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Posts Tagged ‘ETH


It the last few days we have seen a rapid increase in price of the Ethereum’s Ether coins on the exchanges with the price of 1 Ether coin trying to reach the $3 USD mark and getting closer and close to the price of Litecoin. This has sparked a lot of user interest among users that are new to Ethereum and that have not yet mined it with their GPUs, so we’ve seen a lot of new miners joining the Ethereum mining and a lot of interest in cloud mining for Ethereum as well. AMD GPUs are generally doing better than Nvidia-based ones for mining Ethereum, though you can mine with both. For the moment the only service that is offering Ethereum cloud mining is Genesis Mining with 1 year mining contracts starting at $17.99 USD per MHS. The minimum contract you can purchase is 3 MHS and each contract includes all fees in the price of the hashrate, so there is no additional maintenance fee associated with it. The good news is that you can get an extra 5% discount from the regular price by using our coupon code CryptoMiningBlog5 during the checkout.

You can get more information about the new Ether Cloud Mining Contracts by Genesis Mining here…


In the last few days Ethereum (ETH) has been on the rise even though the price of Bitcoin has dropped below $400 USD, we’ve seen ETH rise over $2 USD and surpassing Litecoin, fighting for the second place with Ripple, right after Bitcoin in terms of Market Capitalization. It is still not very clear what is the reason of the peak we are seeing, but if you haven’t been paying enough attention to Ethereum, then now you might want to get up to speed. Below is a list of updated resources to get you started if Ethereum is still a new altcoin for you…

Ethereum Mining:
Quick Guide on How to Mine Ethereum on Windows…
Quick Guide on Solo GPU Mining Ethereum on Windows…
Ethereum ETH mining on Ethpool with a Stratum-enabled qtminer…
Getting Started with Ethereum Using cpp-ethereum…
List of the major Ethereoum Ether coin mining pools…

Ethereum Additional Information:
Where You Can Buy and Trade Ethereum’s Ether (ETH) Coins…
Track Ethereum (ETH) Prices with Ethereum Wisdom…
Blockchain Explorers for the Ethereum Network…
How to Backup Your Ethereum Wallet and the Blockchain…

Ethereum Extra Software:
Download the latest official Ethereum GUI wallet…
AlethOne desktop GUI and client for mining ETH…
Ethereum Solo Mining Proxy for larger mining farms…

Other Ethereum resources:
Get started with Ethereum cloud mining from Genesis Mining…
Ethereum Faucet giving away free ETH coins…
Another Ethereum Faucet giving away free ETH coins…
Ethereum Mining Profitability Calculator…


There are a lot of Bitcoin faucets, Litecoin faucets, Dash faucets and faucets for a lot of other alternative crypto currencies that give away small amounts of free crypto currency to users, however when we talk about Ethereum there aren’t any or almost any to be precise. So here comes EtherFaucet, a new free Ethereum faucet that gives away users free Ether coins and all you need to have is a wallet address where the coins will be sent to. Of course like any other faucet this Ethereum Faucet gives away only a fraction of an ETH coin and you need to make multiple requests (once every 10 minutes) until you collect at least 0.1 ETH and then you can actually cash out the collected coins to your wallet. The catch is that you need to spend some time on the website to collect the minimum amount before it is sent to your wallet, but that is the idea of all faucets as they are supported by banner advertisements. So making users spend more time looking and most of all clicking banner ads is what they want to do in order to actually be profitable for the site operator and in order to continue operating and giving away free Ether coins to users.

If you want to try out the EtherFaucet and get some free Ether coins from it…
You can also try the new Ethereum Faucet and get some free Ether coins from it as well…
