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Archive for the ‘Mining Software’ Category

The Cast XMR CryptoNight GPU miner for AMD RX VEGA 56/64 GPUs has just been updated to version 0.9.2 with another important milestone – not needing the user to use the Blockchain AMD drivers for the optimal performance. The new version promises 99% the performance of the Blockchain Compute Beta driver achieved with the latest standard Radeon Driver 18.3.4 as well. This is definitely a relief for people still using the Blockchain drivers as they have some specifics in making them work properly and are not entirely bug free. We are reminding you that recently with the latest updates Cast XMR added support for the upcoming CryptoNightV7 POW fork for Monero (XMR) and other Cryptonight-based coins. Feel free to try the new version of Cast XMR with the latest 18.3.4 video drivers and report if you are getting the same performance on AMD Radeon RX VEGA GPUs as you are with the old Blockchain video drivers.

To download the latest AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.3.4 video drivers…

It seems that the new craze is to make crypto coins named after birds, after Ravencoin comes Pigeoncoin and that is not a coincidence. PGN and its new X16S mining algorithm were in fact inspired by RVN and the X16r algorithm that it has introduced. The new X16S (shuffle) algorithm maintains the randomness of X16r while providing consistency for hashrate and power usage, so it can be considered as a kind of improvement especially for miners. Pigeoncoin (PGN) is just a few days old was initially only CPU mineable, but quickly the Nvidia GPU miners for Ravencoin (RVN) were ported to support the new algorithm, so it is now mineable on Nvidia GPUS as well. The main specs of the coin are: 1 minute block time, 5000 PGN reward, 21 Billion coins max cap, 2016 blocks retarget, 16 shuffled algorithms (X16S shuffle). You are welcome to check it out and mine some, especially if you have some Nvidia-based GPU mining rigs, though we are still yet to see what will be the plans for the future of this new coin as there is still not much info about that available, again similar to the situation with RVN.

If you want to give it a try mining Pigeoncoin (PGN) you can do so already on the mining pool along with a few other pools already available and try one of the forks of ccMiner with support for the X16S algorithm. Like the latest supminer version 1.2 from Suprnova that adds support for X16S and also supports X16r, or alternatively the Nevermore-x16s v0.1-alpha (both of these open source) and there is also a new version of the x16s Pigeoncoin Enemy miner 1.03 (a closed source binary only release). For the moment there is still no AMD GPU miner available, but one will probably follow shortly based on the X16r fork in order to also support the X16S algorithm. If you are interested in an exchange supporting trading of Pigeoncoin (PGN), well, there isn’t one available yet, but the coin is still just a few days old, so you will have to wait a bit more for that. You can try trading PGN coins on Citex.

For more information about the new Pigeoncoin (PGN) and the X16S algorithm it uses…

Another open-source fork of ccMiner called supminer (source) is now available, an optimized version from the operator of the Suprnova mining pools that promises up to 10% better performance than the recently released nevermore ccminer fork. The supminer ccMiner fork comes with with no developer fee, but you can show your support by mining Ravencoin (RVN) on Suprnova’s RVNCoin Pool. There is an official 32-bit Windows binary release available compiled with CUDA 9.1, so make sure you have up to date video drivers on your mining rigs. The code is compatible with Linux as well, though you will need to compile it yourself (make sure you have CUDA 9.1 installed to compile from source).

In theory the supminer should be faster than the other available ccminer forks with X16r support, but you should test and compare the different releases and see what works and performs best on your hardware. Feel free to report hashrates and stability on your mining rigs and how supminer compares to the nevermore and enemy miners. When comparing hashrates make sure you compare on the same algorithm, because hashrate varies depending on the currently switched to algorithm. Do note that the performance optimizations should not work only on the X16r algorithm, but should also help improve performance on other chained algorithms supported by ccminer.

To download and try the 32-bit Windows binary of the supminer X16r Nvidia miner…
