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Looking at the numbers showing what the next difficulty adjustment will bring to the Litecoin network we are seeing yet another significant increase in the total network hashrate and thus the difficulty. The current prognosis is for over 7% increase in a few hours and looking at the previous difficulty adjustments we are seeing a steady increase with not so little steps lately. This trend shows that while some Scrypt ASIC manufacturers have stopped their production and cancelled future plans for new hardware others are still making and shipping hardware. It seems that MAT are finally shipping mining hardware, as well as Alcheminer most likely, KnC is still shipping Titans and probably Bitmain is already testing their first AntMiner L1 Scrypt ASICs as well.


Looking at what is happening with Bitcoin in terms of network hashrate we are seeing that unlike Litecoin there is a slight decrease in the hashrate and thus the next network difficulty might be lower by about 1.5% or even more. This is something that we are not used to seeing this when talking about Bitcoin, especially lately. If the trend continues and we see a drop in the network difficulty this would be a sign that old ASIC mining hardware is being taken offline and the new miners brought online at the moment are not able to fill that gap. This all is apparently coming from large scale mining operations that operate on a business model of mining and selling the mined coins immediately, regardless of the current exchange rate as these are not looking at Bitcoin in perspective and take into account the profitability at the moment and if it is really worth to continue using old mining hardware with the current conditions.


After over a month of silence with no updates Alpha Technology have released a new update on their status on the Viper Scrypt ASIC miners showing some photos of what seems to be the final enclosure of the miner as well as a board with 12 ASIC chips installed on it. Alpha Technology claims a better than expected performance of 1.5 MHS per chip and also says the chips could be overclocked further, the claim of these chips being “the most efficient on the market” however seems like an overstatement. The most important thing missing is information in the new update from Alpha Technology on when are they planning to stat shipping exactly as customers are already tired of things getting postponed for a later date. This Time Alpha Technology says soon, but how soon exactly and how many people are actually let that did not request to get a refund. Even if they do manage to ship any hardware anytime soon or at all we won’t be surprised to see the situation with KNC’s Titan miners repeating. Meanwhile there is already a dedicated website called Fight Alpha Technology Scam that is a forum dedicated to helping with useful information and advice people that want to get their money back from Alpha-T.

To check out the Fight Alpha Technology Scam website for some useful information…


It seems that ZeusMiner is now pretty much a cloud mining service provider as the company is apparently moving towards focusing on offering Bitcoin and Litecoin cloud mining hashrate though their service ZeusHash. The company has been announcing multiple partnerships with other ASIC manufacturers, but the focus of these is towards getting mining hardware for their cloud mining service as apparently ZeusMiner has no plans to continue making hardware themselves after canceling their GEN III product plans. A new partnership has been announced with Gridseed as a hardware provider for the cloud mining operation along with a slight reduction of the current maintenance fees from $0.059 to $0.058 USD per MHS for the Scrypt hashrate. Gridseed has been silent for a while now after being the first company to go out with Scrypt ASIC miners earlier this year and they are probably working on the next generation hardware already. Regarding the cloud mining pricing, ZeusHash has also announced a Thanksgiving Promotion on the Litecoin MHS prices that will be running from November 17th to 27th. The new prices might be of interest mostly to people that are willing to invest in more serious hashrates as then the prices become more attractive. The not so good news is that apparently the Litecoin network difficulty is seeing some significant increases lately, so making bigger investments at the moment may not be the wisest idea. Interestingly enough we are yet to see a cloud mining provider offering some great deals for the upcoming Black Friday.

For more information about the current price promotions from ZeusHash….
