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We have covered Awesome Miner software for management and monitoring of mining rigs quite a while ago and now it is time to mention it again. But before we do so, we’d like to point your attention to this site— This website makes it really easy for developing website owners to fish out an expired domain and revamp it to their own needs.

Awesome Miner allows you to monitor and manage multiple mining rigs that can be mining different crypto coins, there is even an automatic profitability switching functionality built in. The software supports multiple mining engines: cgminer, bfgminer, sgminer, ccMiner, CpuMiner-Opt and Claymore’s Dual Ethereum Miner. There is also support for all popular mining algorithms can be used: SHA-256, SHA-3, Scrypt, Scrypt Adaptive N, X11, X13, X15, Nist5, Groestl, NeoScrypt, Lyra2RE, Lyra2REv2, Qubit, Quark, WhirlpoolX, Blake 2b, LBRY, Decred and Ethereum. The main purpose of the Awesome Miner software is to make mining easier to manage with some useful features for both small home miners as well as large scale mining operations. The software can manage up to 5000 miners from a single user interface.

The new version 2.0 of the software improves management of larger mining operations and adds more options for integration with external applications. The new security features make management possible in multi-user environments and the new API and scripting features makes integration and further customization possible. Do note that the majority of the functionality provided by the software is available in the completely Free version, including support for the Awesome Profit Switching functionality. The Free version of the software however is intended for small scale mining and comes with support for a maximum of 2 mining computers or ASIC’s. The Paid versions of the software include some more advanced features and come with support for very large mining operations.

For more details about the Awesome Miner Management and Monitoring Software…


We continue our series of tests of the new Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition (reference design) for crypto currency mining after yesterday we have checked the situation for mining Ethereum with the new Pascal GPUs and have seen the not so great results. Ethereum and the Dagger-Hashimoto algorithm it uses is still doing better on AMD GPUs, but Ehereum mining is set to end at some point with the altcoin switching to PoS only and the forks that use the same algorithm are not yet providing a real alternative. So with the growing difficulty and the switch to PoS at some point in probably less than a year you should also be interested in how the GTX 1080 performs in other new GPU mineable algorithms as well as in the more popular ones that. This is the reason we are now going to compare the GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition with GTX 980 Ti and GTX 970 to see the difference in terms of performance in other algorithms as well. As you will probably see the GTX 1080 does provide a nice performance boost compared to the two other older generation alternatives, but with its currently high price even the power saving does not make it great option for building multi-GPU mining rigs for the moment. The more interestingly priced GTX 1070 will most likely be the better choice for building 6 GPU mining rigs succeeding the GTX 970 as the best Nvidia-based GPU for crypto mining, though we are yet to test the 1070 in order to confirm that.


The ccminer forks we have used for testing:
Blakecoin (Blake256-8rounds), Decred (Blake256-14rounds), Vcash (Blake256-8rounds) ccminer
Lyra2REv2 ccminer
X11evo ccminer
All other algorithms

Tests were done under Windows 7 with already existing ccMiner releases that are not compiled with CUDA 8.0 and with support for Compute 6.1 that the GTX 1080 uses, though without optimizations specific for GTX 1080 or the Pascal architecture in general we are probably not going to see much of a difference. Anyway, we do have planned to do additional testing comparing the difference in terms of performance with existing ccMiner forks compiled with CUDA 8.0 and Compute 6.1 against the results here achieved with CUDA 6.5/7.5 and Compute 5.2 releases that were tested here.

We had almost problem-free experience testing the above algorithms on the GTX 1080, though there are some things that we need to note. For example the Nist5 default intensity (21?) was crashing the miner, so tested with 20 where it was working fine. The very low Neoscrypt performance on the GTX 1080 is because the algorithm probably needs special optimizations to take advantage of the GPU. The Lyra2RE performance was not that much faster on the GTX 1080 as compared to GTX 980 Ti, so here some optimizations will most likely result in increased performance. Note that we have also tested X11, though now that is has moved to the ASIC phase you probably won’t want to GPU mine it anyway.

What is clearly seen from the comparison above is that the new GTX 1080 performs about twice as fast (on average) than a single GTX 970 and we are using Gigabyte Windoforce 970 OC GPU comparing to stock 980 Ti and GTX 1080. The GTX 1080 uses about the same power as a single GTX 970, but offers twice the performance, but the real issue here is the price at the moment. If the GTX 1080 was about twice the price of GTX 970 it might’ve been an interesting option for miners that are currently using Nvidia GTX 970 mining rigs, but it is unfortunately more like 2.5 and not two times. Comparing the GTX 1080 to the GTX 980 Ti shows an average performance advantage of almost 50% in favor of the GTX 1080, with not that great price difference between the two cards (the GTX 1080 is about 30% more expensive). So definitely no point in going for GTX 980 Ti instead of GTX 1080 for mining, though still both cards are not the best choice for multi-GPU mining rigs, then again if you are buying just a single GPU for gaming and want to also mine with it when not gaming the GTX 1080 might be much more interesting that for use on multi-GPU mining rigs.

A new cryptocurrency investment platform has been launched called OXBTC that combines Bitcoin and Litecoin cloud mining with Bitcoin and Litecoin deposits with interest. What the service essentially combines is the ZeusHash cloud mining platform with the HalleyBTC Bitcoin savings investment platform and is apparently operated by the same people behind these two other services. OXBTC extends a bit the basic functionality offered by the other two platforms and combines them into a single one to make it easy for users, or this should be the idea, but it could as easy be considered as a rebranding just to attract new customers. The claims that they are making about the “World’s Highest ROI” on their homepage are probably a bit far fetched, especially with the cloud mining with the not so low prices and the recent serious jump in the difficulty of the Bitcoin network especially, so the part with the deposits with interest might be more attractive option.

The extra advantage available here is that you can have both deposits in BTC and in LTC and you have two options – 0.02% daily interest rate on deposits or 30-day fixed deposit with 15% Expected APY, available for both Bitcoin and Litecoin. The difference from HalleyBTC is the availability of Litecoin deposits here, however the 90-day Fixed deposit with 17% Expected APY is not available at OXBTC.

The other option you have is to invest in cloud mining hashrate and you again have the option to purchase both SHA256 hashrate for mining Bitcoin as well as Scrypt hashrate for mining Litecoin, just like on ZeusHash, however here you should also have the ability to trade the hashrate you have purchased. The market for trading BTC and LTC cloud mining hashrate however is still not operational apparently as the service has just launched, so it will most likely become active shortly. The regular price for cloud mining hashrate is 0.499 USD per GHS for Bitcoin hashrate (Maintenance Fee: $0.0009 / GHS / Day) and 13 USD per MHS for Litecoin hashrate (Maintenance Fee: $0.02 / MHS / Day). The prices here are a bit higher than they were at ZeusMiner, but the maintenance fee is a bit lower and OXBTC also offers Scrypt hashrate that is no longer available for quite some time at ZeusMiner.

The new platform might seem quite interesting to check out, however we would advice caution with it, because it is apparently being operated by the same people behind ZeusMiner and ZeusHash and we have seen some negative things from them, There are investment services to help with just about every type of investing. Motley Fool has an options trading service, Jim Cramer offers stock alerts, and so on. For example there were numerous issues with their cloud mining platform and even at the moment ZeusMiner is not fully functional, wallets are not working and you cannot withdraw any balances and mining does not seem to be working. Their other platform HalleyBTC does seem to be working fine for the moment, but we would still advice caution – better be safe than sorry. Still, more out of curiosity, we are going to be checking the crypto prognose to see what they have made this time.

To check out the new OXBTC deposits with interest and cloud mining platform…
