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Archive for the ‘Mining Software’ Category


The Axiom crypto coin is a new altcoin that has generated quite some attention in the last few days with one of the main reasons behind it being the fact that the Axiom algorithm has been added to NiceHash. The coin is originally intended to be CPU mined and the latest release of the cpuminer-multi miner from tpruvot has added support for that algorithm, but there is already a more optimized fork available from NiceHash. So if you want to get the most performance of your CPU you might want to download the cpuminer-multi fork from the NiceHash repo on GitHub, there is also a simple and easy NiceHash Axiom CPU Miner Launcher available to simplify the use of the miner that also integrates your profit statistics. So if you are interested in the Axiom mining you might want to check out the optimized cpuminer-multi fork and the launcher, do note that there are mining pools available where you can directly mine Axiom and the coin is already being traded on Bittrex and C-Cex along with a few other smaller altocoin exchanges. Currently the Axiom coin looks like a nice altcoin to mine and sell or to sell your hashrate directly for BTC bringing nice profit for CPU mining, but we’ll have to see how things will work out on the long term, so you might want to be more careful if you want to stack on coins.

To download the latest Windows binaries of the optimized cpuminer and launcher with Axiom algorithm support…


It has been a while since there has been an official release of the cpuminer-multi fork from tpruvot though he was working actively on the source code of the CPU miner with multiple algorithms supported. The cpuminer-multi is the most functional fork of cpuminer that comes with support for the largest number of algorithms and a lot of optimizations for them to get you the most performance out of your CPU. Do note however that some dedicated forks of cpuminer for a specific algorithm may still provide better performance, but if you want flexible solution with many algorithms supported then cpuminer-multi is the choice. The latest official binary release version 1.1 comes with many new algorithms added including GroestlCoin, Diamond and Myriad, Pluck algorithm, ZR5 algo (ZRC), Luffa algo, Skein2 algo (Double Skein for Woodcoin), Animecoin algo (Quark variant), Dropcoin pok algo, BMW-256 (MDT) algo and the Axiom algorithm. There is also a basic API remote control some other new features and fixes. Do note thta if you want to get the latest updates you should always compile from source as we are not seeing often official binary releases, though the 1.1 should be up to date for some time now.

To download the latest Windows binary of the cpuminer-multi fork with multiple algorithms support…


There is a new version of the Miner Control KBomba Edition software (source) and you can download the compiled package for Windows from the link below. The latest version of the software for automatic mining pool profit switching comes with some improved support for YAAMP clones, also support for pools that are no longer available have been removed including WestHash as it is now essentially the same as NiceHash. You can now also have multiple manual entries for pools in the config file with fixed settings for the price set by you in order to get their profitability calculated. The most notable new feature however is the added visual representation of the price history in a visual chart. The official release you can download below comes with a sample configuration file, but no miners are included, so you will first need to configure it for your mining hardware and pools in order to be able to use it.

To download the latest windows binary of the Miner Control 1.6.5 KBomba Edition for Windows…
