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Bitcoin VR is an interesting Virtual Reality application available for the HTC Vive VR headset as well as for the Google Cardboard VR platform available to Android mobile device users. It is essentially a visual gamified VR Blockchain explorer where you can can see real time Bitcoin transactions fall from the sky in the form of gems you can grab a gem to see the transaction details or shoot them with a Bow and Arrow.

Bitcoin VR has been developed by MandelDuck, the same guys that did the Sarutobi Bitcoin game that we have covered a while ago. Bitcoin VR is a free application for both the HTC VIVE and the Google Cardboard platforms, so you can download and try for either VR Blockchain explorer if you have any of the two at your disposal. It is interesting and fun to see a different perspective of the transactions that is taking advantage of VR technology, even though it is not terribly useful it is still worth checking out. Do note that the applications for the two platforms are not exactly the same in terms of functionality due to the specifics of the capabilities that they do provide to the user and especially due to the extra level of interactivity provided by HTC VIVE.


MandelDuck, the developer of the free game SaruTobi that awards player with real Bitcoins for playing, has released a new game with Bitcoin Tipping feature called Game of Birds. This is kind of a parody mimicking the Game of Thrones franchise in its name, but the game actually does not have anything to do with the popular TV series, nor it is just another Flappy Birds clone. It is actually a fund and engaging game that requires some logic thinking and some experimenting until you reach the best way to free a trapped little chick from the bad owls that surround it. To free the little chick and let it fly away free you need to use different kind of bombs to get rid of the bad owls, but beware there are some more bad things around you – hungry Foxes, Zombie viruses and deadly Wild Fires. Then there are also some Bitcoins that you can spot scattered among the levels, collecting these award you with real Bitcoin tips that are currently in the form of 100 bits or 10000 satoshi per tip.

The previous game SaruTobi relies on the Xapo online Bitcoin wallet, so you have to enter your email address that is also the username for your wallet to get the Bitcoin tips. In their new game called Game of Birds the developers apparently decided to go for an alternative, s o they are using the Coinbase online Bitcoin wallet instead. In order to be able to receive Bitcoin tips while playing the game you will have to enter your Coinbase username which is also the email address that you used to register at the service. In order to get your Bitcoin tip or 100 bits (10000 satoshi) while playing the game all you have to do is destroy a Bitcoin coin that you see in the level you are playing.

The new Game of Birds game is only available for iOS devices, just like SaruTobi, as MandelDuck is developing games for the Apple mobile platform, so unfortunately Android owners will not be able to check the game out. Do note that it requires iOS 8.1 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, but is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus. A word of warning, the game can be addictive, so be careful as you progress through the different levels the difficulty also increases. So just have fun playing and enjoy the real Bitcoin tips you can earn while you have fun playing the game.

For more information and to download and try the free game Game of Birds for iOS…


We’ve already covered the game Bitcoin Billionaire, essentially an idle clicker type game with a Bitcoin theme, but no actual BTC rewards that is available for both iOS and Android devices. Then there is also the game Sarutobi that we’ve also reviewed, available only for iOS, a mobile game rewards players with small Bitcoin tips. We wanted to find similar games that reward players with small amounts of BTC for Android as well and we’ve managed to find some, though not much. One such game is Bitcoin Crush, a Bejeweled type of game where you need to match diamonds and earn points for doing so and the other wan is called Bitcoin Flapper, a flapping bird type of game. Both games are from the same developer BitPlay Today and are free applications that reward players with Bitcoins for playing against other live people in tournaments.

The normal way of playing these games is by entering a tournament of four people and playing against other collecting points for each game, the higher the points, the higher you rank and there are rewards for the first three players in each tournament. The first one gets 300 satoshi, the second one 150 satoshi and the third one 50 satoshi as a reward with nothing for the last person in the tournament. You can also play in head-to-head competitions against another player (1 on 1) where the winner takes the reward or with other word 500 satoshi for the one that wins. The games are quick so you even if the rewards do not seem that much you can actually play quite a lot of games in no time, but you will not get rich quick with the rewards you get from the games. The idea here is that you can compete based on skill level against other live people from around the world and try to improve your skills and get small rewards in BTC. Better than just playing other games, especially if you love to spend your free time crushing gems just for fun, because the flappy bird game is simpler and actually harder and not that much people like to play it for long as they may actually suck at it.

In order to get the BTC you have earned by playing these games you need to collect at least 16000 satoshi in order to be able to request a withdraw and unfortunately when you do so there is a 5000 satoshi fee taken from what you withdraw. This is apparently linked to the fact that the coins are being sent directly to your Bitcoin wallet address and you have to pay for the transaction fee from what you have earned. You can also forget about playing all day long as there is also a number of maximum games you can play on a daily basis, as well as the number of head-to-head tournaments you can participate in. But then again it will not hurt checking these out and testing your skills against other real players. It also seems that the developer of the games plans to release Pro tournament versions of the game maybe later this month that would require an entry fee from the players, but will offer you the chance to win higher rewards as well.

For more details about the games on the Google Play Store…
