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ZeusMiner has officially announced that they are canceling the Volcano project for a 300 MHS Scrypt ASIC miner that was supposed to be released by the end of the year. This announcement does not cover only the Volcano miner, but also the GEN III upgrade boards that the company was offering as an option for December upgrade to customers with existing miners that were supposed to be based on the same new hardware. While pre-orders for hardware miners are something that has become quite risky and not many people are still interested in making such because of the lot of uncertainties about the price of LTC. Still the Volcano looked Ok, but the upgrade boards were actually more interesting for many people that have already bought older ZeusMiners as they were a good means to bring your old hardware up to date in a few months time when the initial hardware you bought may not be worth mining with anymore. However the people that actually did pre-order hardware were the ones wanting to get their hands on the Volcano miner sooner, the ones interested in the upgrade boards would probably have waited until they were released to order them directly.

The reason that ZeusMiner gives as to what lead to the decision to cancel the further development of the Volcano and the new chips is that apparently most of the people want to start mining now and not wait for hardware for about two more months. The current not so favorable market situation with crypto prices keeping low and the difficulty continuing to rise is apparently why they have decided to halt the production of Volcano and GEN III Chip Blades. The good news is that unlike many other ASIC manufacturers they did not use the money from pre-orders to fund the research and development of the new chips as according to ZeusMiner all funds, which had been required for the R&D and production of Volcano, have been taken out of their own pocket. The money which they have received from the Volcano pre-orders (USD, BTC, LTC) had been set aside in secured accounts from day 1 and is still available to be returned to customers. So there should be no problems with getting a refund, should you decide that is what you want, something that is way more important than to give false promises and intentionally delay or refuse to return money to customers even after failing to deliver on promises like we’ve seen from some companies already.

We have never been too keen on pre-orders of mining hardware and we’ve liked the fact that most of the Asian manufacturers of ASIC miners who were actually announcing products when they are already available for sale, unlike such companies from Europe or USA that love to take pre-oroders. Lately however we have seen that many of these Asian companies have also been tempted to offer pre-orders for hardware that is not yet ready for sale and that usually does not lead to good things as we’ve already seen. Companies usually tend to not fulfill their initial promises due to hardware production delays, issues with software and so on when they take pre-orders. So even if we are not too happy with the decision of ZeusMiner to stop the development of the new chips, they are at least doing it the right way – coming clean to users and offering an alternative or a full refund in a timely manner.

The people that have pre-ordered have two options now:

1. Transfer your Volcano/GEN III Blade order to ZeusHash with 10% discount and ZERO maintenance fees for 2 week. Discount is applied based on our Halloween Special. For example if you purchased 1 Volcano for $1,600 (plus shipping), you will be able to convert it to INSTANT ZeusHash HASHING POWER at $0.503 (1T – 9.99T range, $0.559 originally) per GHS or $ 11.691 (>1G, $12.99 originally) per MHS.

2. Refund of the FULL AMOUNT (USD/BTC/LTC) in the same way we have received your payment + 10 or 5 GHS on ZeusHash as FREE GIFT FOR YOU. All Volcano and chip blades customers will get an email from our CS team to confirm your option. If your order contains at least 1 Volcano, we will put 10 GHS into your ZeusHash account. If you ordered only Blades, 5 GHS will be given. All the transfers and refunds will be done within 2 WEEKS. If you purchased from one of our distributors, please contact our distributor for conversion/refund.

Reinvesting the money you might have spend for a pre-order into the ZeusHash cloud mining service may sound like a good idea to some people, but to others it seems it is not as they will be limited to mining only either LTC or BTC directly. With a physical ASIC miner in hand you have the options to mine many other alternative crypto coins and that is one of the biggest advantages compared to cloud mining with most such services. The good thing is that you can get a full refund of what you have actually paid and maybe invest the amount in another of the announced Scrypt ASIC miners available for pre-order as an alternative option, that is if you still want to give money ahead of time to someone else.

We already know that ZeusMiner is not making Bitcoin ASIC miners, however the company is also offering Bitcoin cloud hashrate for miners. To realize this feature they have partnered with some other ASIC manufacturers to supply them with the required hardware to back up the hashrate they sell to users. The same approach will probably be implemented for the LTC hashrate as well now that the company will not be finishing their next generation of chips as they have initially planned. We have asked ZeusMiner how they plan to back up their cloud service over time with faster and more energy efficient hardware and the answer we’ve got is that they are working with some partners using their expertise in chip and product design to further reduce cost as well as power consumption so that ZeusHash wouldn’t be affected. So we may soon see some more announcements for partnerships with other companies making Scrypt ASIC miners, and we are going to continue following the further development. Feel free to share your thoughts on the subject even if you have not pre-ordered a Volcano or an upgrade board with GEN III chips in the comments below.

For more information about ZeusHash and their cloud mining prices and services…


The cloud mining platform ZeusHash has announced that it will be running some interesting promotions for Halloween. Tomorrow, October 27th the service will offer special prices for Bitcoin and Litecoin cloud mining hashrate valid until November 2nd. The prices you can get for hashrate can be down to as low as $459 USD per THS for BTC hashrate and $12.99 USD per MHS for LTC. All new orders for hashrate between October 27th and November 2nd will have 7 days of mining with no maintenance fees for 7 days after the purchase. At the moment the regular price for 1 THS Bitcoin hashrate is $859 and 1 MHS Litecoin hashrate goes for $15.99 USD, so if you are planning to purchase some hashrate make sure to take advantage of the promo starting tomorrow to enjoy the double bonus – lower price and 7 days with no maintenance fees.

On a side note, ZeusHash has told us about their partnership with two major players in the Bitcoin mining industry – ASICMiner and XBTec. The partnership is needed to ensure that the platform will be able to offer competetive prices for Bitcoin cloud mining as ZeusMiner, the company operating the service is making only Scrypt ASIC miners. ZeusHash has already partnered with Rockminer and aside from using their miners for Bitcoin cloud hashrate, the Rockminer T1 ASIC miners are also being sold by ZeusMiner. ASICMiner is a well know name in the mining world, but you might look into XBTec which is a younger company that probably many of you are not familiar with. It is not yet clear if ZeusMiner will also be selling hardware from ASICMiner and XBTec or they will be using their products only as a part of the ZeusHash platform for providing cloud mining hashrate.

For more information about ZeusHash and their cloud mining prices and services…


Today the guys at KnCMiner have released some tips for users that have received or are about to get their Titan Scrypt ASIC miners regarding how to maximize the hashrate and meet the announced 300 MHS expectations that users are having. According to KNC the use of crypto coins with very fast blocktimes on multi-pools are not recommended for maximum hashrate and they do recommend users to go for the following pools that should not have issues with the high hashrate that the Titan miners have:

WeMineLTC (stable above 300MH/s, this pool also merge-mines DOGE).
LiteGuardian (best performance so far but LTC only (no merged DOGE mining)) 300MH/s+
GHash (300MH/s+ on both LTC and Multi-pool)

KNCMiner have also announced that they are working with some other pools in order to improve performance with the Titan miners where currently users are having trouble getting at 300 MHS. These pools include Coinotron, where they are apparently getting around 260-270MH/s so far as well as CleverMining and apparently others that were not cited in the latest news release coming from the company.

The settings KNC recommends to be used on the mentioned above pools:

WeMineLTC: Use the regular stratum and leave the worker settings at default; stratum+tcp://
LiteGuardian: Use the ASIC-ready URL: stratum+tcp://
Ghash: Set the difficuly to 8192 at the pool, you can find this under worker settings. You can use the LTC/DOGE or Multipool URLs: stratum+tcp:// or stratum+tcp://

This however is not enough to cover for the many more problems that users who have already reported after receiving their Titan miners as the lower than advertised hashrate is just one of the issues that is often experienced. It also does not cover the fact that KnCMiner is already late in shipping all of their Titan Batch 1 miners to users, something that was supposed to happen before the end of Q3 and we are already Q4 with a lot of people still waiting for their mining hardware. With the KNC policy of not offering refunds to customers, their products having a lot of issues, the company delaying shipments and so on it seems that a lot of people are already considering taking legal action against KnCMiner…
