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GPU miners currently mining Ethereum Classic (ETC) on AMD Radeon RX 470/480 and 570/580 GPUs under Windows might start getting a weird low performance on their first mining video card while other GPUS seem to be performing as usual. The reason for that is pretty simple even though we are still far from the 4GB DAG limit, with current ETC #337 DAG Epoch supposed to take 3.63 GB according to Claymore’s miner… the first GPU uses more video memory as it needs to display the operating system GUI, unlike the rest that are just mining. As a result when using Windows the first GPU takes something like 140-150 MB more video memory on top of the other ones that are just mining, so with that the actually used video memory gets closer to the 4GB limit and instead of 20-30 MH/s you might be getting just 1-2 MH/s for the first GPU and soon it might even stop working.

Normally the rest of the GPUs should take around 3745 MB video memory at the moment according to GPU-Z while the first one about 3890 MB/s and after a bit of mining that number may increase a bit apparently. 8GB RX GPUs do take up a little bit more video memory at the moment apparently, but for them it is not a problem at all, they have more than enough video memory for the moment. What you can do to resolve the problem if you do not with to switch to Linux mining? Well, if your CPU has a built-in GPU and the motherboard can properly use it along with 6-8 or more mining GPUs you can try enabling it and using it as a main video card for Windows and thus free more resources and extend the time you have available for mining Ethereum Classic problem-free. Switching to Lunix-based OS such as Hive OS for instance might also help extending the live of your ETC mining rig with 4GB AMD RX GPUs as Linux generally takes up less resources than Windows.

For the moment Ethereum Classic (ETC) is still leading over Ethereum (ETH) with about 10 DAG Epochs, so the same problem will appear for 4GB mining GPUs that are mining ETH pretty soon as well. For now reduced performance for the first GPU only, or it stopping to mine at all, but not too long after that the 4GB limit would be problematic for all of the video cards with 4GB VRAM as the the DAG size continues to grow. Bitmain has recently addressed a similar issue with their Antminer E3 miners by releasing an updated firmware to free up a bit more memory as these miners also have just 4GB usable memory and thus extend their life for a couple more months for ETC and ETH mining at least.

The latest release of the XMRig 5.10.0 comes with support for the AstroBWT algorithm on AMD GPUs, besides the already available CPU mining support, along with some optimizations for the algorithm used by the DERO project since a fork switching the algorithm earlier this month. another important change in the miner is that the cn/gpu algorithm is now disabled by default and will be removed in next major release (v6.x.x), as well as a major TLS (Transport Layer Security) subsystem update. As far as AMD GPU performance on the AstroBWT algorithm compared to CPU mining, an AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB does seem to produce a hashrate slower than that of a mid-range CPU. A higher-end processor such as AMD Ryzen 3900X could be as much as 4 times faster than a RX 580 GPU, so AMD GPU mining may not be that attractive for AstroBWT.

To download and try the latest version of the XMRig miner with RandomX algorithm support…

The ProgPoW mining algorithm is still not widely used by crypto projects, some of you migh remember Bitcoin Interest (BCI) as the first to switch their PoW mining to ProgPoW, but now the project is pretty much dying a slow death. And while we are waiting to see when and if Ethereum (ETH) will finally switch from Ethash to ProgPoW as a mining algorithm, there is another project that has been using ProgPoW for a while now – Super Zero (SERO) that you may play around with if you want to see the current status of ProgPoW miners. There are of course some other projects using ProgPoW as well, but among them SERO is pretty much the most popular one. We remind you that ProgPoW or Programmatic Proof-of-Work was designed in a way that it utilizes graphics processors to their maximum in order to provide an equal level performance without favoring a specific GPU manufacturer or being able to actually provide much faster hashrate if implemented on ASICs. Some good places to trade the coin include Citex, Gateio and Hotbit.

Recently GMiner has added support for ProgPoW mining for SERO on Nvidia GPUs, however that was a bit problematic as it required the user to install the respective Nvidia CUDA Toolkit for the video drivers you have used. The latest GMiner 2.01 has addressed this problem by including the required runtime libraries needed for ProgPoW support, so things are easier and less problematic using GMiner 2.01 for mining SERO on Nvidia GPUs using the ProgPoW algo. GMiner however is not the only mining software to support ProgPoW, it is just the latest one to add support, prior to that you could mine using MBMiner and also prior to that with TT-Miner. In fact TT-Miner (Trade-Tec Miner) was one of the first to introduce ProgPoW support along with the controversial and now not available anymore Progminer software.

Now, the big question that remains is which mine of the three should you be using if you are mining SERO with the ProgPoW algorithm on Nvidia GPUs? Well, performance wise all of the miners are doing pretty much the same in our up to date tests done on GTX 1080 Ti… it seems that ProgPoW support is based on the same kernel in all of the miners and not much has been further optimized (maybe not much is possible) since last year. So how can you make the right choice if hashrate is the almost the same on all of the 3 available miners, you should simply look at other things, like the dev fee that these miners have. GMiner and NBMiner do come with 2% developer fee for ProgPoW mining while TT-Miner has only 1% dev fee for all of the supported algorithm, so it seems like the best choice for the moment.

To download and try the latest TT-Miner 3.2.2 for SERO (Super Zero) ProgPoW mining…
