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It has been a quite a while since the last update of tpruvot’s ccminer fork (source), but there it is a new version 2.3.1 available now that comes with support for Lyra2REv3, sha256q, exosis and Blake2b standard algorithms. The official binary is 64-bit Windows only built with CUDA 10 for SM3+ devices, SM 7.5 architecture is also supported, but doesn’t seem to bring any advantage, for others variants you can build from the source code as the miner is opensource. Do note that CUDA 10 support requires an Nvidia video driver version 410.48 or newer.

The most notable thing abut the new release is the support for Lyra2REv3 that will soon be used by the Vertcoin (VTC) after the upcoming hardfork expected to happen in less than two days. The fork should happen in around February 2nd as it is planned for block 1080000, so make sure you are ready with the required local wallet upgrade (if you are using one) as well as with a miner supporting the new Lyra2REv3 algorithm like the latest ccminer from tpruvot available for Nvidia GPU miners.

To download and try the latest ccminer v2.3.1 Windows 64-bit binary…

NiceHash hasn’t added new algorithms for a while now with ZHash being the last new addition in early December last year, so it is interesting that they have added support for BEAM now. This is both good and bad news for some people as the profit for selling your BEAM (Equihash 150,5) hashrate on NiceHash might bring you nice direct profit in BTC, but for the people mining BEAM directly is is not such good news as the hashrate has increased significantly and thus the difficulty is higher as well and less coins are being mined. Pool owners with BEAM support might be interested in checking out the BEAM NiceHash support specs in order to make sure that their pools will be compatible with hashrate coming from the service.

We have already tried some of the popular mining software with NiceHash and it seems that there are no problems connecting and using Bminer and Gminer on Nvidia GPUs does seem to work without problems (remove the SSL option from both miners), however the latest lolMiner for AMD does not seem to support NiceHash mining at the moment in its latest version. The algorithm that BEAM uses is Equihash 150/5, so other miners supporting that algorithm should in theory be compatible with NiceHash as well, though there is no guarantee for that.

There is now a new sgminer fork with MTP support being actively developed by djm34 (source) that looks promising, though it might need some more extra work for becoming more stable stable and reliable. Performance results on AMD RX 580 and AMD VEGA GPUs are quite good compared to what Nvidia MTP miners are currently offering and hashrate is much better than what the only available option with MTP support for ADM so far was delivering up until now – WildRig Multi. So if you are interested in mining ZCoin using the MTP algorithm on AMD you might want to give the new sgminer fork a try, there are two separate kernels available – mtp and mtp_vega and you might try both on your AMD GPUs to see what works better. Do note that the sgminer fork with MTP support is currently only available with a Windows binаry, though since it is open source you can try compiling it on Linux.

To download and try the sgminer fork with MTP support for Windows (work in progress)…
