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Posts Tagged ‘Ethpool


It seems that there is another new mining pool foe Ethereum’s Ether (ETH) coins that has just launched. The new pool is called Weipool and offers a simple web-based user interface for mining Ether coins with the help of ethminer, you can use our Quick Guide on How to Mine Ethereum on Windows, if you are still new to Ethereum. The new pool does not yet have a lot of miners and it is supposed to do payouts every 12 hours if your balance is more than 1 Ether, with 0.01 Ether tx fee and currently 0% pool fee for the first week (1.5% fee after that). Since it is a new pool it may take a while for miners to gather and for the first blocks to get solved, so be careful and do have in mind what happened with Pooleum – a new Ethereum pool that seems to have completely disappeared now. The Weipool does have user controllable hashrate (difficulty) setting, so it should be suitable for miners with lower hashrate.

Getting started with Weipool:
ethminer -F -G

The above command line is an example you can use to get started mining with ethminer at Weipool, you just need to replace the wallet address with your own Ethereum wallet and the default hashrate value of 20 (suitable for a single high-end GPU such as Radeon 280X) to the respective hashrate of your mining rig and you are ready to go. The above line is for mining using the OpenCL version of ethminer, for using the CUDA fork you need to replace the parameter -G with -U and you should be ready to go.

To check out the new Ethereum mining pool called Weipool that was just launched…


There is yet another new mining pool for Ethereum’s Ether (ETH) coins that you can try, this is what seems to be the fourth one we know about and the third alternative to ethpool. Ethereumpool is with very simple web interface for the moment, but the pool itself does seem to be working pretty well and it comes with user control over difficulty, so it is suitable even for low hashrate CPU mining users. Like with other new mining pools for Ethereum this one is also in beta with a pool fee of 3% while the pool is under development, but the fee should be lowered. The payout method is proportional, though for the moment the pool stats does not report the number of shares submitted by the user as well as the total number of shares for the current block being solved. We do recommend you give the pool a try as although the web interface part is simple as we’ve said the pools seems to work really good for the moment, if you are new to pool mining you can try with our Quick Guide on How to Mine Ethereum on Windows to get started with this new pool.

Getting started with Ethereumpool:
ethminer -F -G

The above command line is an example you can use to get started mining with ethminer at Ethereumpool, you just need to replace the wallet address with your own Ethereum wallet and the default hashrate value of 20 (suitable for a single high-end GPU such as Radeon 280X) to the respective hashrate of your mining rig and you are ready to go. The above line is for mining using the OpenCL version of ethminer, for using the CUDA fork you need to replace the parameter -G with -U and you should be ready to go.

To check out the new Ethereum mining pool Ethereumpool (in development stage)…


It seems that now we have another mining pool for Ethereum available, what seems to be the third one actually. The new pool ETH Nanopool is also in a testing phase with a zero pool fee while in testing period and 0.01 Ether fee per payout with payouts made 2 times a day, the payout scheme used is PPLNS. Do note that there could be issues with this pool while it is in beta testing stage, so you might want to spread your hashrate between the two currently open for new miners pools and maybe even solo mining. Ethminer works just fine with this pool and you can use our Quick Guide on How to Mine Ethereum on Windows to get started with this new pool. There is one important different that ETH Nanopool has compared to the other two mining pools already available and that is the lack of user setting for the difficulty. This should not be much of a problem for people with more hashrate, however for users with less hashpower this pool might not be a very good place to try to mine Ehther (ETH) coins.

Getting started with Nanopool:
ethminer -F -G

The above command line is an example you can use to get started mining with ethminer at Nanopool, you just need to replace the wallet address with your own Ethereum wallet. Since this pools does not support user setting for the mining hashrate (share difficulty) there is no parameter used for that in the ethminer command line, as a result it is not very suitable for miners with low hashrate as the default difficult may be too high. The above line is for mining using the OpenCL version of ethminer, for using the CUDA fork you need to replace the parameter -G with -U and you should be ready to go.

To check out the new Ethereum mining pool ETH Nanopool (in beta stage)…
