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There is yet another new mining pool for Ethereum’s Ether (ETH) coins that you can try, this is what seems to be the fourth one we know about and the third alternative to ethpool. Ethereumpool is with very simple web interface for the moment, but the pool itself does seem to be working pretty well and it comes with user control over difficulty, so it is suitable even for low hashrate CPU mining users. Like with other new mining pools for Ethereum this one is also in beta with a pool fee of 3% while the pool is under development, but the fee should be lowered. The payout method is proportional, though for the moment the pool stats does not report the number of shares submitted by the user as well as the total number of shares for the current block being solved. We do recommend you give the pool a try as although the web interface part is simple as we’ve said the pools seems to work really good for the moment, if you are new to pool mining you can try with our Quick Guide on How to Mine Ethereum on Windows to get started with this new pool.

Getting started with Ethereumpool:
ethminer -F -G

The above command line is an example you can use to get started mining with ethminer at Ethereumpool, you just need to replace the wallet address with your own Ethereum wallet and the default hashrate value of 20 (suitable for a single high-end GPU such as Radeon 280X) to the respective hashrate of your mining rig and you are ready to go. The above line is for mining using the OpenCL version of ethminer, for using the CUDA fork you need to replace the parameter -G with -U and you should be ready to go.

To check out the new Ethereum mining pool Ethereumpool (in development stage)…


The cloud mining provider Genesis Mining has announced their project called Genesis Hive – a web interface that enables you to easily setup, watch, and manage your bitcoin or altcoin mining farm. Think of it as the ultimate control panel to manage your mining rigs in a large scale crypto currency mining operation such as the one the company has been operating. In fact the Genesis Hive has been developed for internal use as the company needed to be able to have an easy to use solution for monitoring and controlling of the hardware in their own mining data centers. The project is designed for large scale mining operation and is not intended for small home miners, so if you are interested you can check more details about the solution and inquire for additional information such as hardware compatibility and pricing.

For more information about the Genesis Hive mining farm web-based management software…


DigitalNote (XDN) is a cryptocurrency, a kind of decentralized digital money, like Bitcoin. It is based on CryptoNote anonymous technology and updated with unique untraceable encrypted messaging system and blockchain based deposits. Nobody owns or controls DigitalNote, it uses peer-to-peer technology and fair ASIC-resistant PoW mining process to operate with no central authority.

DigitalNote provides instant worldwide privacy protected transactions and untraceable encrypted messaging transfers with almost zero processing fees in decentralized peer-to-peer users network. Mathematics secures the XDN network and empowers individuals to control their own finances and information. Your private key is your bank account, with no censorship and surveillance. Freedom exist. Formerly known as DarkNote (XDN) as well as duckNote (XDN) and darkNote (XDN).


Block Explorer:

Coin Specifications

  • CryptoNight Algorithm
  • Maximum XDN number: 8 589 869 056 XDN
  • Block reward: 150 XDN
  • Libertarian XDN supply with ASIC resistant mining
  • Deposit interest rate: 0.4 to 1.094% annual
  • Block target time: 4 minute
  • Minimum transaction fee: 0.001 XDN

Mac OS

Source Code:
at GitHub

Mining Pools:

Coin Exchanges:
