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Posts Tagged ‘Zcash

The latest EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner v0.5 comes with some performance optimizations and fixes for various variations of the Equihash algorithm it supports for GPU mining on Nvidia-based rigs. You can expect to see a speed increase of 3-15% depending on your mining hardware for Equihash 144,5 as well as 2% for Equihash 210,9 with the latest update. The new version also fixes the problem with cropped performance on fast (1080 Ti, Titan) gpus for Equihash 96,5 as well as the “low difficulty shares” problem, on Aion pools for Equihash 210,9. So if you are mining any of the Equihash Equihash 192,7, 144,5, 96,5 or 210,9 variants yo umight want to give this miner a go. Do note it does not support the Equihash 200,9 that was originally the algorithm called Equihash and used by ZCash (ZEC) that is currently mineable by ASIC miners. We are also reminding you that the EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner is a closed source miner, there are CUDA 8.0 and 9.1 binaries available for Windows and Linux and there is a 2% developer fee built-in by default.

For more information and to download and try the new EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner v0.5…

The new EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner is turning out to be the go to miner for Nvidia GPUs when talking about Equihash solvers other than the “original” 200,9 one used by Zcash (ZEC) now that there are ASIC miners available for it. The latest version 0.4 adds support for a new solver for Equihash 210,9 used by AION along with the other already supported Equihash solvers 192,7, 144,5 and 96,5. The latest version also includes some improvements and fixes as well, so if you are using previous version you might want to upgrade to v.04. We are reminding you that the EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner is a closed source miner, there are CUDA 8.0 and 9.1 binaries available for Windows and Linux and there is a 2% developer fee built-in by default.

For more information and to download and try the new EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner v0.4…

A quick update on the Merito service that is intended to help gamers not yet into crypto currencies to easily make some extra cash from their gaming computers’ hardware. We’ve been keeping an eye on the service and everything seems to be progressing pretty well with new updates and fixes getting released and more users joining. Since Merito is targeted at gamers it allows you to use your computer hardware and mine in order to get a new game as a reward, vouchers for game purchases from G2A or get your earnings paid with PayPal. We have tried cashing out our earnings while testing to PayPal and in a couple of hours after requesting the payment they were transferred in our account. This makes it easy not to care about what crypto you are mining or what is the exchange rate or how to convert them to cash if you are a gamer. Of course this is intended for gamers, not for the regular crypto miners that actually do care about all these things.

For more information and to download and try yourself the Metrito application…
