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Lately it hasn’t been easy finding a profitable coins to mine after Ethereum (ETH) switched to PoS, but there are some new projects that are worth checking out as they are gaining user attention. Interestingly enough they are not using the Ethash mining algorithm that has been used by ETH, but instead rely on KawPoW – the same algorithm used by RavenCoin (RVN). One of these coins new coins that is doing quite well is called MeowCoin or MEWC that is lately hovering near the top spot in terms of most profitable coin to be mined with GPUs at the current market conditions according to WhattoMine for instance (most profitable compare to other cryptos, not that it may generate a lot of profit).

The according to the Whitepaper of MEWC the aim of the project is tokenizing pets on the blockchain with important information regarding the asset to be lodged and made available for all to see such as Address of owner, Medical history, Microchip number, Animal lineage, Animal pedigree papers etc. Furthermore MeowCoin can apparently also provide the framework which a global pet retail loyalty scheme could be based. Interestingly enough even part of the blockchain reward is held over by the administration of MeowCoin to provide financial donations to animal shelters.

If you are interested in mining MEWC you can try some of the larger mining pools in terms of hashrate supporting the coin already such as , Rplant Mining Pool or PapyMiner Mining Pool or the FastPool Mining Pool. MeowCoin can be traded on a few smaller crypto exchanges as well such as TradeOgre, Graviex, Exbitron, TxBit, although you should have in mind that the trading volume on most of them is not very high, there is already trading going on.

Mining on GPUs for KawPoW coins such as MEWC is possible with a number of mining software solutions such as Z-Enemy Miner, WildRig Multi, XMRig, TeamRedMiner, Bminer, Gminer, NBMiner, TT-Miner and others although our preferred choice currently is to use the latest T-Rex miner for Nvidia GPUs mining RavenCoin (RVN) and othwr KawPoW crypto coins such as MEWC. Besides MeowCoin (MEWC), you might also want to check out two more other new KawPoW crypto coins and these are KawKaw – a gaming oriented crypto and PROCYON COON COIN – another fun meme coin that you can mine.

With the recent switch of Ethereum (ETH) from Proof of Mining (PoW) to Proof of Staking (PoS) there was a big change in the crypto mining landscape. There was an enormous mining power consisting of a lot of Ethash-based ASIC miners and even more GPUs having to be switched to other crypto currencies and nothing else could handle so much computational power being forwarded to it’s network without significant increase in difficulty and thus a huge drop in profitability. Now, a few days later there is still pretty much nothing that can be stably mined with GPUs at a profit, even covering for the electricity that mining GPUs use with what you mine is still an issue. People are wondering and asking What to Mine, but nothing is really profitable yet, though if you are willing to cover your electricity cost and save what you mine in crypto for now there are a lot of options available.

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is one of the obvious choices when it comes to switching your mining hardware from ETH after the PoW to PoS switch happened, as it is easier and familiar, but profitability wise is it not among the coins that currently bring you the least loss (in term of revenue). There is however something that you can do in order to improve the situation a bit and that is to Dual-Mine ETC and Zilliqa (ZIL), similar to previously doing the same with ETH+ZIL Dual-Mining. Currently the reported extra profit from ZIL is around 30+ extra percent compared to just when mining Ethereum Classic (ETC) on its own, though that value can vary and be even higher at times, so definitely worth checking the Dual-Mining option if you are only mining ETC at the moment. Of course even this way you are probably not going to even fully cover the electricity costs, but 30% more is still 30% more, so you can only gain extra and not loose anything if you are solo mining ETC. The pool has 1% default commission for miners though if you use the promo code 509cd, you will get an extra 0.10% cashback for two weeks, essentially lowering the initial mining fee of the pool from 1% to 0.9% for some time.

To Get Started Dual-mining ETC and ZIL on the Mining Pool…

One more Nvidia ETH miner is now available with full LHR unlock – the lolMiner 1.50. The miner offers 100% LHR unlock on Nvidia GPUs with LHR V1 and V2 GPUs for all supported algorithms including Ethash and dual Mining. It requires Nvidia video driver versions 510.x (Linux) or 512.x (Windows) and sudo / administrator privileges in order to run properly. lolMiner 1.50 also comes with an experimental LHR v3 unlock to ~90% (RTX 3050) and ~92% (RTX 3080 12G), though it might still be a bit problematic and not 100% stable, if you are having issues you can always fall back to the safer ~65% unlock.

To download the latest NlolMiner 1.50 Also With Full Nvidia LHR Unlock…
