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Now you have more options to increase your mining profit by dual mining not only Ethereum Classic (ETC) and Zilliqa (ZIL) on the mining pool thanks to the addition of EthereumPoW (ETHW) and EthereumFair (ETHF) pools that allow dual mining together with ZIL. EthereumPoW (ETHW) and EthereumFair (ETHF) are forks from Ethereum (ETH) that split after the Merge and continued to exist as Proof of Work blockchains. So, unlike Ethereum (ETH) that is now Proof of Stake (PoS) only you can mine these using GPUs or Ethash mining ASICs.

These two “newcomers” are much smaller in terms of networks with ETHW being the larger and more talked about one of the two compared to what ETH had prior to the fork, but they do present some opportunity for miners. Profit of mining these alone currently is not much different than what you get mining Ethereum Classic (ETC), but if you combine any of them with ZIL for dual-mining you can earn an extra 30-40% more than just by mining any of the coins alone, just like you could do with ETC after the fork. The pool has 1% default commission for miners though if you use the promo code 509cd, you will get an extra 0.10% cashback for two weeks, essentially lowering the initial mining fee of the pool from 1% to 0.9% for some time. So, why not give them a try and try to make a bit more with your mining hardware.

On a side note, due to the higher profitability with dual mining and more people apparently noticing this option it also seems that Etchash profitability on NiceHash has also increased as of late compared to just mining ETC only. Do note however that the fluctuation of profitability on NiceHash can make bigger and sudden swings as compared to dual mining with ZIL that seems to provide a more steady and predictable profit calculation.

Since we have been dual mining ETC and ZIL after the Merge happened on the Ethereum network we’ve seen slight drop ETC in network hashrate after the initial peak, but the price of Ethereum Classic in USD/EUR also dropped a bit. So, all in all, while currently you might be able to mine some more ETC coins their total in fiat may be a bit lower than earlier this month. That is if you are mining and selling for fiat immediately.

To Get Started Dual-mining ETC, ETHW or ETHF and ZIL on the Mining Pool…

This year the electricity prices in Europe have skyrocketed and at the same time the mining profitability has been going down steadily until things became unprofitable for most miners after Ethereum’s switch from PoW to PoS last month. With the Fall already here and Winter coming soon and temperatures starting to drop outside it seems that some ASIC miner manufacturers are figuring a way to still sell their hardware. Like JASMINER who are making Ethereum ASIC miners that just posted about their JASMINER X4 3U-Q ASIC miner calling it a “small home heater, with secondary income to offset high electricity bills and still keep warm”.

Using GPU mining rigs and ASIC miners at home during the cold months (if you live in a place that has these) has long been a thing to do if you have quiet running mining hardware or can set it up to run quietly. This way even in a non-profitable period like the one now you can still utilize the heat from the miner to keep you warm at home. Even if the miner just manages to pay for the electricity and you use the heat it is still better than to pay just for electricity for heating, isn’t it. So, if you have your mining hardware not running at the moment, you might want to consider turning it off as a heating solution during the coming cold months, you just need to make sure that you can make it run silent or at least with a very little noise.

Back to the JASMINER X4 3U-Q ASIC miner, it is an Ethash ASIC miner that promises a hashrate of about 1040 MH/s with a power usage of around 480 Watts and with a noise level at under 40 Decibels. We haven’t tested that miner personally, although we would love to, but if these specs are true it could easily be used for keeping your home warmer during the cold months of the Winter and since the power usage is quite low you should be able to cover at least the electricity costs with that hashrate of 1 GH/s. Of course mining Ethereum with it is no longer possible, but you should able to mine Ethereum Classic (ETC) and other Ethash based crypto coins. At the moment the breakeven price of electricity for this device is around 0.21 USD or EURO, so while it may not be bringing profit it could still give you free electricity… sort of…

The official Jasminer website lists the device out of stock at the moment with a price of $9099 USD, definitely way too high, though there are some offers for the miner in the $4000-$5000 range with stock available on the internet. Even that price is a bit too high at the moment for something that can barely make a negligible profit or even breakeven in most cases. Even with the free heating you would still need to pay for the “heater” and if the price of the device is going to be higher than what you’d normally pay for regular heating during the winter it might still not be worth it.

Of course, if the crypto market gets another bull run things may drastically change in favour of the Ethash ASIC mining device, but at the moment even getting one with the idea to use it as a “free” heater may not be that good. Of course, if your electricity costs are lower than the breakeven price and you manage to score a good deal on the JASMINER X4 3U-Q miner things might be looking better.

One important thing to note about Jasminer’s Ethash ASICs like the JASMINER X4 3U-Q, JASMINER X4-1U, JASMINER X4 and JASMINER X4 MINI is that all of them do come equipped with 5GB of memory for the DAG. This was more of importance while you could still miner Ethereum with a nice profit as it has passed the 5GB DAG size, but since it is no longer mineable and some other Ethash-based crypto coins do have quite some time before needing more than 5GB RAM you should be safe for the time being.

It is not only Jasminer however that is thinking along the line of using the heat generated by mining hardware for something other than just waste by-product, and heating your home during the cold winter days is one of the options. Still, this is not something that you can do all year round, unless you live in a very cold place that is. So, finding other alternative uses to utilize the waste heat generated from mining hardware is something that needs more work and people are been working in that direction.

To visit the official website of the JASMINER X4 3U-Q Ethash ASIC miner…

It seems that the latest video driver from Nvidia version 522.25 just released with support for the new Nvidia RTX 4090 GPUs does also come with a removed LHR, so no more the need to use a miner that unlocks the GPU’s full performance for mining (if you have a LHR video card that is). One would argue that after Ethereum switching to PoS and not being minable anymore is a reason enough for this move from Nvidia to remove the hashrate limiter on their RTX 30xx series of GPUs. We have tested the latest video drivers on LHR locked RTX 3070 Ti GPUs with PhoenixMiner 5.9 that does not yet support any kind of LHR unlock and they are doing 80 MH/s mining. Other LHR locked GPUs should also be capable of their full hahsrate without the need of special unlocking miner, though we have not been able to test and confirm other GPUs for the moment.

It is not the mining part; it is the sales part that is the reason for the LHR removal. The current situation with no profit for most miners means that there is no need to have software that implies further hashrate limiter like the LHR mode in place as it will further decrease the interest from miners for Nvidia GPUs with the current market situation. And while Nvidia was really enjoying the last bull run with huge demand for their video cards, the situation at the moment is not very favourable for the company even with the launch of their new RTX 4090 GPUs. Miners are not buying new GPUs, in fact many are not only not buying, but are actually starting to sell their RTX 30 series video cards on the second-hand market at lower and lower prices as they don’t see a point using the for mining at the moment…

So, is Nvidia trying to “make things right” with the crypto miners one more now that they need to be brought back buying GPUs in time for the next crypto bull run? It probably is, and if not, they can always say the lack of LHR lock in the 522.25 drivers was a developer mistake that will be fixed in a future driver update!
