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New Optimized Ethminer for Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 GPUs

27 Jun

There is a new development version of the ethminer 0.11.0 (source) available that brings CUDA performance improvements especially optimized for GTX 1060 GPUs. People are reporting a couple of megahashes increase in the performance of GTX 1060 GPUs over what they are getting with the same settings from Claymore’s ETH miner, some slight, but less performance improvement is observed in GTX 1070. Unfortunately it seems that the performance optimizations submitted by David Li don’t do much good for GDDR5X GPUs like the GTX 1080 and GTX 1080 Ti.

Feel free to test it on your Nvidia mining GPUS and report what and if there is some improvement in the hashrate over your previous settings. If you do make sure you try different value for the --cuda-parallel-hash command line flag (default value is 4), but you can experiment with 1, 2 and 8 and see what works best for you. Again the highest benefits are apparently observed on GTX 1060 GPUs as the performance optimization is apparently targeted at them, though some other GPUs might still benefit a slight boost as well. You can download and try the Windows binary compiled from the latest source below.

To download and try the CUDA optimized new ethminer 0.11.0 for Windows…

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76 Responses to New Optimized Ethminer for Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 GPUs


June 28th, 2017 at 04:16

Hello, dosnt work for me it gives an error of some files missing. i have win 10. i installed visual studio and everything…. old version vork this doesnt…

any idea


June 28th, 2017 at 04:18

i meant visual c++ :) typo


June 28th, 2017 at 09:17

Which are the missing files?


June 28th, 2017 at 09:20

this is why i love this site, always on top of things like this (new efficient miners), no other crypto site has this. I’m seeing +2 MH/S over claymore on my gtx 1070, and ofcourse, no dev fee
Admin, anyway to apply this patch to claymores dual? I do like mining Siacoin at the same time, but would love to benefit from this speed increase too as well.


June 28th, 2017 at 10:57


msvcp140.dll and vcruntime140.dll. Its a clean install of win 10 with just nvidia drivers 382.53 drivers. do i need anything else?


June 28th, 2017 at 11:22

Worked immediately here, thank you very much. In Ethminer on Ethermine pool, i usually had jumps from 41 – 51 MH/s line by line in the CMD window.

(mining with 1070 [75 PL, +325 Mem] and 1060 [45 PL, +375 Mem).

With the new version (i left the setting at 4) it seems much more constant, meaning 48 – 51. I guess the weaker 1060 doesn’t drag the overall performance down every once in a little while. I am no expert tho. Anyways, great work!


June 28th, 2017 at 11:38

ok i found those files and copied them in the same folder. now i get the error “the application was unable to start correctly “0xc000007b”.



June 28th, 2017 at 11:55

Just run this aio-runtime.

It is in Dutch but after the download just launch it and it will do all the installing for you.

Mike Hunt

June 28th, 2017 at 12:34

I’ve tried adding the new ethminer to Nicehash for Windows to get the performance boost, but have found that there is a syntax change for ethminer.exe.

–dag-load-mode singlekeep 1
has changed to
–dag-load-mode single 1

As a result it can’t benchmark or mine with the new ethminer.exe.
From the log:
[2017-06-28 10:23:53] [INFO] [MinerEtherumCUDA-MINER_ID(11)-DEVICE_IDs(1)] [pid(3012)|bin(bin\ethminer\ethminer.exe)] Could not read data from API bind port

If you try and run the benchmark manually using the nicehash builtin syntax for ethminer it returns:
Bad –dag-load-mode option: singlekeep

Any ideas how to force the nicehash client to switch to using ‘single’ vs ‘singlekeep’. I can’t see anything looking through the config files.


June 28th, 2017 at 13:17

why do you guys mine eth with nvidia? i have both nvidia and amd rigs and there is algo’s much more profitable than eth..


June 28th, 2017 at 13:37

@moccolo try to download dlls from .I had the same error and fix it that way.

Mike Hunt

June 28th, 2017 at 13:39


It depends and changes on an hourly basis.
Check out the following site.


June 28th, 2017 at 19:08

is there any chance this might work for linux ?


June 28th, 2017 at 22:03

@miner006c what is much better then eth for nvidia, especially 1060?


June 29th, 2017 at 07:54

Every ine that gets missing DLL error- Just install from Microsoft Visual 2015 distribution X86/X64 and you are good to go ;-).


June 29th, 2017 at 17:12

Am I the only one with issues monitoring the current REPORTED hashrate on ethermine?

Since I started using this miner I get current and average but no reported hashrate. Otherwise doing a stable 24,5 – 25 MH/s!


June 29th, 2017 at 17:42

I just returned to this blog post to ask the same question as Petar. :) Read this article yesterday, started using this new ethminer today, and noticed that ethermine doesn’t show anything in “reported hashrate”. Only “current” and “average” fields show some numbers. Not sure whether it has any relation to the actual earnings. By the way, I had to start 4 instances on my 8 gpu rig (7*1060/3 + 1*1060/6), each instance for 2 cards. Otherwise everything was super-laggy and the text in miner’s window was refreshing super-slow.


June 29th, 2017 at 17:52

Same goes to me. I was using Claymore and shifted to Ethminer. It stopped reporting “reported hashrate”.


June 29th, 2017 at 18:17

yep like Sam said, this is why i follow this site so closely for all these tips.

I got an instant bump from 66-72MHs on both of my 3 x EVGA 1060 FTW+ rigs. Still think i need to squeeze a little more out of them they are currently 65% power, +100 core, +650-700 memory.

Haven’t tried it yet on my 1 disappointing Zotac 1060 (the new 9gbps version) card, if anyone has any tips on getting this over 19Mhs let me know.


June 29th, 2017 at 18:33

Fake program. Dont report hash.


June 29th, 2017 at 19:45

June 29th, 2017 at 22:53

I am aloso not getting the Hashrate reported, but it is still receiving shares and even reports that it is active and mining. Just by moving from Claymore 9.6 to this nVidia Optimized Ethminer i went from 30 to 33 on GTX1070, Power Target 75%, Temp Target 80°C, Mem Clock Offset +850 and temps are 63°Max.


June 29th, 2017 at 23:30

Hm. Tried it and heard an evil noise coming out of my PC… coil whining.
Tried to close the console window and the GPU “crashed”… loads of weird artefacts for two minutes until the PC recovered.

Now I have coil whining in EWBF and Claymore too. Hum. Not cool.


June 30th, 2017 at 00:49

When I start ethminer my procesor works on 100% and after 3 minutes of my rig restarts, I have Celeron G3930, 6gpu 1060 6gb,

my .bat file :


ethminer.exe –farm-recheck 200 -G –opencl-platform 1 -S -FS -O 0xmyaddress.rigname

I have 2 same rigs and I have same problem on both of them.

Can someone please help ? ty


June 30th, 2017 at 03:02

This miner is faster than Claymore, but it crashes the Driver once you try to shut down the miner. I’ll stick to Claymore for the moment, this new one is a bit unstable and not reporting the hashrate is a bit annoying.


June 30th, 2017 at 12:00

@monkey – replace -G with -U (-G is for OpenCL and -U is for CUDA)


June 30th, 2017 at 13:24

High stability, no issues, no crashes, working with NiceHash – CUDA daggerhashimoto:


June 30th, 2017 at 16:28

20.95 hash rate only in my Asus STRIX 1060 OC Edition.
I set up my GPU to OC mode. But up to 20.95 hash rate only?


June 30th, 2017 at 20:41

Timm,you need to raise the Memory clocks, not the Core Clocks. My GTX1070 went from 26 Mh/s to 33 Mh/s just by going +750 Mhz.


June 30th, 2017 at 21:35

Missing dlls… leeched them from dll webpage.. then error after starting it.

back to claymore for now


July 1st, 2017 at 01:00

Works well for me on my GTX 1070. About 1-2 MHS more then before with etherminer.
I use it this way: “ethminer.exe -U –cuda-streams 2 –cuda-grid-size 4096 –farm-recheck 60 -F
As you can see i use eth-proxy with it.
I get about “real” 30 MHs with the GPU Power on 66% and Memory on +600.

Ethermine is fixed by now, showing the Hashrate as it should be.


July 1st, 2017 at 01:58

evening. in advance, thank you for your reply. im running windows 10 (64bit) and a gtx 1070…when attempting to run the Ethermine-Stratum-Cuda bat file i get a “Read response failed: The Semaphore timeout period has expired…reconnecting. and that goes on and on.

my bat file is this:
ethminer -U -S -O . –cuda-parallel-hash 4

any thoughts on what i can try?

on a side note, Claymore Miner works….


July 1st, 2017 at 06:42

dirtygoats, it worked for me, i was doing 33-34 mh/s on this specific cuda miner but the thing was super unstable, if i closed the miner it would crash my driver and needing a reboot, also the was an issue with the miner not reporting hashrate on It has a lot of potential but it needs little more polish, as soon as they fix those two issues or maybe try to optimize and squeeze a little more performance if possible, it will be great.


July 1st, 2017 at 17:10

Just use eth-proxy, i found the direct stratum connection via etherminer verry buggy.
I got not accepted shares etc. With eth-proxy i’ve got no problems at all.


July 1st, 2017 at 21:59

Hello everyone I’m new to this, I’m trying to use this software for my 1070gtx but cant seem to use it. is there anyone that can guide me step by step how to get started please?


July 1st, 2017 at 22:28

this is what i ended up getting to work using Ethminer:
ethminer.exe –farm-recheck 2000 -U -SP 1 -S -O .

via MSI Afterburner:
Core Voltage: 0%
Power Limit: 70%
Temp Limit: 80%
Core Clock: 0
Memory Clock: +800

with that, my GTX 1070FE runs at 55c using 58% of the fan and draws about 103watts (GPU). my idle wattage (using a Killawatt) is 72watts. when mining the total wattage is 175.

the MH/s i’m pulling over a 24hr average is 31.5



July 1st, 2017 at 23:38

My Core i7 4790K, 16 GB DDR3, Palit GTX 1070 Dual Active 580w 80+ Gold Power Supply
System is drawing 140w from the Wall with the Card at 66% Powertarget and +600 Mhz Memory. It is Operating at about 30 MHs in this Configuration.

I am using eth-proxy and genoli’s CUDA etherminer.

Run a Batch with:

@echo off

cd “c:\PATH\eth-proxy”
start eth-proxy.exe

cd “c:\PATH\ethminer”
start ethminer.exe -U –cuda-streams 2 –cuda-grid-size 4096 –farm-recheck 250 -F http : / / 127. 0. 0. 1 : 8080 / WorkerID
rem – Last part without the spaces, delete this line. Only for this Blog Comment.


Set up the eth-proxy.conf like this (for ethermine):


HOST = “”
PORT = 8080

WALLET = “0x1234567890example-for-your-wallet”



# Main pool
POOL_PORT = 4444

# Failover pool



July 2nd, 2017 at 03:58

I have been testing this over the last couple days with my armor 1060 6gb and in my opinion this miner is not nearly as refined as the Claymore miner. For example while I see this miner working I can’t see any activity on the nanopool website, no reported shares no hash rates nothing to show my worker is active. As for performance it really varies, I was getting 26 mh/s earlier but I just tested it again and got a consistent 24 but then I noticed it dropped to 18. With Claymore I am solid at 23 mh/s and it runs flawlessly for 24 hours.


July 2nd, 2017 at 05:05

If I am not using the Nicehash client, how do I get the “worker name” to appear when I check online for my Nicehash active workers? I get a blank field when using this optimized ethminer.

This is what I have currently in the batch file:

ethminer -U -S -O mywalletname -SP 2 –cuda-parallel-hash 4

Mike Hunt

July 2nd, 2017 at 19:04

If you look through the nicehash log you can find the command it uses to start ethminer. It simply adds “.:x” after your bitcoin address. Replace the with your name and boom.

ethminer -U -S -O ashgdfkjhasgfkjhsgdfkjashjk.MikeHunt:x -SP 2 –cuda-parallel-hash 4 –cuda-grid-size 4096 –dag-load-mode single 0


July 3rd, 2017 at 01:34

I don’t use Claymore because of the Virus Alerts.
You don’t have any certainty beside the developer saying there isn’t one.
(And yes, i know the arguments he and the users are stating.)
As i use the computer i mine on also as my Wallet and everything else this isn’t trustworthy enough for me.
But i really have no problems with ethminer (exept for the direct stratum support, why i use eth-proxy.).
If your Pool Account Page doesn’t display anything you probably didn’t waited long enough or misconfigured something.


July 3rd, 2017 at 05:11

1060 G1 6GB
ethminer.exe –farm-recheck 1000 -U -S –cuda-schedule auto –cuda-streams 4 –cuda-parallel-hash 8
21-24MH/s on eth

1070 EVGA
ethminer.exe –farm-recheck 2000 -U -S –cuda-extragpu-mem 1024 –cuda-schedule auto –cuda-streams 4 –cuda-parallel-hash 8
27-30MH/s on eth.

I run both cards in the same gaming rig. (link below)
I have the 1024 MB ram set aside so I can use the computer while I’m mining.


July 3rd, 2017 at 22:03

Is it possible to use this new CUDA miner for ETC mining or it is omly for ETH?


July 4th, 2017 at 03:54

ethminer seems to run fine for me for a few minutes or even a couple hours, but then the hash will drop to 0 and it will get the error “CUDA error in func ‘ethash_cuda_miner::search’ at line 365 : unspecified launch failure.
X 12:31:01|cudaminer4 Error CUDA mining: unspecified launch failure” has anyone seen this?


July 5th, 2017 at 14:00

Unfortunately Ethminer freezes after a couple of hours but the hashrate with my GTX 1060’s is much better than Claymore.

I hope they can get it more stable and add some colors to the text to see more clearly that there is a share found.


July 5th, 2017 at 14:05

I managed to get it working (after a few restarts)
by using –farm-recheck 2000 instead of 200 default value, I get much better avg hashrate readings.
using 4 x 1060 3gb palit card with +748 mem / -200 core, I get 95.33 – 96.2 megahash/sec


July 5th, 2017 at 18:04

I will give it a new try with the new ethminer 0.11.0 “Optimized Nvidia mining” version.

You can get it here:


July 5th, 2017 at 18:13

What will be the best and most stable batch file settings for a GTX1060 rig?

This is what I use now with the Ethermine pool:
ethminer.exe –farm-recheck 2000 -U -S -FS -O .


July 5th, 2017 at 19:51

ethminer seems to run fine for me for a few minutes or even a couple hours, but then the hash will drop to 0 and it will get the error “CUDA error in func ‘ethash_cuda_miner::search’ at line 365 : unspecified launch failure.
X 12:31:01|cudaminer4 Error CUDA mining: unspecified launch failure” has anyone seen this?

I’ve seen this when the memory is overclocked too much.


July 6th, 2017 at 00:09

Thank you @ChrisS That error didn’t really point me to memory clock settings, and Claymore has 0 issues with it so I didn’t think to drop those settings. I have changed my core to +0 and my memory to +650 and it feels stable. 7xEVGA 1070 SC Gaming cards pushing 220 Mh/s

Juan Silva III

July 7th, 2017 at 01:06

Hi folks I was wondering how to convert my Claymore .bat to this optimised miner. I have two nVidia cards but one doesn’t have enough memory so I had to customise my commands until I got it to work. This is what I have:

#EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal -epsw x -eworker -esm 0 -erate 0 -di 02 -mode 1-0 -allcoins 1

Juan Silva III

July 7th, 2017 at 01:21

I have tried this:
#ethminer -U -S -O walletaddress.rigname:x –cuda-devices 0

And I get:

Desktop\ethminer-Optimized\ethminer 0.11.0rc1 windows>ethminer -U -S -O mywalletaddress.myrigname:x –cuda-devices 0
Using grid size 8192, block size 128

Found suitable CUDA device [GeForce GTX 1060 6GB] with 6442450944 bytes of GPU memory
i 17:17:05|main Connecting to stratum server
i 17:17:06|stratum Connected to stratum server : 8888
i 17:17:06|stratum Starting farm
X 17:17:06|stratum Discarding incomplete response
X 17:17:06|stratum Discarding incomplete response
X 17:17:06|stratum Discarding incomplete response
X 17:17:06|stratum Discarding incomplete response
X 17:17:06|stratum Read response failed: End of file
i 17:17:06|stratum Reconnecting in 3 seconds…
i 17:17:09|stratum Connecting to stratum server
i 17:17:09|stratum Connected to stratum server : 8888
X 17:17:09|stratum Discarding incomplete response
X 17:17:09|stratum Discarding incomplete response
X 17:17:09|stratum Discarding incomplete response
X 17:17:09|stratum Discarding incomplete response
X 17:17:09|stratum Read response failed: End of file
i 17:17:09|stratum Reconnecting in 3 seconds…

Juan Silva III

July 7th, 2017 at 02:07

Okay I finally got the client to work with this bat:

#ethminer -U -SP 1 -S -O mywallet.rigname:x –cuda-extragpu-mem 2048 –cuda-grid-size 4096 –cuda-devices 0

I was getting around 19-22 mhashes with Claymore, this miner is giving me 23-24 mhashes. MSI Afterburner is set to 55% power limit/temp limit 72C/core clock +120/memory clock +800


July 7th, 2017 at 12:31

Not stable run for 2 days.. crash driver..


July 8th, 2017 at 07:00

Nice miner, run for 5 days without issues. Thanks.


July 8th, 2017 at 10:17

even though it reports higher hash rates my average effective hash rate over 24 hours on is the same as claymore using 1070’s +0 clock +650 Memory 70% power.


July 8th, 2017 at 17:06

My GTX1060 rigs give me all a higher average effective hashrate since I switched from Claymore to Ethminer, even after I clocked the memory down to +750 to get it more stable.

Afterburner settings are 65% power limit, 80℃ temp limit, +0 core clock and +750 memory clock. Running stable for 3 days now.


July 8th, 2017 at 20:44

i try some solutions provide above but still have no report hashrate for my rigs. Anyone can give advice for this issues ?


July 9th, 2017 at 01:02

I got 1050Ti with config:

ethminer.exe –farm-recheck 400 -U -M –opencl-platform 1 -S -O 0x9F5910344a39f3D03999c63d12C81fA499bdb53d.1050ti

–opencl-platform 1 is necessary due to integrated card intel 610, i don’t know how to replace it with cuda command

Now it’s working

m 23:59:06|main Mining on PoWhash #b231e98d : 15.46MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:06|main Mining on PoWhash #b231e98d : 15.46MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:07|main Mining on PoWhash #b231e98d : 15.42MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:07|main Mining on PoWhash #b231e98d : 15.61MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:08|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 10.01MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:08|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.46MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:09|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.69MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:09|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.61MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:10|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.61MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:10|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.61MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:10|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.61MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:11|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.61MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:11|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.61MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:12|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.61MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:12|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 10.41MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:12|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.61MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:13|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.57MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:13|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.46MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:14|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.42MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:14|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.46MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:15|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.42MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:15|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.46MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:15|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.46MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:16|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.42MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]
m 23:59:16|main Mining on PoWhash #f6f5594c : 15.46MH/s [A0+0:R0+0:F0]

Can you please give me any advices to make my config better?


July 9th, 2017 at 16:17

Can’t make it to work with :(

What drivers should i use, can someone send full zip last stable version (here is only rc) with bat?


prem teja

July 10th, 2017 at 05:25

I’m getting this error, after running for a few hours.
CUDA error in func ‘ethash_cuda_miner::search’ at line 365 : unspecified launch failure.
X 17:02:01|cudaminer4 Error CUDA mining: unspecified launch failure”


July 13th, 2017 at 07:38

You guys clicking on the red “X” to close the miner and getting instant lockups….??? Me too. Until a guy told me this : “While it’s running, press Cntrl + C. The miner will give you a prompt. Something like “Close the miner? Y/N….press Y and hit enter. No more lock ups. Was driving me NUTS!!!!

Now someone help me. Point me in the direction of a website that explains all these various switches I see. I have no clue. Mine says farm – 200 etc. (basically default bat) And in these comments I see people have changed that to 2000, or various other numbers, along with extra switches that don’t seem to be in the default .bat or explained anywhere.


July 13th, 2017 at 10:39

Not getting reported hashrate from Any fix for it yet?


July 17th, 2017 at 18:12

With Ethminer you don’t get a reported hashrate. Just look at your average.


July 20th, 2017 at 11:36

version 0.11.0 gives me an 8% improvement over version 0.10.0
Kudos to the software developer who did this


August 12th, 2017 at 22:33

6x pny gtx 1060 6GB

afterburner settings

power 50%
temp (default, leave the link closed)
core clock +0
mem clock +500

celeron proc, 4gb crucial ram, 20GB virtual mem.

averaging 150MH, even some 160MH reports for 10 min intervals.
average pwer consumption per cards is 74%.
24 hours no issues yet.


Mr D

August 17th, 2017 at 01:29

The reported hashrate @ it’s 0 now, I was 73MH/s with 5 1060, now shows 83. Is anyone with the reported hashrate issue?


August 18th, 2017 at 23:06

some plz tell how can i use this? im so newbie @ this


October 18th, 2017 at 16:33

A Trojan horse is attached to Ethminer on your page link.


October 18th, 2017 at 21:12

If you are not Ok with binary releases and/or scared of viruses, then just compile from source… it is linked in the post!


January 4th, 2018 at 11:48

Hello everyone,
I bought a ASUS GTX 1060 Strix 6GB and noticed the memory is Hynix

I am running the latest ethminer 0.13.0rc1
factory setting I was geting only 14-15 Mh/s
then with nvidiainspector I changed P0 to:
Clock -200 Mem +800 Power 75%
And went up to about 20 Mh/s and drawing about 85W

I tried many other setting like CUDA or OpenCL (no diference= but was never able to go pass 20 Mh/s any ideas on how to improve?

Is claymore better? Can anyone pass me a command example? I dont get this multi coin mining stuff :(

thank you all


January 13th, 2018 at 05:32

remove clock OC, pump mem to +900 and decrease power to 70%
you will have 24 solid hitting 25 sometimes. It works for my Zotac 1060 Amp Edition 6GB
Temp is 65ª with fan at 60%


January 17th, 2018 at 10:03


how about your vga driver version?..i work on 882 version and follow your setting but sill get 20Mh


January 17th, 2018 at 10:05

*nvidia geforce gtx 1060 colorful


February 21st, 2018 at 08:48

If you want to see the reportet hashrate in the mining pool you just have to add “–report hashrate” in the command line
for example:
ethminer.exe -HWMON –report-hashrate –farm-recheck 200 -U -S -FS -O 0xC378DAB43fA9e19BaB1c1d74ebb68e06f3194600

I think your memory is from hynix so you have no chance to get more than the 20Mh.


March 21st, 2018 at 06:04

No reported hasrate on ethermine. If I add -report-hasrate or –report-hashrate, the miner will not start…

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