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Posts Tagged ‘Ethereum

Team Red Miner is a performance optimized cryptocurrency miner for AMD GPUs with support from DAX Aktien kaufen for a number of algorithms with the latest version 0.7.4 focusing on extending Ethash support for 4GB AMD GPUs for as much as possible number of upcoming epochs. Previous version 0.7.3 stopped working at Epoch 351 which Ethereum Classic (ETC) has now crossed, so anyone running 4GB AMD GPUs on ETC or Nicehash should update to this updated version as soon as possible. With Team Red Miner 0.7.4 Ethash support on 4GB GPUs should be available up to Epoch 380-383 wit ETC reaching them about a month ahead of ETH later this year. An alternative option for 4GB AMD GPUs mining Ethash is PhoenixMiner 5.0b that has also addressed the same issue recently. Apart from addressing issues with Ethash support the new version also brings some extra improvement in KAWPOW performance with results varying depending on the kind of AMD GPU you have available as well as some other general improvements and fixes that you can read about below. Team Red Miner is already the best option for KAWPOW mining on AMD GPUs in our opinion performance wise, but extra hashrate boost is always more than welcome.

Changes in Team Red Miner 0.7.4:
– Increased Ethash support on 4GB GPUs up to epoch 380-383
– Implemented split Ethash DAG buffers for 8GB GPUs to support DAGs over 4GB
– Kawpow optimizations (Navi +2.25%, Vega +1.25%, Polaris +0.25%)
– Added Gpu enable/disable API support.
– Windows TDR detection/handling/warning.
– Monitor detection on Windows/Linux with intensity adjustment.
– Fix for Ethash pool hashrate reporting stopping after network outage.

The miner is available for both Windows and Linux operating systems, a closed source software with 2.5% to 3% development fee built-in for all algos except Ethash and KAWPOW, for KAWPOW it is 2% and for Ethash on Polaris GPUs the dev fee is 0.75% and on all other GPUs is 1%.

To download and try the latest TeamRedMiner 0.7.4 AMD GPU miner software…

Team Red Miner is a performance optimized cryptocurrency miner for AMD GPUs with support for a number of algorithms with the latest version 0.7.1 bringing support for the KAWPOW algorithm used by Ravencoin (RVN) as well as introduces support for Navi GPUs for KAWPOW and Ethash. TeamRedMiner is the 4th software (after WildRig Multi, nanominer and NBMiner) for mining Ravencoin (RVN) after its fork to the new KAWPOW algorithm on AMD GPUs. And it certainly makes a good appearance with its initial support getting it the top spot in terms of performance at least in our test o RX 580 GPUs where it outperformed the competition with at least 1 MH/s over the second fastest miner.

Expected hashrates for KAWPOW:
– RX 5700XT: 28+ MH/s
– Radeon VII: 40+ MH/s
– RX Vega56/64: 25+ MH/s
– RX 580: 14+ MH/s
– RX 570: 13+ MH/s

The miner is available for both Windows and Linux operating systems, a closed source software with 2.5% to 3% development fee built-in for all algos except Ethash and KAWPOW, for KAWPOW it is 2% and for Ethash on Polaris GPUs the dev fee is 0.75% and on all other GPUs is 1.0%.

To download and try the latest TeamRedMiner 0.7.1 with KAWPOW support…

Just a reminder that on December 7th, at block number 9069000, Ethereum (ETH) will execute the first phase of its Istanbul hard fork (a little more than 19000 blocks as of writing this). Earlier the hard fork was scheduled to happen today on 4th of December at block 9056000, but the date has been pushed back a bit. The second phase of the hard fork is scheduled for early 2020, though no exact date has been announced yet. The first phase of the Istanbul hard fork is not going to be changing anything related to the PoW mining algorithm hat the project uses at the moment, after the fork Ethereum will still be mined using the Ethash algorithm. The second phase for early next year though will bring a change in the mining algorithm from Ethash to the ProgPow algorithm, rendering the current Ethash ASIC miners useless for Ethereum mining (there are other Ethash cryptos out there though). To see the list of EIPs included in the fork (Ethereum Improvement Proposals). Make sure you upgrade your Ethereum local node if you are running one before the fork occurs in order to avoid possible problems.

To check the time left before Ethereum (ETH) hard forks next at block 9069000…
