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The traditional crypto miner is always looking at the profitability and specs of an ASIC, FPGA, GPU and CPU mining hardware and after that takes into account other factors that may not be as important. Then there are the non-traditional miners that might be more interested into a cool-looking and easy to use miner that may not be very or profitable at all on daily basis, for people like that the Coinmine might be the perfect solution. A nice looking mining box that runs silent and is easy to connect and operate via your smartphone and it even mines a number of crypto coins as an extra.

The CoinmineOne miner is available for $699 USD, it can mine Bitcoin, Ethereum, Grin and Monero and you can also earn 6.5% APR interest on the crypto in your Coinmine One wallet. With just 160W of average power usage and near silent operation it sure sounds like an interesting device to have if you are from the second group of non-traditional miners. Further extending the functionality of the device like adding Lightning support for example and other interesting crypto features could also make it more attractive. Definitely an interesting concept, though not for the traditional crypto miner.

For more details about the Coinmine One crypto mining device for home use…

We have already covered how to mine PEG on the ORAX Pool, but it is not the only pool available for PegNet (PEG) mining. Prosper Pool is the other public PegNet mining pool that you can point your free CPU resources to get some PEG, it is smaller than ORAX and you need to ask for an invitation code on their Discord first in order to finish your registration. The Prosper Pool has a very simple text-based back-end with some basic functionality, and although all of the important info is there, unfortunately there are some features missing like no option to change your payment address for instance or set a minimum payment threshold. Another important thing to note with this pool is that the payments are on once a week, so maybe more suitable for people with less computing power.

You need to start by downloading the prosper-miner pool client for Windows (64-bit only) that we are going to be using here, there are also versions for Darwin, FreeBSD and Linux as well. The first time you run the miner you will complete the registration on the pool and you need to provide the invite code you need to request first and also initial generation of 1GB map of the LXR hash (PegNet hashing function) will happen. Below is an example of the command line for the first run, the miner will ask for a password, just make sure you run the prosper-miner executable from command line console, do not try to run the executable file directly by double clicking it under Windows:


The next time and if/when you run the miner (including on different system) you don’t need to provide the password or the invite code anymore, you will have a registration on the pool, so you only need the username – the email address you have used for the registration:


The MINER_ID is where you type different identificators for different mining rigs, so that you will know which one is active and which one isn’t mining, though apparently that functionality is still not fully functional on the backend.

The easiest way to obtain a wallet address is to use one of the exchanges that support PEG trading – Citex, VineX or Qtrade which should be fine as long as you will be mining and trading only, for holding PEG tokens it would be better if you go for local wallet.

To learn more about the PegNet project and the PEG tokens it uses and you can mine…

Just a reminder that on December 7th, at block number 9069000, Ethereum (ETH) will execute the first phase of its Istanbul hard fork (a little more than 19000 blocks as of writing this). Earlier the hard fork was scheduled to happen today on 4th of December at block 9056000, but the date has been pushed back a bit. The second phase of the hard fork is scheduled for early 2020, though no exact date has been announced yet. The first phase of the Istanbul hard fork is not going to be changing anything related to the PoW mining algorithm hat the project uses at the moment, after the fork Ethereum will still be mined using the Ethash algorithm. The second phase for early next year though will bring a change in the mining algorithm from Ethash to the ProgPow algorithm, rendering the current Ethash ASIC miners useless for Ethereum mining (there are other Ethash cryptos out there though). To see the list of EIPs included in the fork (Ethereum Improvement Proposals). Make sure you upgrade your Ethereum local node if you are running one before the fork occurs in order to avoid possible problems.

To check the time left before Ethereum (ETH) hard forks next at block 9069000…
