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Ethereum Cloud Mining Hashrate Available from Genesis Mining Again

13 Feb


The cloud mining service provider Genesis Mining now offers more Ethereum cloud mining hashrate after briefly being out of stock due to the high user demand. Unfortunately the return of more available Ethereum cloud mining hashrate for sale comes with a significantly higher price per MHS than it was available for before. Previously 1 year mining contracts were available at $17.99 USD per MHS with all included fees for the term of the contract and now the price is set at $44 USD per MHS for the same terms or more than double the old price. One can argue that in the recent days there has been a significant jump in the exchange rate of Ethereum’s Ether (ETH) coins on the market, more than double, and the performance per GPU is lower because of the increasing DAG size, but it is not clear if this will be a long term price increase or it is just temporary jump. So while at the old price the Ethereum cloud mining contracts were very attractive, but they are not anymore now that their price has been significantly increased… will have to wait and see. Meanwhile should you decide to purchase some Ethereum cloud mining hashrate you can get an extra 5% discount from the regular price by using our special promotional coupon code CryptoMiningBlog5 during the checkout.

You can get more information about the new Ether Cloud Mining Contracts by Genesis Mining here…

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4 Responses to Ethereum Cloud Mining Hashrate Available from Genesis Mining Again


February 14th, 2016 at 11:21

Wow. What a cash grab. Not sure who would fall for such extortionate pricing. If you do fall for it, you deserve every penny lost


February 15th, 2016 at 21:17

Glad I bought in when the prices were lower! I guess in some ways, it’s nice to see such optimism from Genesis about the future price of Eth…


May 8th, 2016 at 16:21

I was only trying to participate in the ecosystem… I don’t see why I deserve to lose my hard earned $4400us … & it does look like I will make $50us to $150us profit after a year, or lose $50us to $150us. So if you don’t want to feel like you’ve been rolled over[AVOID GENESIS]


June 11th, 2017 at 06:51

price now of ETH is at 320 USD per coin, so

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