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Posts Tagged ‘Ethereum


The developer of the Ethminer fork with Nvidia CUDA support (source) Genoil has released another update and we have compiled a new Windows binary of ethminer with CUDA support. Do note that this Windows binary release is compiled with VS2013 for windows 64-bit and is for CUDA 6.5. The latest version comes with some optimizations and a new command line option cuda-schedule to experiment with that replaces the old cuda-turbo, also note that you may need to manually specify the number of GPUs to use if you have multiple video cards using the cuda-devices command line parameter if the miner fires only on one device by default. Additionally to get better performance you can try adding the following command line parameters to the ethminer:

For OpenCL: --cl-global-work 16384
For CUDA: --cuda-grid-size 8192 --cuda-block-size 128 --cuda-schedule auto

--cuda-schedule Set the schedule mode for CUDA threads waiting for CUDA devices to finish work. Default is sync. Possible values for mode are:
auto – Uses a heuristic based on the number of active CUDA contexts in the process C and the number of logical processors in the system P. If C > P, then yield else spin.
spin – Instruct CUDA to actively spin when waiting for results from the device.
yield – Instruct CUDA to yield its thread when waiting for results from the device.
sync – Instruct CUDA to block the CPU thread on a synchronization primitive when waiting for the results from the device.

It seems that the auto mode for cuda-schedule works best for us providing maybe a bit lower maximum hashrate, but a more stable one than the sync that may produce higher maxes, but also lower. You are free to experiment what will work best on your mining configuration however. The Ethminer CUDA fork should work on Compute 2.0 or newer GPUs, but the performance on older GPUs can be worse, also don’t forget that you can run Ethminer in OpenCL mode as well on Nvidia-based video cards and not only on AMD if you are having trouble with the CUDA support or the hashrate you get is lower as compared to OpenCL.

Download the updated Ethminer CUDA fork compiled for Windows and ready to be used…


Genoil, the developer of the Ethminer fork with Nvidia CUDA support (source) has been actively working and there have been some other people contributing code, so we have compiled an up to date Windows binary of ethminer with CUDA support. Do note that this Windows binary release is compiled with VS2013 for Windows 64-bit and is for CUDA 6.5 as previous versions were compiled for CUDA 7.5, so there could be some performance differences between the different versions. The latest version comes with some optimizations that should increase a bit the performance when using the CUDA mode with the miner, however there are also some differences as you may need to manually specify the number of GPUs to use if you have multiple cards using the cuda-devices command line parameter if the miner fires only on one device. Additionally to get better performance you can try adding the following command line parameters to the ethminer:

For OpenCL: --cl-global-work 16384
For CUDA: --cuda-grid-size 8192 --cuda-block-size 128 --cuda-turbo

The Ethminer CUDA fork should work on Compute 2.0 or newer GPUs, but the performance on older GPUs can be worse, also don’t forget that you can run Ethminer in OpenCL mode as well on Nvidia-based video cards and not only on AMD if you are having trouble with the CUDA support or the hashrate you get is lower as compared to OpenCL.

Download the updated Ethminer CUDA fork compiled for Windows and ready to be used…


One of the key new features of the recently launched Shift (SHF) altcoin, the first one forked from Ethereum, was the availability of a GUI wallet – essentially a simple graphical frontend for the shift client software. This GUI is also available and was probably originally developed for Ethereum as the project is called Etherwall (source), written by one of the developers of the Shift team. Etherwall is also available as a compiled binary for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows and you can download these from the official website instead of having to compile the code from source. Do note that Etherwall requires geth 1.0.2 or newer to be installed and running in order for the wallet GUI to connect to it and function. What Etherwall does is provide a simple and easy to use basic functionality for managing your Ethereum accounts, check what balance you have as well as to send transactions. It is easier and much more user friendly for people that are not into working with console commands to do even simple things like checking a balance or sending some coins, so you might want to check it out.

To visit the official website of the Etherwall project for more details…
