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When we are talking about Cryptonote (Cryptonight) miners for AMD GPUs our preferred miner is SRBMiner due to the large range of supported variations and features, however there is a good competitor available and that one is called JCE Cryptonote CPU+GPU miner. The JCE miner is a closed source software available as a binary for Windows only (for the GPU) and with 0.9% developer fee for the GPUs (the separate CPU miner is with higher fees, Linux version is available for this one). In terms of performance the JCE miner is pretty much on par with the fastest alternatives like SRB, sometimes it might be a bit faster, sometimes a bit slower, depending on the algorithm and settings. For instance our latest experience shows a bit better performance for Tube mining using JCE compared to the latest SRB 1.7.7 on RX 580. The JCE miner does support a lot of the Cryptonothe (Cryptonight) variations out there, so you can use it to mine pretty much all popular variants. There is support for SSL as well as for NiceHash extranonce functionality

For more info and to download and try the latest JCE Cryptonote CPU+GPU Miner…

There are already a number of miners available for Nvidia GPUs that support the Equihash 150,5 algorithm used by BEAM, however there aren’t that much available to AMD miners and there is pretty much just one being actively developed at the moment – lolMiner. The lolMiner is a closed source Equihash GPU miner available for Windows and Linux and focused on AMD GPU, though it also works with Nvidia GPUs, in order to get support for BEAM’s Equihash 150,5 algorithm you need to go for the newer 0.7 alpha version with alpha4 being the latest. The latest version of the miner should work with 3GB VRAM GPUs, though there could be some issues if using Windows 10 on your mining rigs.

The performance you can expect on AMD’s RX 580 GPUs is about 11-12 Sol/s, pretty much the same that Nvidia GTX 1060 can deliver on Equihash 150,5. If you have older AMD HD 7970 or R9 280 you can get slightly less at about 10 Sol/s and on AMD VEGA you should be able to get up to about twice that hashrate, so performance is quite good on AMD. The fastest miners for Nvidia GPUs however are doing better than AMD GPUs, like about 30 Sol/s on GTX 1080 Ti for example, so have that in mind as well.

To download the latest lolMiner 0.7 alpha4 miner for Windows or Linux…

ProgPoW or Programmatic Proof-of-Work can be seen as the successor of the Ethash algorithm with enhanced ASIC resistance and while it has been available for a while there hasn’t been that much going around the new algorithm up until recently. The fact that Ethereum (ETH) is considering the switch from Ethash to ProgPoW in the near future has sparkled interest in the algorithm and we may soon start seeing more coins and miners talking about the use of that particular algo. Some of you might remember that Bitcoin Interest (BCI) was the first crypto coin to switch to the ProgPoW a couple of months ago. And while BCI hasn’t been doing that well actually, before or even after the fork to ProgPoW, it is still interesting to note that it was the first to use it and it also provided pre-compiled binaries of the initial miner for ProgPow.

Meanwhile there hasn’t been that much alternative miners up until recently that had support for ProgPow, probably due to the fact that further significant optimizations in terms of performance might not be possible for the available mining hardware. One of the more recent and not very popular yet miners available with ProgPoW support is TT-Miner, a closed source miner with 1% developer fee available only for Windows and working only on more recent Nvidia GPUs. TT-Miner (TradeTec Miner) also supports Ethash, UBQhash and MTP aside from ProgPoW and in our limited experience it has performed pretty good on a variety of Nvidia GPUs.

Another really fresh ProgPow miner that was just made available and that apparently needs more work is Progminer. It is forked from Ethminer and the source is available along with compiled binaries for Windows and Linux, do note that there are separate pre-compiled binaries available for AMD and for Nvidia GPUs, so make sure you download the correct one. This is probably the best miner to go for at the moment for ProgPoW specs wise, unless you have some trouble making it work on your particular hardware as we have encountered some issues already… Feel free to report your issues (if you have) and what performance running any of these ProgPoW miners in the comments below.
