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Hashra, a company that sells crypto currency ASIC miners based on chips manufactured by other companies, but the final products are branded under their own Hashra name has announced interesting specifications update for their latest Scrypt ASIC miner. The 100 MHS Astro Scrypt ASIC, announced back in August, will have a power usage of just about 550-600W, a price of $450 USD and is supposed to be available for shipping next month. The device apparently is “based on readily available technology already in the marketplace, no speculative pre-order on non tested technology or chip design here” according to the information official product page and the 100 MHS Astro miner is relying on 7 modules with 28nm chips. Hashra promises to ship the Astro Scrypt ASIC miner by the end of December latest or they will offer a refund and although they claim this is not a “speculative pre-order”, it essentially is as it may take a month and a half for the device to be shipped to you as the products are apparently not yet ready, even though the chips they use apparently are. The other new product from Hashra, the Moonraker that is also scheduled for shipping next month is a Bitcoin ASIC miner that although is also very attractive in terms of price is not so much in terms of power usage. There are already Bitcon ASIC miners with similar hashrate and power usage, but they are just ore expensive than the price that Hashra has set for their Moonrakers. So you might want to be more careful with these considering the fact that the products are not currently available and ready to be shipped when you make an order.


It seems that MAT (Mining Asics Technologies) has “resumed shipping” or more like actually started shipping their Scrypt ASIC miners to customers, there is even a user review of their 250 MHS Excalibur miner. Interestingly enough there is also a discussion going on that the MAT Scrypt ASIC miners and the Alcheminer Scrypt ASIC miner use essentially the same hardware. If this is true the it is interesting who is the actual manufacturer of the hardware when even the timing of the two companies in releasing ans shipping hardware also pretty much coincides. We can speculate that either Alcheminer or MAT has developed the hardware and one company is the OEM supplier for the other company, though there is no official information linking the two companies… or the actual designer and manufacturer of the chips could be a completely different company.

Another Scrypt ASIC manufacturer, namely Alpha Technology has still not started shipping their miners. The company did not manage to meet their initial target to start shipping in September and has announced that they should be able to do it in October. Now, at the end of the month we still haven’t seen an announcement that the company is ready with the actual miners and will start shipping this month, so we can assume that the target for shipping has slipped to November. Eve though about the company has shown some photos of their ASCI chips earlier this month they are apparently not ready with the complete solution yet. Alpha Technology like many other Scrypt ASIC manufacturers that do or did take pre-orders does not like much to keep their customers up to date on how things are progressing, even after failing to meet their promises, so status updates are still rarely released.

KnCMiner is apparently also shipping again some more Titan Scrypt ASIC miners to customers after they have recently promised to ship all of the remaining Batch 1 pre-orders in the next three weeks. As a result we are seeing some more significant increase in the total network hashrate and difficulty of the Litecoin network with the Titans performing best when mining high difficulty coins such as LTC. That however does not contribute that much to making customers of the company happy as people are still not satisfied by how KNC is not keeping their promises.


KnCMiner continues to get a more and more unhappy customers due to the continuing issues with the Titan Scrypt ASIC miners and the way the company seems to be treating their customers. Lately KNC has announced that they do plan to move from selling mining hardware to end users to making mining hardware for their own data center and to mine crypto currencies themselves. They have stopped accepting new orders from customers a while ago, their announced KNC Cloud mining plans were most likely just a PR move as the company most likely does not want to sell cloud mining hashrate to customers, though they apparently do still have the offer “available” for on their website.

Back to the company’s Titan Scrypt ASIC miners, it seems that the shipping of units is still going very slow and we are already past the promised Q3 delivery for Batch 1 units. The people that were lucky enough to get their units already report a lot of issues and problems, both with the software and the hardware and apparently KNC is slow to respond to issues and it still refuses to offer refunds. Today KnCMiner has released a new firmware for the Titan miners that supposedly should improve stability and hashrate, and apparently it does help to increase hashrate. The latest update comes with the news that they “expect to deliver the remainder of batch 1 of the most efficient hardware miner on the market over the next three weeks to our customers”. Will this mean less unhappy customers, probably no, as there are people that are still expecting KNC to deliver on their promises made even before the drama with the Titan evens tarted.
