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Posts Tagged ‘Bitmain


With the current situation on the crypto currency markets and especially the low exchange rate of the Litecoin it is no wonder that we are seeing another ASIC manufacturer cancelling their plans to release a new Scrypt ASIC Miner. The problem with these kinds of actions is that manufacturers are loosing users trust, even though they may try to compensate their customers in some way. Back when BitMain announced the pre-order for the L1, something new for them back then, we weren’t that happy and now we are also not very happy with the fact that BitMain waited up until now to announce they are cancelling the L1 when they were supposed to actually start shipping the finished product. Below you can find quoted the official announcement from BitMain about the discontinuation of Antminer L1 along with what options they offer to customers who have pre-ordered the miner:

Dear loyal customers,

The decision has been taken not to continue production of the Antminer L1

In response, all customers will be able to choose one of three options:
1) The original order value of $599 will be refunded at 105% value [$629] by bitcoin at current market rates. Customers will receive bitcoin payment.
2) The original order value of $599 will be refunded at 110% value [$659] by bitcoin at current market rates. This will be credited against any new S3/S4/C1 order placed in the web store.
3) The original order value of $599 will be credited at 115% value [$689] against an S5 order placed in the web store. This will be issued in the form of a 15 day coupon, each coupon valued [$344.5].

Please await an email for further instructions.

Though we are sorry that we do not deliver this time, it still turns out that buying L1 from BITMAIN is a very best way to earn more Litecoin.

Data Analysis: In the beginning of L1 sales, you only need to pay 115.86LTC to buy one L1 per the LTC/USD exchange rate 5.17 in the early September. However, you will get 193.22LTC under current LTC/USD exchange rate 3.1. And then plus extra 5% value, a total amount you get is 202.88LTC per unit. Return on investment is 75%. If you choose coupon compensation, Return on investment is 91%.

It is not very clear weather BitMain has already finished with the development and has actually produced some mining hardware or they are cancelling things before they have actually been finalized. The problem is that after ZeusMiner cancelled their Volcano miner and 3rd generation Scrypt ASICs and now the same happening with BitMain and their AntMiner L1 Scrypt ASIC things do not look that good for Litecoin and other Scrypt crypto currencies. The low exchange rate of LTC at the moment makes older Scrypt ASIC miners not very profitable to run due to their high power usage and with no newer generation more efficient miners announced to be coming soon things could get even worse.


Last month when the first water cooled Bitcoin ASIC miner from Bitmain – AntMiner C1 was announced you had to either buy the water cooling kit separately from another supplier or use your own components for completeling the water cooling of the miner. It seems that for Batch 2 of the Bitmain AntMiner C1 the company has decided to actually sell the full kit to customers, making it easier and more problem free for the users that now get a complete solution.


The price of the miner is the same as you could previously order it if you also included the suggested water cooling kit – 400 USD (1.092 BTC). As we have previously mentioned the components that Bitmain previously suggested and now includes with the miner for the water cooling solution are available at a quite good price as compared to wath you normally have to pay for some high-end water cooling components. So a good deal as apparently this kit should be able to do just fine in cooling the miner and keeping the noise level low.

For more information about the water cooled Bitmain AntMiner C1 Bitcoin ASIC miner…


Bitmain Antminer C1 is a new interesting offer coming from Bitmaintech, a 1000 GHS Bitcoin ASIC miner with water cooling. The new Antminer C1 ASIC miner comes in a kind of DIY form as Bitmain is only selling the mining unit with integrated water block for the ASIC chips, the rest of the cooling you need to buy separately and install yourself. The Antminer C1 miner is being sold for 1 BTC or $349.34 USD at the moment and you can buy a ready kit with the rest of the water cooling components for extra $50 USD or use your own components to complete the cooling solution of the miner. The C1 miner is offering 1000 GHS hashrate with a power consumption of about 800W according to the specifications quoted by the manufacturer and you will have a bit more power usage for the additional fans and the water pump for the water cooling part.


The new Bitmain Antminer C1 Bitcoin ASIC miner with water cooling should offer a quieter operation, making it suitable for use by home miners and with the winter coming this could turn out to be a nice combination of quiet device that provides you with a heating for the winter. The drawback with the Antminer C1 using this approach for water cooling is that it may not be suitable for everyone, especially people with no experience in water cooling solutions for computers, even though the suggested ANT C1 kit should be easy to install. The miner does not come ready to be used and you need to buy extra hardware form a separate supplier, a decent and cheap choice apparently offered as an option, or use more expensive and serious PC water cooling components to make the miner operational.

For more information about the Bitmain C1 water cooled Bitcoin ASIC miner…
