It Is All About BTC, LTC, ETH, DOGE, KAS mining as well as other alternative crypto currencies
If you think about URL shortening services, then probably you immediately think about or a similar generic service, however if you are into crypto currencies, then you should also know about CoinURL. This is an URL shortening service targeted at crypto currency users that not only will shorten your URL, but will also allow you to win some crypto coins by shortening URLs in the service and then sharing them through IM clients, posting on Forums or Facebook and so on and people click on them. When you click on a link that has been shortened at the service you will be briefly shown an advertisement that will most likely be something about crypto coins, before you are transferred to the page you should be visiting. If you shorten URLs and post them using this service you are essentially getting paid thanks to the ads that the people clicking on the links are seeing, so the more clicks you get, the more BTC you will earn from them.
Aside from the link shortening that it provides and the ability for normal users to win Bitcoins by shortening links and sharing them, the service also has useful features available for people that want to advertise to people interested in crypto currencies. The fact that the URL shortening is targeted to mostly crypto users makes it the perfect place to advertise your new alternative crypto currency that just launched, a crypto mining pool, cloud mining service, or a crypto related blog. Furthermore if you have a crypto coin related website or blog you may also publish crypto currency related ads provided by CoinURL and when people click on them you will also earn Bitcoins.
If you want to advertise something on you will need to deposit some BTC in your account on the website, then create your ad and pay for a number of impressions with the Bitcoins. There is a review process after you submit your ad that may take some time, our test show that sometimes it could take a day or two before your ad gets approved, but generally it should be faster. And the results from a few thousand impressions were pretty good, we promoted a bit this blog as a test for the service. So if you think that you can combine the usefulness of this URL shortening service with the chance to earn some extra cryptos, then we advice you to give it a go and try it out now.
– For more information and to try out the link shortening service CoinURL…
The second batch of 100 MHS that was released for sale at the Scryptcc cloud mining service by the service providers has been completely sold. This means that currently all of the trades of KHS going on at the exchange are between users that have purchased hashrate and as a result the exchange rate has started to go up. The initial price per KHS was 0.00144444 BTC and now the cheapest price you can purchase has gone up to 0.00144998 BTC per KHS and will probably continue to increase if the demand goes up. The Scryptcc hashrate provided by the service is total of 200 MHS of Scrypt mining power out of which we have purchased some extra KHS going from the 239 KHS that we’ve already had to 404 KHS as a part of our testing of the cloud mining service.
With the current exchange rate per KHS at Scryptcc going up means that if you purchase hashrate now the break even in time will be longer than if you have purchased a few days ago. The return of investment time of course also depends on the current profitability of the alternative crypto currency being mined by the service and the Income Calculator reports 174 days at the moment. Today we also got a message from the support that they are working on some of the problems we have reported, so hopefully in the next few days they will be finally able to resolve the issues that are more of an annoyance than something serious, but still need to be fixed. We’ll keep you updated on the progress of our testing as for now we are going to keep reinvesting what we earn from the 404 KHS that we currently have purchased. If the price per KHS continues to get higher we may also decide to sell some hashrate as so far we have only been purchasing KHS, as this is a good way to make some extra and quick profit, unless of course the service providers decide to add another batch of 100 MHS for sale.
– For more information and to try out the scryptcc cloud mining service yourself…
Atomic Trade is a relatively new and still not that big crypto currency exchange that has a bit different approach compared to other traditional crypto trading websites. Here you are stimulated to be active on the exchange in various ways and you get rewards for being an active member, including using the chat functionality of the exchange. And unlike other chats on crypto exchanges that are essentially trollboxes with not much of useful or helpful information, on Atomic Trade you can actually find some help and useful information from other members. You can even meet and talk with the exchange admin as well as some pool operators all while you are trading some crypto coins on the exchange itself.
The crypto currency exchange Atomic Trade does support trading of multiple currencies, including some newer and not so popular that you can hardly find on other decent exchanges. Among the standard BTC and LTC trading here you can also trade XPM, FTX, WDC, BLC, HBN, PXL, LOT, MED, FRK, SKC, UNO, VTC and ATP. We have discovered the Atomic Trade exchange while looking for good exchange for trading BlakeCoin (BLC) and since that we kind of liked it a lot and started trading other cryptos there as well. The ATP or Atomic Trade Points are the so called bonus points that you get while trading and generally being active on the exchange in various other ways, but the interesting thing with these is that aside from trading them on the exchange for BTC, while they are in your account balance they bring you profit from the trading fees collected by the exchange. So in a way the ATP are something like shares in the exchange that bring you dividends, and every 6 hours you get your bonus based on the amount of ATP you currently have in your balance. We really like the community that is forming at the Atomic Trade and would definitely recommend you to try it out, especially if you are trading alternative crypto coins such as BlakeCoin (BLC) among others.
– For more information and to try out the Atomic Trade crypto currency exchange…