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lolMiner-mnx for Mining MinexCoin (MNX) or any Oher Equihash 96/5 Coin

24 Feb

lolMiner-mnx is a new miner for Mining MinexCoin (MNX) or any other coin that uses the Equihash 96/5 algorithm. Do note that the this is not the same algorithm used by ZCash (ZEC), there it is Equihash 200/9, so this miner is not compatible for mining traditional Equihash coins. The lolMiner-mnx is a closed source OpenCL miner being developed from scratch, so it is not based on existing opensource code. Currently it is available as 64-bit binary releases for both Linux and Windows, although it uses OpenCL it should compatible with pretty much any GPU including Intel and Nvidia and not only AMD.

The miner still needs some work, especially on Nvidia GPUs where by default it is pretty heavy on the CPU load and memory usage as well. It is recommended that Nvidia users add the parameter --enable-nv-hotfix in order to reduce the CPU load a bit, but still running the miner on the main GPU may make the system a bit unresponsive even with that parameter. Still if you are interested in mining MNX (even with the high hashrate and low block reward at the moment) or any other Equihash 96/5 coin you might want to check the lolMiner-mnx out.

Linux users can also use the Optiminer/Equihash miner as a solution for mining different variations of the Equihash algorithm (Equihash 200/9, Equihash 192/7, Equihash 96/5). A Windows version is supposed to come out at some point, but it is still not available for the moment.

For more information and to check out the lolMiner-mnx miner for Equihash 96/5…

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1 Response to lolMiner-mnx for Mining MinexCoin (MNX) or any Oher Equihash 96/5 Coin


February 27th, 2018 at 14:20

Real mining
1. grab pickaxe
2. dig the gold out of the ground
3. sell it for money.

crypto mining from the pool owner’s perspective
1 Put some pinchbeck bars in a empty room,
2 fill said room with concrete,
3 claim there’s real gold in there,
4 have some fools dig it at their own expense
5. give the pinchbeck bars only to the one who can prove he dug out the most concrete, encourage the others to try harder
6. keep one bar as your fee then let the fools try to sell the rest to some other fools (crypto-traders) just to cover the expenses
7. the miner’s friends try to tell them there is something wrong with all this but they are acused of being government shills
8. if that works sell your bar too
9. if the other fools are actually buying the stuff then go back to step 1 and repeat the whole thing otherwise go to step 10
10. Collect your money, buy a yacht then spend your earnings for the rest of your days
11. Watch the fools trying to sell their shovels, blaming capitalism/new world order/shadow goverment when the expenses come back to bite them in the rear.

Crypto mining from the miner’s perspective
1. Hear someone claiming there’s some gold in a concrete filled room
2. You and other fools ask the owner for the privilege to dig it out. The owner will allow this for the small fee of only one bar.
3. Dig the stuff out at your own expense. Everyone sees that it’s actually pinchbeck but the owner claims it’s gold so you believe him.
4. The owner allows you to keep the pinchbeck bars in exchange for his fee
5. Try to sell them bars to some so called trader just to cover the expenses
6. your friends try to tell you there is something wrong with all this but you acuse them of being government shills
7. If that works, dream about how you’ll make it to the top and go back to step 1 otherwise go to step 8
8. Owner sees that people are buying less and less pinchbeck so he sells his share driving the prices down
9. Blame capitalism/new world order/shadow goverment when the expenses come back to bite you in the rear and you try to sell your shovels to cover them.

Crypto mining from the shovel seller’s perspective
1. Hear someone claiming there’s some gold in a concrete filled room
2. Watch fools gathering around to dig it out
3. Said fools need shovels so set up a shovel factory nearby and sell said shovels at 100 times the cost.
4. As long as the fools keep buying the shovels go to step 1 and repeat, otherwise go to step 5
5. When the gold rush is over pack up your things, buy a yacht then spend your earnings for the rest of your days
6. Watch the fools trying to sell their shovels, blaming capitalism/new world order/shadow goverment when the expenses come back to bite them in the rear.

Pre-mined crypto currencies:
1. Make some pinchbeck bars
2. Claim said bars are actually gold
3. Sell said bars to some fools who actually believe you but keep some for yourself.
4. Watch fools trading the worthelss bars for real money
5. When the prices go high sell your share. This will drive the prices down but hey you got your money.
6. Collect your money, buy a yacht then spend your earnings for the rest of your days
7. Wath the fools blaming capitalism/new world order/shadow goverment …everyone except you, when the expenses come back to bite them in the rear and they try to sell everything including their shovels to cover them

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