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The latest update of the AMD OpenCL GPU miner lolMiner 0.9.7 brings nice performance boost for the Cuckatoo 32 algorithm for GRIN s well as a GRIN Auto profit switching functionality on some pools (2Miners,, F2Pool and Grinmint). Windows users can expect to get 15-18% performance boost for GRIN-C32 on AMD Navi cards and Linux users can expect to get 15-18% boost for GRIN-C32 performance on AMD Vega, VII and Navi cards. AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB GPUs are also supported forC32, however performance is nothing to brag about at just about 0.13 G/s on Windows currently. lolMiner was the first AMD GPU miner for 8GB cards with experimental support for C32 and each new version has been improving stability and performance.

Expected Performance for Grin C32:

- Card - Windows - Linux
- Radeon VII: 0.65 g/s - 0.77 g/s
- Vega 64: 0.42 g/s - 0.49 g/s
- Vega 56: 0.36 g/s - 0.42 g/s
- RX 5700: 0.4 g/s - 0.4 g/s

The primary Grin proof of work Cuckatoo 31+ is designed in a way that the original instance – Cuckatoo-31 – will fade out beginning mid January 2020, which means its difficulty will increase slowly over a period of 31 weeks until it gets impossible to mine a C31 block on the chain. But as by design also more difficult instances of Cuckatoo, namely Cuckatoo-32 … Cuckatoo-63 are implemented on the chain that also can make blocks. The difficulties of this higher instances will remain stable, such that at some point it will be more profitable to mine Cuckatoo-32 instead of Cuckatoo-31 (likely from mid of February).

We remind you that lolMiner is a closed source OpenCL GPU miner available for Windows and Linux as pre-compiled binaries only and that there is a 1% developer fee for using the software for all supported algorithms. The miner should work on Nvidia GPUs with OpenCL, however stability and performance could be far from optimal, so it is best for use with AMD GPUs.

To download and try the latest lolMiner 0.9.7 OpenCL miner for Windows or Linux…

Equilibria (XEQ) is an interesting mineable crypto project, a relatively new one, that gives the ability to the owners of XEQ to issue $USDE – a stablecoin redeemable for $1 equivalent of Equilibria… the so called private and decentralized dollar. It is an interesting alternative to the traditional stablecoins we know and use in the world of crypto, so worth checking out. Another interesting thing is that the Equilibria (XEQ) project has forked and is currently using the Cryptonight-GPU algorithm that we know from RYO and we like thanks to the fair GPU mining to all participants in the mining process it offers regardless if they use AMD or Nvidia GPUs, unlike what most other CryptoNight variants.

The difficulty and hasrate for the Equilibria is not that big at the moment, so it might be a good oppotrtunity to jump in and mine some XEQ coins. As already mentioned the project uses Cryptonight-GPU can be mined with XMR-Stak, XMRig and SRBMiner – the most popular AMD CryptoNight miners as well as with CryptoDredge for Nvidia GPUs for best performance. There are a few mining pools available with HeroMiners being the largest in terms of hashrate at the moment. XEQ is also traded on a couple of exchanges already such as TradeOgre, Qtrade and Citex.

For additional information about the Equilibria (XEQ) crypto project…

The latest TT-Miner 3.2.0 Beta 8 comes with added support for the Kadena (Blake2S) algorithms algorithm used by the Kadena (KDA) project that was recently launched and started with CPU and solo mining initially. Now there is a pool available for mining KDA – IceMining and you can use the latest TT-Miner Beta release to GPU mine Kadena on Nvidia GPUs, there is a miner available for the AMD GPU owners as well – SRBMiner-MULTI 0.1.8. Have in mind that since KDA uses Blake2S is is apparently also already available for FPGA miners such as BittWare CVP-13 that is powered by Xilinx VU13P FPGA, also available for Xilinx VU9P (BCU1525 and BTU9P) FPGAs with slower hashrate and others may be coming out with support soon as well, so GPU mining might not be viable for long.

Do note that if you get a missing DLL error when trying to run the miner on Windows you may need to download the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019.

TT-Miner supports ProgPOW, Ethash, UBQhash, MTP, Lyra2REv3, Epic, EagleSong and Kadena (Blake2S) algorithms on Nvidia GPUs and is available for Windows and Linux as pre-compiled binaries, a closed source miner with 1% developer fee for all of the supported algorithms.

For more information and to download and try the latest TT-Miner 3.2.0 Beta 8 for Windows…
For more information and to download and try the latest TT-Miner 3.2.0 Beta 8 for Linux…
