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New Faster HODLminer and a New Mining Pool For It Now Available

3 Aug

Recently, hodl crypto has implemented a hardfork that changed the way mining works for the coin essentially driving away miners in favor of the people that already hold the coin. The change required mined coins to be help for 1 year before being released to users for use, so the existing pools kind of gave up on continuing as they usually operate on a mining fee and miners fled from the coin. The only way that was left to mine was using the in-wallet built-in miner that is slower than the already existing miners that could be used only for pool mining. The only advantage that was left was that the mined coins from 50 per block when mined would gain interest and would be much more when they were released to the user. Regardless this kind of made us loose interest in HODL for the moment as here we like coins that can be mined…

Recently there has been new somewhat positive development that may bring some miner back to mining HODL or at least trying to as the 1 year waiting time for the coins to be released is still there. Anyway, there is a new further optimized HODLminer forked by optiminer from Wolf’s code that does provide significant performance improvement (source). Below you can find a 64-bit Windows binary of the miner that you can use to mine HODL on your CPU, do note however that you still need to have a more recent AMD or Intel processor with AES-NI support in order to use the miner. You should also be able to use the slower non-AES-NI capable miner that you can find here for older CPUs without the required instruction support. Do note that you should be able to use this miner for other coins that rely on the HODL algorithm as there are apparently some already available such as ERC.

Performance for Intel Core i5820K CPU:
– Old Wolf HOLD miner: 250 H/s
– Optimized Optiminer fork: 560 H/s

The new miner however would be useless without a dedicated mining pool (it does not work with solo mining using the HODL wallet), so the same author also launched Optiminer HOdlcoin Mining Pool where you can point the miner to mine HODL for you. It is a PPLNS pool with 1.0% fee and requires 25 confirmations until a pending block counts as mined. Do note that all HODL coins are still locked for one year after mining as there is currently no way to withdraw the balance for miners. Instead, once the balance reaches at least 50 HODL, it gets eligible for including in a mining block. The next block will always be mined to the address of the miner which has the highest eligible balance at which point you would still have to wait for 1 year to actually be able to use these mined coins.

To download and try the new optimized HODLminer and the new mining pool…

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10 Responses to New Faster HODLminer and a New Mining Pool For It Now Available


August 4th, 2016 at 00:52

FYI for anyone wanting to mine this – I saw this note on supernova:

Please be aware that HODL does a hard fork at block 86000 which locks all coins mined since then for one year, that means that coins mined after Block 86000 will be paid out after one year (!) Check This post about this crazy decision by the devs”


August 4th, 2016 at 07:34

Currency can be worthless in a week, let alone a year. Stupid coin.


August 4th, 2016 at 11:39

Interesting coin.. high interest to park money


August 4th, 2016 at 21:11

ok, so also be aware that you can buy unlocked HODL on c-cex and keep it in your wallet with 0.30% interests a day free of locked deposits

HOdlcoin is very interesting innovation but unfortunately with very poor advertising


August 4th, 2016 at 21:22

Ya, I saw the same thing happen with BURST. Very innovative coin (mines with HDD space vs typical PoW or PoS). It actually beat Ethereum to being able to use and execute smart contracts, but few knew of it because of very poor advertising.


August 10th, 2016 at 15:05

I can not use it for mine. It shows that “Stratum requested work restart”. How can I get it work in the right way?


August 10th, 2016 at 15:42

My cpu is 6700k . I can find it in the list. Butit can not work. why?


August 10th, 2016 at 15:45

6700k can not uses hodlminer-optiminer-fork?

Isaac Church

August 12th, 2016 at 23:50

I hope they add solo mining to this new miner. I don’t trust the idea of using a pool with a year wait. If anything like that changes, please be sure to create a post about it!


September 3rd, 2016 at 22:47

Overclocked 5930k: ~720h/s :D

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