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Posts Tagged ‘gridseed cgminer


In our efforts to make the Gridseed 5-chip GC3355-based ASIC miner devices to work in Dual Mode for mining Bitcoin (BTC) and Litecoin (LTC) at the same time under Windows we have compiled the special modified version of cgminer 3.8.5 that is designed to work with the Gridseed miners. You need to use this special version for mining BTC or to use the ASIC in Dual Mode where this software will be used for the Bitcoin mining part and the modified cpuminer will be used for LTC mining. Note that in order for this cgminer to detect your ASIC miner device you need to install a WinUSB driver over the virtual COM to USB driver, but a detailed guide will follow, so stay tuned. Meanwhile you can download cgminer 3.8.5 for BTC mining on Gridseed 5-chip GC3355 ASICs from the link below in order to give it a try for Bitcoin mining.

You can download cgminer 3.8.5 for BTC mining on Gridseed 5-chip GC3355 ASICs on Windows OS here…


The DualMiner USB Scrypt ASICs using a single GridChip GC3355 processors do come with a modified version of cgminer 3.1.1 supporting the device, but this is already quite old version of the software. There is a newer version of cgminer 3.5.0 modified for use with with the single chip DualMiner USB Scrypt ASIC that we have compiled it for windows users and you can download it form the link below. This new version provides more up to date features and should be more stable and user friendly for use, but there is one important difference in the way you need to access your single chip Gridseed USB ASIC with the new cgminer 3.5.0. Have in mind that this version of cgminer 3.5.0 is compiled only for use for scrypt mining with the single chip DualMiner USB Scrypt ASIC devices, it will not work on video cards or other ASCI devices. Note that this version of cgminer miner is also NOT compatible with the 5-chip GridChip GC3355 ASIC miners!


With cgminer 3.1.1 you had to select the virtual COM port that the USB ASIC attaches to when you install its drivers, but the new cgminer 3.5.0 does not use virtual COM port, but addresses the device as a USB one and should be able to autodetect it. In order for this to work properly you will need to replace the USB to COM driver with the WinUSB driver by using the program Zadig. What you need to do is to the following:

– Download and run the latest version of Zadig
– Select Options and choose List All Devices
– From the Dropdown list of devices select Dual RS232-HS (Interface 0) and click on Replace Driver with the WinUSB driver selected
– From the Dropdown list of devices select Dual RS232-HS (Interface 1) and click on Replace Driver with the WinUSB driver selected
– If you have multiple 1-chip GC3355 DualMiner USB devices connected you may need to repeat the procedure for all of them
– Edit and run the included LTC_ONLY.bat file from the cgminer 3.5.0 archive provides, it should autodetect the available devices and start mining on them

You can download cgminer 3.5.0 for DualMiner USB Scrypt on Windows OS here…


The DualMiner USB Scrypt ASICs need a special modified version of cgminer to support them. The officially provided software includes a GUI as a frontend for a modified version cgminer 3.1.1. Below you can download the modified version of cgminer 3.1.1 for windows that you can use for mining Scrypt crypto coins with the DualMiner USB Scrypt ASICs that are based on Gridseed’s GridChip GC3355 dual LTC and BTC mining processors. The modified version of cgminer 3.1.1 is designed to work with the device in both BTC and LTC mode or only in LTC mode – check the included .BAT files for each mode and make sure you have set the device to the right mining mode first using the hardware dip switch.

You can download cgminer 3.1.1 for DualMiner USB Scrypt on Windows OS here…
