start. Since then however there has been some development regarding the use of GPUS and Nvidia ones in particular for mining BTM and surprisingly or not at this point of time you can get better performance from video cards than what the ASICs can provide you with, depending on your mining rigs of course. So if you are interested in mining Bytom (BTM) and have Nvidia-based mining rigs you might be interested to give this a go. Currently it may not be that profitable, but mining some coins now and holding them for the better and brighter future of Bytom (BTM) may not be a bad idea.

The NebuTech BTMiner is a closed source Bytom (BTM) GPU miner for Nvidia CUDA that is available for both Windows and Linux operating systems and the latest version works pretty well, just have in mind it has a 3% developer fee built-in. The only drawback it is that the miner and the documentation is in Chinese only, but you can easily figure things out and start mining in no time on a pool of your choice that supports BTM such as F2Pool or AntPool for example. The miner itself is console only, though there is a GUI as well, but also only in Chinese, so better stick to the console anyway. The funny thins is that you can beat the performance of an Antminer B3 ASIC with just a single GTX 1080 Ti GPU, let alone with a rig of 6 of these GPUs, so for once the expensive ASIC miners are not doing that great. Make sure that you have an up to date Nvidia video driver installed – version 396 or newer as otherwise you will be getting an error and will not be able to use the software for mining. The miner has an option for mining rigs with more powerful CPUs that can increase the performance a bit more extra than on regular mining rigs with slow and cheap dual core CPUs. Overclocking the memory does not help much, though GPU clock can increase performance, you can also play with the power consumption as even lowering the TDP to about 60-70% may not decrease performance that much, even though the miner can be power hungry normally, so play around and report your findings in the comments below.

To download the latest NebuTech BTMiner Bytom Nvidia GPU Miner v3.0 for Windows/Linux…

We got our hands on a Bitmain Antminer X3 CryptoNight ASIC miner for a few days and have decided to give this soon-to-be or already way too expensive paperweight a quick test to see what you can expect from the device as they have been shipping for a week or two already to customers. The Antminer X3 is capable of delivering 220 KHS at 550W of power usage as per specifications and the device kind of manages to actually deliver on these numbers. The kind of part is because we’ve experienced some weird results trying to actually make the ASIC miner work properly on some popular pools and services such as NiceHash for example. When you point out the X3 to NiceHash’s CryptoNight (not CryptonightV7) stratum you get the device to connect and report extranonce support, but all you get are rejects and 0 as hashrate. So apparently the Antminer X3 does not work properly on NiceHash at the moment, even after flashing the latest available firmware that seemed a day newer than the one on the device we have tested. No go on NiceHash which seems as the best option for the moment considering that there are not that many CryptoNight coins left that offer good profit as most of the serious coins have already switched to the new ASIC-proof (for now at least) CryptoNight V7 algorithm.

Moving to a quick test on Nanopool’s Electroneum (ETN) mining pool as the next best thing after NiceHash in terms of profitability kind of worked, but not as we have expected. Here the miner connects and apparently works on the pool side, but the pool reports only about 20 KHS hashrate and not the full 220 KHS that it should. Locally the miner seems to work fine and the locally reported hashrate is also fine with a bit over 235 KHS average reported. People have reported success on some smaller ETN pools with the X3 ASIC miner, but even if you manage to make the device work properly on Electroneum you will not have a lot of time before ETH also forks and becomes unmineable with this miner.

The next thing to try was going for AntPool and Monero Classic (XMC) where with no surprise thins worked great out of the box, after all this is Bitmain’s mining pool, where they probably also test all the miners before shipping them to customers, so no surprise that it all works. The problem however is that you only get to mine XMC there and it is traded on only two exchanges according to CoinMarketCap, but at least it works and you can probably make a coin and a half to about two XMC coins per day at the moment or roughly maybe about $15-18 USD at the current rates and difficulty.

Here is how the situation looks profitability wise for the Antminer X3 ASIC miner on CryptoNight according to WhatToMine. The other possibly interesting coin to try mining with AntMiner X3 is ByteCoin (BCN) that has recently seen some boost in interest probably tied to the availability of the X3 ASIC miners in the hands of miners. So do you think that the BitMain AntMiner X3 is a soon-to-be or is already way too expensive paperweight? We definitely do not like the fact that it is not working properly on services like NiceHash or big pools like Nanopool out of the box, Bitmain should’ve had enough time to make sure possible issues have been resolved… and they can always release an update to fix problems like these while the devices are traveling to their customers. Can’t say we are happy for the short time we had with the X3 miner to give it a try and would definitely not recommend it at the moment, not that we did when they were announced either.

Buying a new home

7, May 2018

Buying a house could be the greatest financial decision you’ll ever make, so before you take the decision you want to be sure your finances are solid. Our goal is to guide you through everything you need to do to buy a house without all the stress. From the financing to taking your house inspection and everything in between, our team of experts will help you through the process.

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