Posts Tagged ‘stock charts

TradingView is a community where different people from around the world that are into trading various kinds of assets get together to get usable chart and market data, share trading ideas and generally help each other to get better in the trading business. The website comes with easy to use, but very powerful tools for analyzing different markets such as Stocks, Indices, Commodities, Currencies and the most important one for you probably – Cryptocurrencies. Presently, many sites like work on safe crypto trade. However, this website encourages its users to publish trading ideas and get better at trading and investing by seeing what others are doing.

The best thing is that TradingView is available for free for everyone to use, although you can also go pro and pay a monthly fee to get access to some extra useful features. The extra trading features are more appealing to more experienced users and traders and if you are still green at crypto trading you can start just fine with all the basic free functionality you get. The powerful charts and the tools you get access to do technical analysis of many different markets can really help you improve on your trading skills and forget about the “I have a gut feeling” when trading a crypto currency. Also have in mind that the data provided by the service can independently be used along with any crypto exchange’s trading information. You can even find some interesting and useful tips on what to look for as a new crypto currency to trade or what more established coins to watch for in preparation for a price increase or drop.

Regarding crypto currencies trading, the service provides information from many popular crypto exchanges such as – Poloniex, Kraken, Coinbase, Bitfinex, Huobi, OKcoin, BTCChina and others. Do note however that TradingView is not a service for automatic trading, you cannot use it to program and execute trading bots for example that will do the trading for you. There are other services that are available and that allow you to program your own trading bots and let them roam free trading for you based on your own trading ideas or somebody else’s. One such interesting and useful service that we have covered before is CryptoTrader, though there are quite a few more out there as well, but before going into automated trading based on technical analysis and other information you would probably want to have a better understanding of the crypto markets in general.

To check out the TradingView service and see what tools it offers to traders…
