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SFARDS SF100 ASICs Coming Soon, But Too Expensive

3 Aug


The SF100 Dual-Miner ASICs from SFARDS are expected to start arriving in mid-August 2015 to the most eager miners that have ordered some fromt he first batch of devices, or at least that is what the manufacturer is claiming on their website. The SF100 BTC and LTC Dual Miner has been listed briefly on the official SFARDS website with a price of 8000 RMB (about 1288 USD) last month and is since labeled as Out of Stock. This price however seems to be for larger quantities, some other websites have since listed single units of the SFARDS SF100 miners for pre-order and their prices are for example $1699 USD on AliExpress, ~$1700 USD on Asic Trade and $1999.99 USD on ZoomHash or with other words significantly higher than what was listed on the official website. Note that these prices are for the ASIC miner only and you need to add the shipping cost, extra import taxes and then you would also need at least good 1KW power supply for the miner, so the total price will easy go over $2000 USD. Even if these prices are higher because of the limited number of available units in the first batch they are way too expensive to consider them as a good investment with the current market conditions. Not to mention that we are yet to see if the miners will be able to perform as promised by the manufacturers in terms of performance for both mining SHA256 and Scrypt algorithms separately and at the same time. Another thing that may not be very much in favor of the late availability of the SF100 miners is the expected Litecoin Block Reward Halving from 50 to 25 coins by the end of August…

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3 Responses to SFARDS SF100 ASICs Coming Soon, But Too Expensive


August 4th, 2015 at 19:09

That price really is a dissapointment. I was looking forward to buying this new ASIC, but it just doesn’t make sense at these prices. Here’s to hoping for a significant price drop in the coming months!

Fraud Squad

August 4th, 2015 at 19:41

I’m still not convinced they will ever exist – Sfards don’t respond to any questions whatsoever regarding anything. The fact that zoomhash claim to have some for sale is even more of a red flag, they are a con outfit well known for scamming miners. I’m 100% unconvinced.


August 7th, 2015 at 21:53

I have a feeling that the product name SFARDS intentionally or unintentionally gives away the true purpose of the product. :D

I pronounce it “ess-farts”, by the way. So maybe SFARDS is just a big fart, a big fake, a big scam. So to speak.

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