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The Litecoin Difficulty has increased after dropping significantly down to 2820 the previous time. The new Litecoin difficulty is 3508 and that is an increase with a bit over 24% than the previous one. The result is that LTC mining profitability got lower and at the moment alternative crypto mining such as DOGE coins for example is even more attractive than directly mining for LTC than before. Another interesting crypto coin that recently has generated a lot of attention is VertCoin (VTC) as it is an alternative crypto that does not use the typical Scrypt method, but a modified one and is claimed to be Scrypt ASIC resistant. Protoshares are also another interesting option for GPU mining as they are also gaining more user interest since the recent adoption of GPU mining as they were previously mined only with CPU. And for CPU only mining Primecoin (XPM) is still a good choice, though the profitability is not that attractive as the one of coins that can be mined with GPUs.

According to the mining statistics provided by Hive OS network based on the users of their platform Kaspa (KAS) is the second most popular coin mined with already more than 50% of the Ethereum Classic (ETC) miners and the third spot is for RavenCoin (RVN) with around 30% of the miners of ETC. The comparison here is a bit unfair as there are ASIC miners available, though most Ethash/ETChash ASICs are not supported by HiveOS, so the stats is based mostly on GPU miners. Although ETC is still with very strong position for GPU miners partly thanks to the dual mining with Zilliqa (ZIL), its position for the top mineable GPU crypto coin is slowly been overtaken by other coins such the newcomer KAS or the more established RVN. Kaspa (KAS) can also be dual-mined with ZIL already for some additional extra profit and it will probably not be long until we see other coins such as RVN also getting dual-mining with ZIL as well.

The mining statistics also reveals some other interesting things such as Radeon RX 570 and RX 580 being the most popular AMD mining GPUs and GeForce RTX 3070 and GTX 1660 Super being the most popular Nvidia GPUs. As far as ASIC miners are considered, we see the top taken by the Antminer L3+ Scrypt miner as it is more profitable than the still very popular Antminer S9 SHA256 ASIC miner for Bitcoin. Though you should note that both top positions are with the Hiveon firmware installed that brings a lot of extra options for tweaking the miners for much better efficiency compared to the stock settings. Not to mention that the L3+ and the S9 are lately getting used a lot in DIY projects for home heaters that also mine crypto to pay for some of the electricity bills.

As far as the most popular mining software used on the platform, it seems that the leader is currently lolMiner, probably because it is the best performing and feature rich KAS miner out there at the moment, followed by Teamredminer and Nbminer on third place. Most Kaspa (KAS) miners are currently sticking to lolMiner, though GMiner is getting there performance wise and lately kind of leading feature wise with the addition of dual-mining KAS with ZIL. ETC miners still use a variety of miners that are based more on personal preference as there are a lot of options for mining ETC with very similar performance and the same goes for RVN as well.

Take a look at the full Hive OS network statistics for more insights…

The Gulden (NLG) crypto project, an older one available for a few years already originally based on Scrypt Proof of Work algorithm, has switched the mining algorithm. Their new PoW algorithm targeted at CPU mining is called SIGMA and is designed to be ASIC/GPU resistant. The goal of the algorithm switch is to also attract new miners and users for the project as there hasn’t been much development for Scrypt mining for quite some time and mining hasn’t been largely become unattractive for a lot of users not having ASICs and cheap electricity.

SIGMA or Semi Iterated Global Memory Argon is a new and unique algorithm developed for NLG. The algorithm is designed to require more memory, making it impractical for implementation by ASICs rising the price, but not entirely impossible. It is also complicated to make fast hashing parallel on GPUs to achieve much faster performance than on CPU, so CPU mining for now is the only option for mining Gulden coins. It seems that CPU mining is getting a lot more attention lately with RandomX as well and other algorithms like SIGMA.

Moving back to CPU mining means that everyone with a low, or mid to high-end CPU will be able to mine new NLG coins, for the moment there is no pool mining for SIGMA and NLG. Mining is SOLO and done through the official local wallet, so for mining you need to download the latest version and you need to update it anyway if you had some Gulden coins stored in a wallet prior the fork. So make sure you update to the latest available version as there have been some fixes in the last few days after the fork happened on October 16th that fix issues. If you need a good crypto exchange where to trade NLG coins you can head on to Bittrex.
