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The latest WildRig Multi 0.23.0 Beta AMD GPU miner has added support for the the KAWPOW algorithm now used by RavenCoin (RVN) as well as ProgPoW used by Super Zero (SERO). The latest release also adds --benchmark option for ProgPoW algorithms (including KAWPOW) as well as added --benchmark-epoch option for estimated hashrate benchmark results for specific upcoming epoch number. The WildRig Multi is the third option for AMD GPU miners to mine the new KAWPOW algorithm and unfortunately is currently the slowest in our tests on AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB GPUs. The fastest one for AMD GPU miners currently seems to be nanominer followed closely by NBMiner. Still you might want to test and compare performance on your AMD GPUs to see what works best out of the three options as on different AMD GPUs there cold be difference in the hashrate with each of the miners.

The latest WildRig Multi is currently available for Windows, Ubuntu Linux and HiveOS as a closed source binary and with a 2% developer fee built-in by default, though it can be lowered to 1% using --donate-level=1. Only the wildkeccak algorithm is with fixed 2% dev fee with no possibility to be changed by the user using the command line parameter.

Update: The newer version 0.23.1 does bring a bit of a performance boost, but we are also seeing a lot of low difficulty share errors with it, so probably not quite there yet to compete with the alternatives! Also a good news is that the default dev fee has been lowered to 1%, so no need to use the extra command line option to do that manually anymore.

To download and try the latest WildRig Multi 0.23.0 Beta AMD GPU multi-algorithm miner…

The latest TT-Miner 5.0.0 comes with no development fee, officially, meaning that the software will no longer mine 1% of the time for the developer like it was doing up until this version. While support and bugfixes should still continue further miner development could be stopped apparently. The latest major release TT-Miner 4.0.0 has added support for KAWPOW mining and now with version 5.0.0 this becomes the second KAWPOW miner with no dev fee, just like the official kawpowminer and this is a bit of an advantage that you might want to consider over other KAWPOW miners that do have 1% or even 2% dev fee!

If you like TT-Miner you are of course welcome to donate some coins to the developer should you wish to support further miner development, official developer donation addresses listed below:

BTC: bc1q0jvewuzg860dj7f9a6988l4ml5dc9ddzlq9e9m
XZC: aP7pMvUSgvSqswGcNxf4bBBMJbwpUEEto4
ETH: 0xb1C3d505DD3e6C737939AC686649fD79350D6D0d

Do note that if you get a missing DLL error when trying to run the miner on Windows you may need to download the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019.

TT-Miner supports ProgPOW, KAWPOW, Ethash, UBQhash, MTP, Lyra2REv3, Epic, EagleSong and Kadena (Blake2S) algorithms on Nvidia GPUs and is available for Windows and Linux as pre-compiled binaries, a closed source miner with no developer fee for all of the supported algorithms since version 5.0.0.

For more information and to download and try the latest TT-Miner 5.0.0 for Linux/Windows…

With the Ravencoin (RVN) fork to KAWPOW right around the corner with less than half a day left here is the updated z-enemy 2.5 miner that also adds support for the new ProgPoW-based algorithm. The KAWPOW mining performance that the new z-enemy miner offers seems to be pretty much the same as what we are seeing from the other already available KAWPOW miners with small variation. Like most other miners z-enemy supports only Nvidia GPUs and currently there is only release of the miner available to Windows users. The only KAWPOW miner that supports AMD GPUs at the moment is NBMiner.

The latest z-enemy version 2.5 is available for Nvidia CUDA 9.1, 9.2, 10.0 and 10.1 for 64-bit Windows versions (no Linux release available for now). Make sure that you have the respective recent video driver version installed for the CUDA version you want to use – 388+ for 9.1, 397+ for 9.2 and 411 or newer for CUDA 10.0 or the latest ones for CUDA 10.1. We remind you that the z-enemy is a closed source miner software, is available only as a binary release and that it contains a 1% developer fee built-in to support further software development.

Windows Downloads:
Download z-enemy 2.5 Windows CUDA 9.1…
Download z-enemy 2.5 Windows CUDA 9.2…
Download z-enemy 2.5 Windows CUDA 10.0…
Download z-enemy 2.5 Windows CUDA 10.1…
