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Archive for the ‘Mining Software’ Category

Modifying the BIOS of an AMD video card with different operating frequencies or better memory timings and then flashing it on the GPU has been the primary choice of crypto miners for a while. Due to the introduction of the BIOS signature check in the video driver by AMD some time ago this also required users to patch the video drivers in order to continue using them with more recent video drivers. Earlier this year the AMD Memory Tweak Tool has been released and meanwhile it has evolved into a quite the useful alternative to BIOS modding. The latest AMD Memory Tweak XL makes it really easy to modify memory timings, memory straps or PowerPlay Table “on the fly” as well as access the ADL Overdrive and MMIO Register Control on newer GDDR5/HBM-memory based AMD video cards. This means that you can change the settings and apply them directly and test how they will affect performance and stability, changes are not permanent and as soon as there is some issue you can easily revert back to the default values.

The AMD Memory Tweak XL tool requires that you have .NET Framework 3.5 installed in order to function, if it is not available on your system it will automatically detect and offer to download it for you… though you might experience various issues when trying to install the framework on some mining rigs. Also your Windows needs to be in Test Mode in order for the tool to properly function, it will offer to get you into Test Mode if you are currently not and there is a button to easily get you back to regular operation. The AMD Memory Tweak XL is originally intended for more advanced users, though you should be able to quickly get up to speed on what and how to modify to get better performance. You can look at what other users have reported as settings that give better performance on their specific mining GPUs and try them and experiment on what your AMD GPUs are capable of. Even if you already have an modified video BIOS you can still play with the memory straps for example in order to squeeze some extra performance to test even better settings before applying them with a new BIOS modification.

For more information and to download the AMD Memory Tweak XL tool…

The author of the popular SRBminer CryptoNight AMD GPU miner, doktor83, has just released a new mining software called SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner. The new miner is targeted at algorithms for CPU mining as well as some CPU and GPU ones for more recent AMD-based video cards (R9 2xx series and newer)… other than the CN-based algorithms that his other AMD GPU miner supports. Do note that just like his CryptoNight GPU miner, this new CPU and GPU AMD miner is also available only for Windows as a pre-compiled binary (it is closed source) and there is a built-in developer fee as follows: 0% for blake2b, 1.70% for rainforestv2 and 0.85% for all other supported algorithms. The miner does not yet have support for the new RandomX algorithm, but it will most likely get one at least regarding CPU support, you can find the initially supported algorithms below:

CPU-only algorithms:
– cpupower
– yescryptr16
– yescryptr32
– yescryptr8
– yespower
– yespowerlitb
– yespowerr16

CPU + GPU algorithms:
– blake2b
– blake2s
– keccak
– mtp
– rainforestv2
– yescrypt

To download and try the new SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner 0.1.0 Beta…

The RavenCoin (RVN) fork has been successfully executed and mining with GPUs is back once more with mining profitability of RVN the highest at the moment among GPU-mineable altcoins thanks to no significant change in the price. The hashrate is now about 5 times lower than before the fork, so most likely the presence of FPGAs and even maybe ASIC miners for the X16R algorithm is really significant. Anyway, apart from z-enemy and T-Rex miners for Nvidia there is a third option available now with X16Rv2 support. The new entry is the just released CryptoDredge v0.22.0 that now supports the X16Rv2 algorithm, like with other closed source Nvidia GPU miners, CryptoDredge also comes with a 1% dev fee for the X16RV2 algorithm. Our quick tests have shown that on GTX 1080 Ti the performance of CryptoDredge miner with X16Rv2 is not as high as on the current hashrate leader T-Rex… it is more like similar to that of z-enemy.

To download and try the latest CryptoDredge v0.22.0 Nvidia GPU Miner…
