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Sia CUDA Miner For Mining Siacoin (SC) on Nvidia GPUs

12 Jul


Sia CUDA Miner is a GPU miner designed for mining Siacoins on Nvidia GPUs using CUDA instead of OpenCL like on the Siacoin Go pool miner. The Sia CUDA Miner is being developed by KlausT (source) and works pretty well already, though it still needs some more work in terms of available features and in terms of performance optimizations. Our tests have shown that using the Sia CUDA Miner on various Nvidia GPUs does result in a hashrate that is a bit lower than what you can get using the OpenCL miner on the same hardware. Another limitation that the CUDA miner has is that by default it runs on a single GPU and you will need multiple instances running to have it work on multiple GPUs. Also, although the miner supports pool mining it apparently only works with pools that have long pooling enabled and this means that for the moment you are limited to the Siamining pool.

We have compiled a 64-bit Windows binary using CUDA 8.0 available for download below, our tests have shown that this was the fastest performing versions after trying different versions of CUDA and 32-bit compilation. The Windows binary is based on the latest source code and is version 4.01 that should provide more stable and problem free pool mining as compared to earlier releases. You are welcome to try the miner and report your results, but as we’ve already said the OpenCL miner is still the better choice for Nvidia GPUs at the moment in terms of features and support as well as performance wise in terms of hashrate, so you might want to stick to the Sia Go Pool miner that uses OpenCL.

To download and try the Sia CUDA Miner 4.01 for Nvidia GPUs on Windows…

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4 Responses to Sia CUDA Miner For Mining Siacoin (SC) on Nvidia GPUs


July 12th, 2016 at 15:03

more rejected on this miner


July 12th, 2016 at 15:16


The zip is missing a DLL and will not run on Windows 7:(


July 12th, 2016 at 15:36

Make sure you have the latest Nvidia video drivers that include support for CUDA 8.


July 13th, 2016 at 17:28

just wondering – how can i add a worker name here?

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