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Archive for the ‘Mining Software’ Category

Claymore has updated his Monero miner for AMD GPUs to bring it more up to date in terms of features and performance due to the increased interest and profitability in mining XMR lately. The latest version uses the latest framework which is used by his Ethereum dual miner and ZCash miners, so people familiar with the other miners should have no trouble using this one as well. There are some new options available and a lot of miner improvements in the new version, new assembler GPU kernels are being used for improved performance though it also comes with a requirement for more memory. The latest version also comes with a reduced devfee, it’s 1% now if you use secure SSL/TLS connection, or 1.5% for unsecure connection to mining pools.

Alternatively for similar higher performance you can also use the latest sgminer with support for Monero (XMR) mining or the latest XMR-Stak AMD miner with two GPU threads, but for these also make sure you have set the virtual memory to a high value in order to not have trouble with multi-GPU systems. The extra increased performance can make mining Monero (XMR) more profitable than mining Ethereum (ETH) for example on the same AMD GPUs you have in your mining rigs, thus the increased interest in mining XMR.

For more information about the new Claymore CryptoNote AMD GPU Miner 10.1 for Monero Mining…

There is a new Linux-based distribution for Ethereum (ETH) mining for Nvidia GPUs available called XMOD that you might want to check out if you are using Windows as a mining OS. XMOS fully supports Nvidia GPU including overclocking and although it might work on AMD GPUs as well, it lacks overclocking support included, so probably not the best choice for mining on AMD GPUs as you will not be able to optimize them effectively for ETH mining. Currently XMOS only supports Ethereum mining using the official ethminer (supporting both AMD and Nvidia GPUs) and there is no developer fee included. The mining distribution is based on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS and all should fit on a single 8GB or larger USB flash drive, so you can use that directly to boot and start mining. There is no graphical interface, everything is being controlled via a terminal windows and you can SSH to the mining rig to monitor it, so this may not be very convenient for larger mining operations for monitoring and control. Still it might be interesting to check out and try, especially for people that are not much into Linux for mining and if it continues to be developed further it could turn up into an even more interesting alternative to what is already available as Linux-based mining OSes.

For more details about the XMOS Lightweight Linux-based ETH Mining OS for Nvidia GPUs..

Another interesting project that is apparently based on the CoinHive Monero (XMR) WebMiner that we recently mentioned here – a Chrome browser extension for mining Monero. The MoneroMiner Chrome Browser Extension as the name suggests is a browser extension that works on Chrome and mines XMR in the background while the browser is running. The extension requires you to register on a dedicated website and generate your own MoneroMiner API key in order to be able to use it. It is an interesting application for using the web-based miner code, however not that practical as far as mining goes as the performance you will get is nowhere near what a dedicated miner is capable of delivering on the same system. It is much more viable to have the mining code run by a lot of users that are willing to support you this way that just to mine using a single miner on your own computer.

For more details and to try out the MoneroMiner Chrome Browser Extension…
