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Official ccMiner 1.8.1 fork by tpruvot With SiaCoin (SC) Support

11 Aug


Tpruvot has made an official release of his updated ccMiner fork (source) version 1.8.1 along with Windows x86 and x64 binaries available for download. The x86 Windows binary is compiled with VS2013 and CUDA 8.0 RC and the x64 binary is compiled with CUDA 7.5, it is best to use the latest video drivers to have support for CUDA 8.0.

The new ccMiner 1.8.1 adds support for mining Siacoin (SC) on Nvidia GPUs using CUDA, SIA uses Blake2-B algorithm, though at the moment different pools still seem to rely on different protocols for mining and not all of them are yet supported by ccMiner. The miner supports the SIA Nanopool RPC (getwork over http) as well as the getwork over Stratum implementation of Suprnova, but not yet the Siaminingpool stratum protocol (you should still be able to mine there via getwork). The hashrate seems to be slightly better than that Sia Go Miner that uses OpenCL and also works on Nvidia GPUs.

The new version 1.8.1 also comes with small improvement in the LBRY hashrate improvements (by alexis78) over the previous release 1.8 that introduced Library Credits mining. So if you are mining LBC with Nvidia GPUs, then you might wan to update to the new release in order to get slightly better hashrate. The Lyra2RE support has also been updated with the with the Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin improvements, so it should be faster than before.

To download the latest official ccMiner version 1.8.1 by tpruvot for Windows…

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4 Responses to Official ccMiner 1.8.1 fork by tpruvot With SiaCoin (SC) Support


August 11th, 2016 at 22:28

what´s the switch for Siacoin algo? i cant find it in the readme

what´s the hash speed for 1070s?


August 11th, 2016 at 22:44

Just use sia as algorithm.
The GTX 1070 does about 1500 MHS…


August 12th, 2016 at 12:47

Is it usefull to set diff = 256 (in run.but)? For 3 or 6 cards should it be higher?


August 18th, 2016 at 16:51

I get an error. Im running windows 7 32 bits and when i fire it up it says no Nvidia device found, to make sure its plugged. Well its plugged, i used 1.8 version with no problems. Same bat files and same issue with everyalgo… Am I missing something? Keep up the good work :)

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