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Back in October Ravencoin (RVN) forked to X16Rv2 as a means to drive away the ASIC miners for the X16R algorithm it previously used. The new algorithm X16Rv2 has helped lower the hashrate and make RVN mining prfotable for mining with GPUs for a bit, but now it seems we are getting back on the road to ASIC miners in the near future for the new algo. The X16Rv2 is apparently getting bitstreams for FPGA miners like the BittWare CVP-13 FPGA with 240 MH/s cited hashrate for the initial release… this is faster than 6x GTX 1080 Ti GPU mining rig with a third of the power usage. The only catch is that the CVP-13 FPGA Cryptocurrency Mining Board is pretty expensive, but unlike ASICs it can be used for a number of algorithms and with future bitstream updates can be much more futureproof. Of course the next step is new ASIC miners coming in the near future for the new X16Rv2 algorithm with Ravencoin getting quite a lot of attention from users.

For more information about the BittWare CVP-13 FPGA Cryptocurrency Mining Board…

The traditional crypto miner is always looking at the profitability and specs of an ASIC, FPGA, GPU and CPU mining hardware and after that takes into account other factors that may not be as important. Then there are the non-traditional miners that might be more interested into a cool-looking and easy to use miner that may not be very or profitable at all on daily basis, for people like that the Coinmine might be the perfect solution. A nice looking mining box that runs silent and is easy to connect and operate via your smartphone and it even mines a number of crypto coins as an extra.

The CoinmineOne miner is available for $699 USD, it can mine Bitcoin, Ethereum, Grin and Monero and you can also earn 6.5% APR interest on the crypto in your Coinmine One wallet. With just 160W of average power usage and near silent operation it sure sounds like an interesting device to have if you are from the second group of non-traditional miners. Further extending the functionality of the device like adding Lightning support for example and other interesting crypto features could also make it more attractive. Definitely an interesting concept, though not for the traditional crypto miner.

For more details about the Coinmine One crypto mining device for home use…

The latest SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner version 0.1.8 brings support for a number of additional new algorithms (yespower variants) as well as pool mining for the Kadena algorithm (check the icemining pool) along ith some fixes. We have noticed that on Intel CPUs RandomX mining with all available threads does seem to make the system a bit unresponsive and lagging, something that was not the case with the previous version and that can cause some issues when trying to remote control the mining system for instance. Other than that the addition of new algorithms is always welcome, the full changelog of the latest release is available below.

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.1.8 beta changelog:
– Added Kadena algorithm (pool mining only)
– Added yespoweric algorithm (IsotopeC)
– Added yespoweriots algorithm (IOTScoin)
– Added yespower2b AVX support
– Fixed nicehash protocol compatibility with rpc2
– Miner now won’t quit if not enough free RAM for an algorithm, it will just warn the user

To download and try the new SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner 0.1.8 Beta…
