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Posts Tagged ‘Ethereum


With all the craziness surrounding the constantly growing price of Ethereum in the last weeks we also need to take a look at what is happening with the ETH blockchain in terms of file size. Taking a look at the total file size of Ethereum’s blockchain we can see that it is already approaching 9.5 GB in size, something that is a direct result of the fast block times and the growing user interest in ETH. When you consider the fact that Ethereum is still less than 1 year old crypto currency if you only take into account when the mining officially stated and not when the work on it has started. The big blockchain file size makes things harder on users that are just starting and want to run a full local node 24/7 or just wan to have a local wallet and with the increase in interest into Ethereum there are more and more new people joining. For the last month alone the number of unique Ethereum addresses on the blockchain has almost doubled than the number it was at the beginning of February. The number of transaction on the network is also steadily growing, but not as much as new users getting into Ethereum due to the rapid increase of the ETH price.


There are just about 57000 blocks left before we reach the Ethereum hardfork planned for block 1150000 when Ethereum will move to the next phase called Homestead. Do note that Homestead is the second major version release of the Ethereum platform, which includes several protocol changes and a networking change that requires the hardfork. The Ethereum clients with support for the Homestead are already available for download and it is recommended to upgrade any Ethereum nodes or local wallets if you are using such at this time in order to be ready for the hardfork.

The initial Go version of Ethereum (geth) for Homestead is release 1.3.4, but there is already 1.3.5 and the initial C++ version of Ethereum (eth) for Homestead is the version 1.2.0 with version 1.2.2 already available with some fixes. Do not wait for the last possible moment or after the 1150000th block is here in order to avoid any possible issues resulting from the hardfork. A large number of the Ethereum nodes have already been updated, but there are still some that are running older versions of the software that are not ready for the hardfork. Hopefully all of the Ethereum mining pools and the nodes running 24/7 on the network will be ready for the hardfork that should hit in a little over a week from now.

To download the latest Ethereum Go client geth version 1.3.5 (Homestead)…
To download the latest Ethereum C++ eth client version 1.2.2 (Homestead)…


The Ethereum project has released an official update regarding the next phase called Homestead that will need a hardfork and that will take place at block 1150000 or roughly around Pi Day (March 14th). Homestead is the second major version release of the Ethereum platform, which includes several protocol changes and a networking change that requires the hardfork. This does not mean that Ethereum will be switching to PoS yet, Homestead will continue to rely only on PoW mining with Proof of Stake switch phase planned for a later time in the future. After the Homestead hardfork everything should continue to run normally as it is now.

The Go version of Ethereum (geth) for Homestead will be release 1.3.4 and includes the above mentioned changes to the protocol and network. Following the release of Homestead the Go team will also shortly come with the 1.4 release, which is our big feature release and includes months of work. The C++ version of Ethereum (eth) for Homestead will be version 1.2.0. Apart from the protocol and network changes, it also tries to be as compatible to geth as possible. So make sure you keep track of the development in the newt two weeks as you will have to upgrade your Ethereum client if you are running a local node or have a local wallet when the new versions with support for Homestead become available.
