Posts Tagged ‘Eligius


Nowadays Bitcoin is only mined by those who have managed to secure some sort of ASIC mining hardware, because it is pointless to mine BTC with GPU let alone with CPU miners. That is the reason why there are not that many Bitcoin mining pools left and there are a few larger ones that most people are mining in. Below you can see a list of the top Bitcoin mining pools with a short info about each one of them: – 0% mining pool fee, PPLNSG payout system, merged mining NMC/DVC/IXC
Eligius – 0% mining pool fee, CPPSRB payment system, no registration required
BTC Guild – 3% PPLNSG, 7.5% PPS pool fee, merged mining NMC
Discus Fish – Some sort of a large private(?) Chinese pool
Slush – 2% mining pool fee, RBPPS payment system
BitMinter – 1% mining pool fee, PPLNSG payment system
