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We have recently covered HOdlcoin (HODL) as an interesting new altcoin. For the moment HODL is only CPU mineable and you could only mine it solo with the wallet, but the first mining pool is now available with a dedicated hodlminer CPU miner (source). The miner supports Stratum and you can control how many CPU cores you want to utilize to mine HODL, however at this point it does seem to be slower than the built in CPU ‌mining in the wallet. With hodlminer we are getting just about 1/4th of the hashrate we get in the wallet or just about 45-50 H/s as compared to about 200 Hashes per second in the wallet (under Windows 7) using an Intel Core i7 5820K CPU (6 cores – 12 threads). So you might want to wait for a more optimized miner to become available and keep solo mining for the moment in order to have higher hashrate available. Using pool mining does provide lower rewards per block, but also should ensure stable and more predictable mining income, unlike when solo mining at this already pretty high difficulty where luck plays a lot of role in how much you will make.

Update: New faster version of the miner is now available that should provide slightly higher hashrate than what you are getting using the wallet miner, increase should be something like 10-20% or more, but it can vary, so you need to test and compare. Just download the updated binary and try on your CPU and feel free to post result in the comments below.

To download and try the hodlminer CPU miner for pool mining HODL coins on Windows…


With the recent spike of interest in GPU mining thanks mostly to Ether a lot of people are getting back to building GPU mining rigs using more up-to date hardware much like back in the days of the Litecoin and prior to that of the Bitcoin mining boom. Nowadays it is much easier and you have way more options for different motherboards that have the option to work with 4, 5 or even 6 video cards by utilizing not only full width x16 PCI-E slots, but also the multiple available PCI-Express x1 sots with the help of extenders. We have prepared a list of all possible candidates for use as motherboards for multi-GPU mining rigs 4-6 GPU mining from ASRock, the company that has made its name among miners thanks to their dedicated BTC-branded motherboards made especially for GPU mining rigs. Other motherboard manufacturers such as Asus, Gigabyte, MSI and others also have products that might do for a multi-GPU mining rigs, but these are not dedicated for such use and this may cause some problems.

Nowadays ASRock has a lot of BTC-branded motherboards that are designed for use as multi-GPU mining rigs for different processor platforms from both AMD and Intel. There are also quite a few more non-BTC named motherboards that could do the job perfectly and some that might also work fine, but some of the PCI-E slots might not be available for GPU use under specific conditions, so you need to be careful. What is important for a motherboard that will be used with multiple GPUs for mining is for the motherboard to have enough PCI-E slots, to be affordable in terms of price as you don’t need extras targeted at gamers or enthusiasts and to be able to be used with cheap dual-core CPUs. ASRock’s BTC-branded motherboards do come with some extra features that may help by minimizing possible issues such as the fact that they have been designed to provide extra power to GPUs and have dedicated connectors for additional power from the PSU. They do not share PCI-E lanes with external hardware such as network controllers, audio cards, storage controllers or USB controllers that may cause problems if you want to use all of the available PCI-Express lanes for video cards and so on. These motherboards are offering just basic features, but ensure stable and problem free operation even under not so good conditions that often are available with GPU mining rigs that generate a lot of heat an may not be optimally cooled.

The list below covers all possibly suitable ASRock motherboards for 4-6 GPU mining rigs, you should choose to go for the models that do have the BTC in their model nae as they will most likely be the best choice. The next are Anniversary and Pro series and then the others if you have no other choice, but with such a big list you should have a lot of options. Unfortunately the only 6 GPU capable motherboards are for Intel socket 1155 and 1150 CPUs, still no affordable options for the latest Intel 1151 platforms or AMD FM2 sockets. Sure the company has some high-end enthusiast level products that can do 6 GPUs, but these are pointless for use as multi-GPU mining rigs as they will add to much to the price of the setup and you will be better off spending the extra cash for more video cards or more powerful models. After all you need to find the right balance that includes cheap motherboard, cheap processor and powerful GPUs along with some PCI-E extenders (powered preferably) with PCI Express x1-x16 USB 3.0 Extenders being the best choice if available.

Intel Socket 1151 ASRock Motherboards

5 cards:
ASRock B150A-X1
ASRock B150 Pro4D3
ASRock B150 Pro43.1
ASRock H170A-X1
ASRock H170 Pro4
ASRock H170 Pro4D3
ASRock H170 Pro4S

4 cards:
ASRock B150 Combo
ASRock B150M Pro4S
ASRock B150M Pro4
ASRock Q170M vPro
ASRock H170 Combo
ASRock H170M Pro4S
ASRock H170M Pro4

Intel Socket 1150 ASRock Motherboards

6 cards:
ASRock H81 Pro BTC
ASRock H81 Pro-G
ASRock B85 Anniversary
ASRock H97 Anniversary

4 cards:
ASRock H81M-G
ASRock B85 Pro4
ASRock H87 Pro4

Intel Socket 1155 ASRock Motherboards

6 cards:
ASRock H61 Pro BTC
ASRock H61 Pro

4 cards:
ASRock H67DE3
ASRock P67 Pro
ASRock P67 Pro3 SE
ASRock P75 Pro3

AMD FM2/FM2+ ASRock Motherboards

5 cards:
ASRock FM2A58+ BTC
ASRock FM2A58 Pro+
ASRock FM2A78 Pro3+
ASRock FM2A88X Pro+ R2.0
ASRock FM2A88X Pro+
ASRock FM2A88X Pro3+

4 cards:
ASRock FM2A78 Pro4+


We were not among the ones to preorder the last ASIC mining hardware that KnCMiner has sold to users, the Titan, but recently we have obtained some KNC Titan Scrypt ASICs to play with. The first thing you will notice is that even the latest official firmware of the devices version 2.0 is still pretty basic and the hardware is buggy, especially the earlier batch 1 devices. So we started looking for an improved version of the original firmware that would allow us to get the best out of the KNC Titan Scrypt ASIC and we have ended up discovering GenTarkin’s Custom KNC Titan firmware.


This modified firmware provides users with an improved and more functional interface and more importantly a safer to use and capable of providing you with the optimal performance and power usage that your Titan cubes can provide you with. This of course comes at a price, you need to purchase a full license for the modified firmware that is currently sold at $75 USD for the controller and if you have an additional devices you can purchase extra licenses for $35 USD each for each controller (key for activation only), not for each cube. There are also additional discounts available for volume licensing for purchases of 10 or more licenses for large miners with more devices available.


We have just started using the latest version 1.0.2 of GenTarkin’s Custom KNC Titan Scrypt ASIC firmware on the hardware we have obtained and as you can see on the screenshot both cubes we have attached to the controller have some issues with some of the chip dies and DCDC power units. You can see the difference in how the advanced settings page looks like for both the stock and the custom firmware. The power usage for example on the custom firmware reports more accurate power usage numbers and when you take into account the power efficiency of the PSU you can get pretty accurate power consumption numbers for the actual power used at the wall. There are number of additional protection mechanisms built in as well as optimizations to help run your mining hardware stable and with less issues on the long run. The Energy Saver is also something new and very interesting feature that supposedly can help you find the optimal settings for each die and thus help you get lower power usage while retaining optimum performance.

We have just started using GenTarkin’s Custom KNC Titan firmware and so far we like the improvements and extra features we see from the latest stock firmware from KNC, in a few days we are going to be sharing more from our experience as well as doing a more detailed review. Meanwhile if you have some KNC Titan Scrypt ASIC miners and you are using the stock firmware you might be interested in checking out this custom firmware, especially if you are having some issues with your devices or have more than one miners.

Visit the official website for GenTarkin’s Custom KNC Titan Firmware for more info…
