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Looking for alien life and folding proteins was a thing long before crypto mining with your computing power became a thing. And while the SETI@HOME project has announced that it will stop distributing work and will go into hibernation at the end of March, the Folding@Home project announced their plans to dedicate their efforts in helping the fight against the coronavirus COVID-19. And so can you do by moving your CPU and GPU mining rigs from mining crypto currencies to folding proteins in order to better understand how the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 can be targeted with small molecule and antibody therapeutics. With the current crypto market situation and hardly any profitability in mining, caused by the coronavirus panic nevertheless, doing something for the common good might not be a bad idea, right?

What you need to do is just download, install and run the Folding@Home client software for your operating system, it is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Then just run the software and select “Any disease” in the “I support research fighting” drop-down box and you are good to go to start helping the coronavirus efforts. If you want to be anonymous user you do not need to register a personality, you are donating your computing power anonymously, or you can register and even join a team. There are actually some crypto projects that allow you to even earn crypto while doing work for Folding@Home, but this is not the focus at the moment, just so you know it is also a possibility.

If you are using the dedicated mining operating HiveOS you can also relatively easy switch your CPU/GPU mining rigs to using Folding@Home instead of crypto mining. There is a detailed tutorial available here that guides you through the steps required to switch to Folding@Home without having to switch the operating system of the rig you are using for mining.

For some more information regarding the Folding@home COVID-19 efforts…

The Ethereum Classic (ETC) crypto project has reduced the block reward for miners from 4 ETC to 3.2 ETC as per their monetary policy after just reaching block number 10 Million. This 20% reduction has been introduced with the acceptance of the proposals in ECIP 1017 for change in monetary policy with a 20% reduction in block reward for each Era (every 5 Million blocks). We have just reached 10 Million blocks for ETC and thus the second Era has been finished an we have started the third one, so the next 20% block reward reduction will be after another 5 Million blocks or in little more than 2 years from now if things continue according to plan (2.56 ETC at block 15M). So if you are mining ETC at the moment, then make sure you take into account the just introduced 20% drop in block rewards that is already in effect.

The total amount of coins for Ethereum Classic is 210,000,000 ETC out of which already more than half or 116,313,299 ETC are in circulation. The new 20% reduction in PoW rewards for ETC would definitely hurt miners, especially after the recent drop of prices due to the coronavirus panic that has overtaken not only the traditional financial markets, but the crypto ones as well. So with the already reduced block reward to 3.2 ETC the GPU mining of Ethereum Classic is even worse than it was yesterday with 4 ETC per block. We remind you that about a month ago Antminer E3 stopped mining ETC due to the DAG becoming too big for these Ethash ASIC miners. And although that lead to slight reduction in hashrate, still mining ETC with GPUs at the moment is below 0, unless you have free electricity of course.

If you thought crypto could not get any weirder, then think again, the latest genius idea comes from the Czech adult industry in the form of a porn video with an adult model having sex with a crypto farm operator. The video is called “LADY DEE CONTROLS HER BITCOIN FARM” and is described as “Lady Dee was checking out her staff at the bitcoin farm. She enjoyed sex with IT Technician”. Though in the background you can obviously see a GPU mining farm probably for Ethereum mining, but that is really not the point anyway. Every Bitcoin miner’s dream, to have sex in a very noisy and hot as hell crypto mining farm, right?

To check out the adult video including sex in a crypto mining farm (NSFW!)…
