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How to Mine Both BTC and LTC on Gridseed 5-chip GC3355 ASIC

6 Mar


The 5-chip Gridseed GC3355-based ASIC devices that support Dual Mining for Bitcoin and Litecoin are not that easy to be used in the Dual Mode, because you need to have two different software miners running at the same time. There is a bit of specifics in what and how you need to do in order to mine both BTC and LTC at the same time and after a bit of tinkering we have managed to finally make things work as they should under Windows. You need to download a special modified version of cpuminer for Scrypt (LTC) mining and a modified version of cgminer for SHA-256 (BTC) mining. We have compiled the two software miners and you will find the download links below. You will also need the Zadig software in order to replace the virtual USB to COM driver with WinUSB driver for the cgminer to detect and work with the BTC mining side of the ASICs.


– Download and run the latest version of Zadig
– From the Zadig interface select Options and choose List All Devices
– From the Dropdown list of devices select CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller and click on Replace Driver with the WinUSB driver selected
– If you have multiple 5-chip GC3355 DualMiner USB devices connected you may need to repeat the procedure for all of them
– Download, edit and run the BTC.bat file from the modified cgminer 3.8.5 for the Gridseed ASICs to start the miner working on BTC
– Download, edit and run LTC_ONLY.bat file from the modified cpuminer for Gridseed ASICs to start mining for LTC (check what your COM port is and edit it). You need to add the parameter “dual” (without the quotes and two dashes in front) to the command line in order for the Dual mode mining to start working

It seems that there are some ASIC devices that may be using different virtual USB to COM drivers other than the CP2102 that our unit has (for example ST32 Virtual COM Port), unfortunately we don’t have any of those to test with. You can however try to make things work by replacing the other driver with WinUSB, just select the right name from the dropdown box (do not try to rename drivers, it is pointless) and Replace it with WinUSB (you may need to unplug and plug the USB cable to the miner after that). If after installing the WinUSB driver over the virtual USB to COM driver the ASIC does not work with cgminer, you just need to uninstall the driver from the Device Manager and unplug/plug the USB cable to the device for it to install the original USB to COM driver and it should be functioning again with cpuminer (note that this way you may have it running on a new COM port).

This is it, you should have the miner running both SHA-256 (BTC) and Scrypt (LTC) mining withe the two software miners and the total power consumption should be about 60W. Note that you may need to lower the operating frequencies a bit for when mining the Dual BTC/LTC mode as the chips get hotter. If you want to mine only BTC you can stick only with running the modified cgminer, for LTC only you need the modified cpuminer without the dual option in the command line. The most attractive aspect of the Gridseed 5-chip GC3355 ASIC however remains their very low power consumption for Scrypt mining only mode, so think again if you really wan to run them in the Dual Mining more or for BTC only and not in LTC only mining mode instead.

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29 Responses to How to Mine Both BTC and LTC on Gridseed 5-chip GC3355 ASIC


March 6th, 2014 at 04:14

In Zadig I do not have the option CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller, I have to go to options and list all where I find STM32 Virtual COM Port. I selected WinUSB (v6.1.7600.16385) and I am now able to Hash btc but i can no longer do scrypt, and I no longer see my miner coming up in device manager as a com item. Also I accidentally did a replace driver on my keyboard and can no longer use the damn thing, how can i reverse this. Thank you for your time


March 6th, 2014 at 04:58

reinstalled the STM virtual comport driver and back to mining scrypt. In Zadig I do not have the same options as shown in the how to dual mine link above. I do not see CP2102 USB to UART bridge control option listed there anywhere. I installed this driver and it still does not show up there


March 6th, 2014 at 08:34

The latest Gridseed CP2102 usb mining machine hardware has been replaced STM32, admin of the mining machine may be the previous version.

Thin King

March 6th, 2014 at 09:18

I’m new to all this, and one of my favorite sites is Cryptomining. And I ordered the Gridseed 5 chip, but I’m getting the idea that you guys, who appear quite objective, knowledgable and generous with code, don’t do Mac OSX or even Linux software or compiling, so I may be super stuck using my new Raspberry Pi with this miner, even tho I see some posts here and there on the web that others got the RPi working with it, etc. Anyhow, just confirming if I should expect this to be a Windows only page, and to say thanks for the great reviews on this product.


March 6th, 2014 at 10:41

If your unit has a STM32 Virtual COM Port instead of CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller you can try replacing that driver by following the same procedure, it might also work, though unfortunately we do not have a unit with the newer chip to test ourselves. If it does not work, just uninstall the driver and the device should install back the original driver and work again with the cpuminer.

We are mostly focused on Windows as it is not getting that much attention and a lot of miners that are not too technical are having issues under Windows that not many people are trying to help with. We can do Linux as well, but there are many more users that can help with Linux. As for Raspberry Pi or OSX and others, we could probably do these as well, but we do not have the hardware available to test on and we do not like to release things that we haven’t personally tested and confirmed working.

Thin King

March 6th, 2014 at 11:12

Thanks for your reply! Yes, I can tell by your articles how you guys hold a high standard of quality, so quite understood. I’ll look up if the RPi can install Windows and maybe play my attack that way if so, using your advice and compiled code. Its been awhile and a bit rusty, but I’ll have all weekend to make lots of mistakes and get my hands dirty. Thanks to your articles, I know to have an electronically inclined friend help take it apart and check the wiring touching the chips, etc. Extremely helpful! I’m an artist and my goal is to get a unit working and construct a kickass casing for it. Nothing like functional art after all ;)


March 6th, 2014 at 12:36

I did follow your procedure and replace the stm32 driver and I was able to mine sha256 but i could no longer mine scrypt as cpuminer could no longer see my gridseed device, and it did not have a comport anymore. In your setup did it remove the device from having a comport under windows? What were your settings for minerd to get it to see the device to do scrypt
Thank you for your time.


March 6th, 2014 at 12:59

Thin King, you cannot run Windows on RPi, only Linux. Your project sounds interesting, please keep us updated on your progress and if we can help with anything drop us a line.

Louie, Our unit has 2 COM ports, and after we install the WinUSB driver one of the virtual COM ports disappears in order for the cgminer to detect the device as a USB one and run BTC mining on it, the other remaining COM port is for the cpuminer software to mine for LTC.

Do note that if you were mining only LTC on the first virtual COM port, after you install WinUSB driver you may need to change the cpuminer to use the other COM port that may have different number than before.

The command line we use to run the cpuminer for LTC is as follows:
minerd --freq=850 --gc3355=\\.\COM6 --url=stratum+tcp:// --userpass=yourworket.1:1 --dual


March 6th, 2014 at 13:36

I have the red finned unit, and when I first plugged it into my pc(Win7/64bit) windows auto detected STM32 and assigned it a com port which i could change later. I did not see anything else come up to indicate there was a second com port. So I do not know how I am going to get it to dual mine under windows at the moment


March 6th, 2014 at 13:56

The red units are apparently the Lightningasic ones, they could have some differences, our unit is with a golden color of the cooler.

We are going to try and get one of the red ones if possible to check it out.


March 6th, 2014 at 23:25

Thank you for your time, I posted images of before and after on Bitcointalk forum link below. Before I use Zadig you will see STM Virtual port under com ports with a port number assigned, after I use Zadig, STM Virtual com port falls under USB Devices with no com port assigned and no way to assign one.


March 6th, 2014 at 23:58

Louie, it is supposed to be just like that. What you are doing with Zadig is replacing the virtual USB to COM driver with a USB driver, so that the cgminer can find and use the device as a USB one – it does not need virtual COM port. The remaining COM port (COM1 in your case) should be the one you need to point cpuminer at for mining Scrypt as cgminer will only mine SHA-256 in this dual mining mode scenario.


March 7th, 2014 at 00:17

I tried that as someone else did and both are detected now, however cpuminer is not finding any shares


March 7th, 2014 at 00:19

I posted an image of both miners going and my bat files here


March 7th, 2014 at 00:20

Try with \\.\COM1 for the com port…


March 7th, 2014 at 00:30

tried that still the same results as posted


March 7th, 2014 at 00:55

Many baby steps later I am at a wall, I have both programs seeing the miner, however with this setup CPUminer is not solving any hashes as I linked to a screengrab in my pevious post. I tried lowering clock freq, running just cpuminer stand alone still the same results detects miner, even has new work dispatched to miner but never solves a hash, meanwhile the sha256 side is moving right along.


March 8th, 2014 at 19:53

OK so I have decided that com1 and com//./1 are not the answer to test this, I ran cpuminer with the gridseed miner not even plugged into my pc and it acted as if it detected it and started running, so it cannot be com1


March 8th, 2014 at 22:14

Louie, our ASIC has a second COM port that we point the cpuminer for LTC at to dualmine. It is possible that in newer revisions they have implemented something else, however we do not currently have newer revision of the ASIC to test with…

Thin King

March 11th, 2014 at 11:21

Hey thanks for the encouragement, and for the dual mining article! my my meeting with my buddy who’s a head electrical of his own company has been postponed to later this week, but I think we are going to attempt to run Windows on the RPi in virtual mode. Should be interesting ;)


March 11th, 2014 at 18:47

Thin King, if you manage to run it through an emulator it will be so slow to be good for anything other than a proof that it can be made.


March 11th, 2014 at 23:29

Ok so I found a link to a youtube video and followed the video’s instructions and I got my single red finned gridseed to dual mine. So if you are like me and had the STM32 Virtual driver instead of the other one finish reading this and watch the video. Now the key is you have to remember the com assigned to the miner before you apply the usb driver with zadig as this is still secretly the com port to use in cpu miner
I have my red gridseed now dual mining in windows gets 330kh/s scrypt and 6GH/s sha256. I also posted a picture of it dual mining alongside a couple of antminer U1’s. To do this you have to have the antminers unplugged, and when you run cgminer for the gridseed have hotplug set to 0 so it does not try to detect the antminers and crash. then after you gridseed is all running launch bfgminer for the antminers.
See link for bitcointalk forum thread with image of all thre chugging away:


March 13th, 2014 at 06:43

Okay real quick, RPi cannot run Windows (WINE is possible but even that is slow due to 512 MB of RAM which is split between the system and GPU and the fact that RPi CPU is ARM). The fact that the Gridseed 5-chip actually uses virtual COM ports is ideal. I’m borrowing a friend’s unit since my order was only placed a day ago, but USB port is plugged into a BFL ASIC miner and is being controlled by an unmodified (although specifically compiled) version of the latest cgminer. The other USB port is plugged into a Gridseed 5-chip device and is running in dual mining mode (with a modified cpuminer handling the scrypt mining and a modified cgminer handling the BTC).

So with those three processes running I’m able to use the dual-mining capabilities of the Gridseed 5-chip device and still use my older ASIC miner. The only real issue is that I’m having to depend on the web statistics of the multi-scrypt pool I use to tell me the speed regarding scrypt mining. I run a home server 24/7 that I could have plugged this into but since the RPi doesn’t really ever need to be rebooted or touched for that matter, plus uses that power, I wanted to take advantage of having one in use. Also people might be discouraged from using RPi’s USB ports due to general misinformation regarding their ability to handle external devices. First, it is mostly a power issue (and all of the devices mentioned use external power) and second, this can be an issue for high rates of speeds (i.e. streaming an HD movie off of a USB stick or something similar). Very little bandwidth is being used on the Internet-side of thing and there isn’t a real risk of losing data between our miners and RPi.

Once I have my own device (i.e. something that I can break and not get in trouble for), I will see how far I can I can push the hardware, as well as post a complete article/tutorial (either on BCT or as a guest on this blog). I have kept a running distro updated (although not publicly released yet) called “MinePeon” that is Debian-based. I don’t plan on releasing it yet, however I would consider a limited Gridseed version that supported 1 or more units via USB hubs (I would want to research and figure out how to get scrypt speed to be displayed as well as add a web frontend for scrypt, SHA-256 and dual mining).


March 13th, 2014 at 06:47

Okay I clicked “Post” before proofing the post above. If any part of that doesn’t make sense it will be cleared up in the future =p (the only glaring mistake is that I meant to say that the RPi uses less power compared to a full desktop computer, however I’m sure many of us have at least one machine that acts as a home server).

Nick Semperboni

March 14th, 2014 at 05:20

Is it possible to mine in dual mode with more than one unit at a time? Would you just have to add the other COM ports being used?


March 14th, 2014 at 11:59

Nick Semperboni, it should be possible, just harder to setup for a lot of units.


March 16th, 2014 at 03:49

Okay here goes what I have found. If you run more then one gridseed in Dual mode the second instance is sharing the same gridseed on scrypt. If anyone can prove me wrong or confirm and or has a fix let me know. I spent 5 hrs last night with watching the KHS in scrypt if you run one its fine if you run two its mining off the same gridseed. Thanks all


March 19th, 2014 at 21:34

Has anyone tacked dual mode running off a pi rasberry?



May 23rd, 2017 at 18:12

Hi, I’m sorry for being a total noob but I recently got 2 Gridseed blades and have no idea how to set it up. I also have a raspberri pi 3 and right now don’t even know what types of coins I’m able to mine with it. I’ve tried multiple tutorials on Youtube but they all are outdated from 2013-2014 and cgminer which is suggested has had so many updates since then.
Is it still possible to mine using these devices? If yes, if anyone is willing or able to help me set it up I’m willing to join your pool or even pay for your time (within a reasonable price of course) :).

Thanks and appreciate the help.

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