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CannabisCoin (CANN) is a peer-to-peer Internet digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone in the world. It is based on the Bitcoin protocol but differs from Bitcoin in that it can be efficiently mined with consumer-grade hardware. CannabisCoin is the payment solution for Marijuana dispensaries, retailers and merchants, check Delta 8 on Budpop. CannabisCoin is backed by Marijuana where it is accepted. The Cannabis Coin represents REAL medical marijuana specifically designed and grown by “CannabisCoin Marijuana Cultivators”. These specific Marijuana STRAINS are to be bought and sold exclusively with CannabisCoins. CannabisCoin is a community coin, not a “company” coin.


Block Explorer:

Coin Specifications

  • X11 Algorithm
  • Maximum coins – 92,000,000 coins
  • Current Reward – 0.20507812 CANN Rewards per Block
  • Halving – Every 100k blocks
  • Confirmations come in at an average of every 42 seconds.
  • Kimoto Gravity Well for difficulty readjustment

Online Wallet
Mac OS

Source Code:
at GitHub

– RPC Port: 39347
– P2P Port: 39348

Mining Pools:

Coin Exchanges:


MonetaryUnit (MUE), a cryptocurrency with true libertarian and egalitarian values. An attempt to make accessible to all not just the developed world. Designed to stop the hardware arms race and a cease fire on market price manipulation. Environmentally responsible as does not rely on powerful computing. Truly decentralized as no big incentive for mining farms or mining pools as mining reward limited. Mu, from the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for water. Mu, from the Japanese term to not have or be without. MUE, metamorphosis of conventional and digital currencies. MUE, a MonetaryUnit for all, me, you, everybody. Financial freedom for all, as life giving as water. Accessible to all, so no one will be without.


Block Explorer:

Coin Specifications

  • Quark Algorithm
  • 40 second block times, 10-block difficulty retargeting, Virtually unlimited coin supply (1 quadrillion cap)
  • Increasing block rewards from 0.025 MUEnits to 40 MUE per block at 40,000 Block (~18.5 day intervals)
  • Transactional Messaging in Wallet for simple blockchain based messaging


Source Code:
at GitHub

– RPC Port: 29947
– P2P Port: 29948

Mining Pools:

Coin Exchanges:


Mining with your CPU or GPU is so old-school now that you can use your hard drive to mine with, or so it may seem with the new Burst crypto currency that uses a new algorithm for proof of HDD capacity (POC) mining. Miners pre-generate chunks of data known as ‘plots’ which are then saved to disk. The number of plots you store is effectively your mining speed. Every block the miner will skim through the saved plots, and come up with an amount of time until it is able to mine a block if another block hasn’t yet been found. After reading through the plots is complete, your hardware can idle until the block. It seems quite interesting and that is why we have decided to give it a try…

We should start with the fact that the Burst wallet is web based and relies on Java, the same goes for the miner that is also Java-based, but that should not be a problem if you are familiar with Java. The setup and mining documentation is a bit vague and definitely not easy to understand and follow by novice users, furthermore you need to edit BAT/SH files with parameters that are not well documented and you need to look on forums for help. The coin needs a lot of HDD space, we are talking about 100s of GBs and it takes a lot of time for the plots to be initially generated and by lot we mean 12-24 hours, depending on your hard drive and system configuration. When you start to mine you are essentially solo mining, though apparently a beta pool support (also not well documented) is already available and already for more that 24 hours of solo mining we still haven’t found a block. In short – an interesting concept, needs to be made more user friendly and easy to be used, better documented so that you know how to optimize things for best performance… still you might want to check Burst out.

For more information about the Burst crypto currency with Proof of Capacity HDD mining…
