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Today Brave Software, makers of the innovative Brave browser which combines privacy with a blockchain-based digital advertising platform, announced the official launch of their Brave 1.0. The Brave open source browser, based on Chromium, intends to fundamentally shift how users, publishers, and advertisers interact online by giving users a private, safer, and faster browsing experience. At the same time also funding the Web through a new attention-based platform of privacy-preserving advertisements and rewards based on the BAT crypto tokens. In addition to desktop and Android devices, Brave’s private ads and payment platform (Brave Rewards) is now also available for iPhones and iPads. Brave is available for download for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS, in 52 different languages.

The Brave browser was previously in beta release and already has 8.7 million monthly active users across the globe according to the company. As data privacy and security issues take center stage around the world, users turn to Brave for its privacy-first approach that natively blocks trackers, invasive ads, and device fingerprinting – leading to substantial improvements in speed, privacy, security, performance, and battery life on mobile devices. Default Brave Browser settings block phishing, malware, and malvertising. Embedded plugins, which have proven to be an ongoing security risk, are disabled by default. Browsing data always stays private and on the user’s device, which means Brave should never see or store the data on its servers or sell user data to third-parties.

If all of he above sounds great to you and you have not heard about the Brave browser or used it yet, then you might want to give it a try as the above claims are pretty much true, though unfortunately still somewhat limited to only some users and not really accessible to everyone. The idea about the Brave browser is indeed a nice one and can be really useful, that is precisely why we have been using it for quite some time now and trying new features as they become available. The Crypto Mining Blog has been a verified Brave publisher for a while now and have covered the BAT tokens and the Brave Browser multiple times over the years, so we can talk based on our personal experience on all sides of usage.

The problems for Brave realizing their ideals all started with the Basic Attention Token (BAT) sale that ended in a breeze with most tokens ended up being acquired by a very small number of users, instead of getting wide user distribution right from the start and incentivizing users to actually use these tokens as they are intended. There was big interest initially in the token as back when it was released it was the token sale paradise time and everyone wanted to make quick money out of tokens and did not think about future use. The fact that Brave already had a working product, although in beta, and a solid and big plan for the future for their BAT tokens really made them attractive. Centralization of tokens in the hands of few however has seriously hurt these plans and initial token usage for supporting content creators did not go that well as people trying the Brave beta browser had to purchase some tokens in order to even just try the feature.

Things got a bit better when Brave started some BAT giveaways to users in order for them to actually be able to try spending them by supporting websites they like as alternative to seeing ads, people actually started supporting Brave Publishers for a while. So the idea was working as intended for a while, BAT tokens became a new way of supporting content creators and not having to realy on ads… well, not really as the tips we got from users were equal to just a few bucks a month. Still better than nothing, but that did not continue for too long with BAT giveaways stopping, the actual usage of the token has pretty much stopped… we have not received a BAT tip for over a year. Brave claims that they have over 300,000 verified websites, including The Washington Post, The Guardian, and Wikipedia… they may be still get some occasional tips from users as they are much larger than our small crypto blog, but we still doubt that even they make a lot from Brave Rewards.

Another much anticipated feature was the Brave Ads, launched earlier this year in beta. Brave Ads are being shown to users instead of regular website ads (users receive 70% of the revenue share in BAT), but unlike normal ads these compensate users for their attention by rewarding them with BAT. So another way to earn Basic Attention Tokens that can later on be either cashed out, held for the future or spent for supporting content creators, however not available worldwide… even with the 1.0 release still limited to just a small percentage of users around the world. To date, according to the company the Brave Ads has delivered nearly 475 privacy-preserving ad campaigns, sparking 130 million ad confirmation events, from brands such as Intel, Pizza Hut, Home Chef, and more which may be great if you live in USA, but what about the rest of the world?

We can also talk about the Uphold BAT wallet integration and so on, but there is no need for now. So, good job Brave with going out of beta and releasing version 1.0, but there is much more to be done before your browser becomes something new and really disrupting things as they are currently. Similar level of privacy can be achieved with other alternative browsers that have been available for some time already with the help of plugins or add-ons or even built-in features of more privacy oriented browsers. The game-changer features are the Basic Attention Token and its use cases – Brave Rewards and Brave Ads and they still seem to be far from working or being used by the average user. We hope that will change in the near future, but for now… well there is still much more to be desired.

To give the new Brave Browser 1.0 a try and see if it really changes the way you browse the web…

The latest SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner version 0.1.6 brings some improvement in CPU mining performance thanks to better utilization of processor threads, though it seems that further optimizations might be needed. In a quick test with RandomX-based algorithms we are seeing an improvement in hashrate compared to the previous SRBMiner-MULTI 0.1.5 that has introduced RandomX support, but full thread utilization may still not at 100% for all processors and performance is a bit lower when compared with XMRig on the same mining hardware, still it is good to see that efforts are being made for further improvements.

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.1.6 beta changelog:
– Fixed threads binding on systems with more than 1 numa node
– Better auto configuration for cpu mining
– Previous two fixes should bring higher hashrates
– Added pool controlled algorithm switching capability (Monero Ocean)
– Added pool config parameter “algo_min_time” and --algo-min-time to cli (Monero Ocean)
– Added pool config parameter “keepalive” and --keepalive to cli

Update: There has been an update that fixes issues for SRBMiner-MULTI 0.1.6 that corrects the less than 100% load on all cores/threads of the processor, so now the performance is even better and should be pretty much the same as what XMRig currently offers on the same mining hardware as far as RandomX and its variants are concerned, so just redownload version 0.1.6 if you downloaded the initial release.

To download and try the new SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner 0.1.6 Beta…

We have already mentioned the plans of ArQmA (ARQ) to fork to a new RandomX-based algorithm called RandomARQ and that has happened a few days ago and we have tried CPU mining the new algorithm. Since it is based on RandomX we expected to see significant advantage for the latest AMD’s Ryzen CPUs like we’ve seen with RandomX and some other variants of the algorithm used by other projects. To our surprise however Intel’s multi-core processors are actually not that far behind in terms of performance (a few times slower like on RandomX). Of course Intel is still slower, but the actual difference is not as much as we’ve seen so far and that is definitely good news for miners that have some spare Intel CPUs that might be interested in mining something based on RandomX.

We have tested performance using the latest XMRig miner and SRBMiner-MULTI miner with the seond one still performing slower as we have seen with other RandomX algorithms compared to XMRig. With an AMD Ryzen 3600 using XMRig we are getting around 22.8 KH/s while on Intel Core i7 6850K CPU we get about 17 KH/s, both being 6 core – 12 thread processors though the AMD one is much newer product. With SRBMiner-Multi the results were 13.4 KH/s with the AMD and 7.8 KH/s for the Intel CPU, so you better stick to XMRig for mining ARQ for now and you might want to also test your Intel processor(s) as well for the RandomARQ algo. The not so good news however is that profit for a single CPU mining ArQmA (ARQ) is well nonexistent, unless you do not pay for electricity… 20 USD cents per day for the Intel and 30 for the AMD processors. These dayly earnings could probably just cover your electricity costs if you have cheap electricity at 10 USD cents per kilowatt.

If you are still interested in the ArQmA (ARQ) crypto project and the RandomARQ algorithm…
